The synthetic benchmarks include a set
of source signals, source signal generators and code for various mixing
procedures. All of the code provided is for MATLAB 5.x. Due
to the advanced data structures required for making FIR matrices MATLAB
4.x. will not run this code.
The code and filters you need for doing
mixing is bundled in this
archive (2722662 bytes). You can get some sample sources from
the sources
directory (the archive does not include sources). Following is an
explanatory list of all the files included in the archive plus the sources.
Source Signals
The source signals are all WAVE format files
sampled at 22.05 kHz with a duration of roughly 9 seconds. The samples
are 16-bit, 2's complement in little endian format. To load a source
to a MATLAB workspace you use: s = wavread( filename);
All samples are found in the sources
directory. I expect to be dumping random contributions to the sources
directory every now and then, so check back occasionally.
Source Signal Generators
In addition to the source signals we provide
a number of signal generators to generate sources with well known features.
There is a script that will generate all of these sources and place them
into the sources directory as WAVE files with the aforementioned format.
The script is in the code
directory and it is called maketones.m.
The generates signals are sine, sawtooth and square waves with variable
frequency, as well as Gaussian noise and Cauchy noise. Each source
is generated in two instances, one with constant amplitude and another
where the source fades in and out periodically in order to test the robustness
of an algorithm in the temporary absence of a source.
Mixing Code
Finally we provide code to perform mixing
with varying degrees of complexity. All of the mixing code resides
in the code directory.
Following is a list of the mixing functions and a short description (detailed
information on the usage of each function is obtained by typing "help
in the MATLAB prompt):
Performs instantaneous N by N mixing
of a user-specified set of sources with a mixing matrix with a custom condition
level. For detailed instructions type "help instamix"
the MATLAB prompt.
Generates various types of mixing FIR filters.
The type of the filter could be either a dense filter (no zero values coefficients),
a sparse filter (a varying degree of zero values coefficients), or just
a simple delay by a random amount of time. For the dense and sparse
filters the coefficient values are generated from an exponentially decaying
Cauchy noise generator with a user-specified decay slope. Decaying
Cauchy noise was used since it resembles the impulse response of a room.
For detailed instructions type "help mfilter" in
the MATLAB prompt.
Performs N by N static mixing by using any
type of filters that the mfilter.m
routine can construct and a user-specified set of sources. For detailed
instructions type "help staticmix" in
the MATLAB prompt.
Performs 2 by 2 mixing, using the Head Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs)
of a dummy head. The output of this process generates sounds as they
would reach each of our ears, by performing filtering based on the shape
of a human shaped head. The user needs to specify the two sources
and their angle of position in relation to a human head (the generated
mix heard through headphones should give the sensation of a 3D sound).
The HRTFs used were measured by Bill Gardner and Keith Martin (relevant
page). For detailed instructions
type "help headmix" in the
MATLAB prompt.
Performs N by N mixing using filters derived from a theoretical room simulation.
The room is assumed to be a 10m x 10m x 10m cube. The user provides
the sources and the coordinates of each sensor and source in the room.
The simulation performed is using the source image model. Wall reflections
are computed up to the fifth order, and an attenuation by a factor of two
is assumed at each wall bounce. For
detailed instructions type "help simroommix" in
the MATLAB prompt.
Performs a N by N mixing using filters measured off a real room.
The user specifies the sources and the position of the sensors and the
sources (using 8 preset positions). The room measurements were made
by Alex Westner (relevant
Not done yet ... will eventually generate dynamicaly changing mixtures.
Additional code files are simod.m
(used to compute source image model), roomi.m
(used to load appropriate impulse responses for real room data) and dconv.m
(for dynamic convolution). Their use is internal, you do not need
to run them.
There are two data directories, room
and hrtf containing
the room and head impulse responses respectively. The room data are
stored in big endian 16-bit integer format normalized to 32767, the file
lengths are 32766 samples (65532). The HRTF data are stored in the
same format only that the impulse responses are stereo and the samples
are interleaved with a left/right ear order. The length of the HRTF
filters is 128 stereo samples (512 bytes). All files are raw data.
Here's a sample session, making various mixtures of two sounds.
>> cd synthetic-bench/code
% Change to the code subdir to have things working
>> s1 = wavread( '../sources/mike.wav');
% Read one sound
>> s2 = wavread( '../sources/street.wav');
% Read another one
>> [out,w,wi,rc] = instamix( [s1,s2]', .01); % Do an
instantaneous mix
>> sound( out( 1, :), 22050)
% Listen at one mix
>> w
% Check out mixing matrix
w =
1.0200 1.0000
1.0000 1.0200
>> wi
% Peek at it's inverse
wi =
25.2475 -24.7525
-24.7525 25.2475
>> iout = wi * out;
% Unmix
>> sum( sum( [s1,s2]' - iout))
% Checkout results
ans =
>> [out,f] = headmix( [s1,s2]', [40, -10]); %
Do a dummy head mixture
>> plot( f{1}')
% Check out the mixing filters
>> plot( f{2}')
>> [out,f] = roommix( [s1,s2]', [1 2], [5 4]); % Do a mix with
real room filters
>> f
% Nasty filters ...
f =
[16383x1 double] [16383x1
[16383x1 double] [16383x1
>> [out,f] = simroommix( [s1,s2]', ...
[1 1 1;9 6 5], [6 7 4;3 5 9]);
% Do a simulated room mix
>> rotate3d
% Click on the figure and you can rotate the room
% and see where the sources and mikes are
>> fd.s = 'sparse';
% Make a sparse filter description
>> fd.o = 128;
% The filter length is 128 taps
>> fd.n = 1;
% Factor of tap amplitude decay
>> fd.m = 10;
% Number of non-zero taps
>> [out,f] = staticmix( [s1,s2]', ...
% Make a static mix
% All four filters are described from fd
>> [out,f] = dynamix( [s1,s2]', ...
% Make a dynamix mixture
% Description of starting filters
% Description of ending filters
>> sound( out(1,:), 22050)
% Good luck ...
'99 Test Sets
If you have problems
let me know.