ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11/ N2461
October1998/Atlantic City, USA
Title: MPEG-7 Requirements Document V.7
Source: Requirements
Status: Approved
MPEG-7 Requirements
1. Introduction
This document presents a set of requirements for the MPEG-7 standard..
The requirements presented in this document are likely to undergo further
change, both by adding new requirements as well as by improving the current
requirements. All contributions (by means of MPEG submissions) are welcome.
2. MPEG-7 Framework
Nowadays, more and more audio-visual information is available, from
many sources around the world. Also, there are people who want to use this
audio-visual information for various purposes. However, before the information
can be used, it must be located. At the same time, the increasing availability
of potentially interesting material makes this search more difficult. This
challenging situation led to the need of a solution to the problem of quickly
and efficiently searching for various types of multimedia material interesting
to the user. A second scenario is filtering where the user prefers to receive
only those multimedia material which satisfies his/her preferences. Other
interesting domains than search or filtering are, for instance, image understanding
(surveillance, intelligent vision, smart cameras, etc.), or media conversion
(text to speech, picture to speech, speech to picture, etc.). MPEG-7 aims
to create a standard for describing the multimedia data which will support
these operational requirements.
Since the description of multimedia data is related to the characteristics
of a multimedia system, i.e. computer-controlled, integrated production,
manipulation, presentation, storage and communication of independent information,
different aspects for generating and using content descriptions of multimedia
data can be viewed as a sequence of events:
Extracting of features describing the content.
Describing the logical organisation of the described multimedia data and
placing the extracted values in the framework specifying this structure.
Manipulating such description frameworks to accommodate them to different
Manipulating instantiated description frameworks to make the description
more accessible for human or machine usage
All four steps pose rather different requirements on the expressive power
of the formal mechanism to standardise the processing needed during these
steps. Most notable is the difference between feature extraction and document
structure description: Whereas the first needs powerful encapsulating procedural
constructs, the latter needs structures with high declarative power.
The key area of MPEG-7 is the description of AV content. This requires
a description formalism which is flexible and expressive enough to represent
adequately the content by some formal structure. Moreover, this formalism
should allow humans as well as machines — in form of agents — to exchange,
retrieve, and re-use relevant material. An agent is understood here as
an autonomous computational system acting in the world of computer networks
or computer based on a set of goals that it tries to achieve [
1] .
For efficiently re-using MPEG-7 descriptions and description schemes,
users will need to adapt them to their specific needs. This leads to the
modification and manipulation of existing structures. Manipulating document
structure as well as an instantiated description will benefit from operations
that make the traversal and manipulation of trees, linked lists, and webs
natural, either to prune or reorganise the structural framework or to transform
the values stored in some nodes to a more user-friendly representation.
In order to avoid multiplying ad hoc solutions, a generic way of defining
structure transformation and manipulation should be provided.
Since describing AV material is an extremely expensive and time-consuming
task (not only for manually performed extraction) it is of importance to
avoid as much as possible re-describing data that had been processed before.
It is anticipated, though, that the underlying data structures and their
composition are independent from the applied extraction mechanisms. In
other words, MPEG-7 structures provide an application independent description
framework which is instantiated by extraction mechanisms.
Whatever features are used to describe an AV document, they will be
either extracted automatically by an algorithm running on a computer, or
be annotated by a human expert. At least for the automatic performance
of such a task it is required that a formal specification of the extracted
entity is provided. This specification might be atomic, or might represent
the weighted sum, or some other derivation, of a few other features. Examples
for such features from music are timbre or density, in the visual domains
it might be the composition of an image. Finally, since multimedia content
is based on temporal and spatial constraints, i.e. presentational constraints,
it is obvious that spatial and temporal requirements influence the semantic
and syntactic structure of a description.
Taking this broad range of requirements into account, MPEG-7 will not
define a monolithic system for content description but a set of methods
and tools for the different steps of multimedia description.
MPEG-7, formally called "Multimedia Content Description Interface",
will standardise:
A set of description schemes and descriptors
A language to specify description schemes, i.e. a Description Definition
Language (DDL).
A scheme for coding the description
It may be pointed out that while MPEG-7 aims to standardise a "Multimedia
Content Description Interface", the emphasis of MPEG is on audio-visual
content. That is, MPEG-7 does not aim to create description schemes or
descriptors for text medium. However, MPEG-7 will consider existing solutions
for describing text documents (e.g. SGML, and it’s derivations like XML,
RDF, etc.) and support them as appropriate with suitable, necessary interfaces
between audio-visual-content descriptions and the textual-content descriptions.
MPEG-4 OCI is an MPEG-4 specific solution for the provision of limited
amounts of information about MPEG-4 content. As such, it can be considered
to be a subset of MPEG-7.
MPEG is aware of the fact that other standards for the description of
multimedia content are under development while MPEG-7 is created. Thus,
MPEG-7 will consider other standardisation activities, such as SMPTE/EBU
task force, DVB-SI, CEN/ISSS MMI, etc.
For more details regarding the MPEG-7 background, goals, areas of interest,
and work plan please refer to "MPEG-7: Context and Objectives" [
2] and "Applications for MPEG-7" [
3] .
3. MPEG-7 Terminology
This section describes the terminology used by MPEG-7.
AV information that will be described using MPEG-7, regardless of the
storage, coding, display, transmission, medium, or technology. This definition
is intended to be sufficiently broad to encompass graphics, still images,
video, film, music, speech, sounds, text and any other relevant AV medium.
Examples for MPEG-7 data are : a MPEG-4 stream, a video tape, a CD containing
music, sound or speech, a picture printed on paper, or an interactive multimedia
installation on the web.
A feature is a distinctive part or characteristic of the data which
stands to somebody for something in some respect or capacity. Some
examples are: colour of an image, pitch of a speech segment, rhythm of
an audio segment, camera motion in a video, style of a video, the title
of a movie, the actors in a movie etc.
A Descriptor (D) defines the syntax and semantics of a representation
entity for a feature. The representation entity is composed out of an identifier
of the feature and a datatype. An example might be: Colour: string.
However, the datatype can be composite, meaning that it may be formed by
a combination of datatypes. An example might be: RGB-Colour: [int,int,int].
It is possible to have several descriptors representing a single feature,
i.e. to address different relevant requirements. Examples for descriptors
are: a time-code for representing duration, colour moments and histograms
for representing colour, and a character string for representing a title.
Descriptor Value
An instantiation of a descriptor is a value assigned to the feature
as pertaining to the data. Descriptor values are combined via the mechanism
of a description scheme to form a description.
Description Scheme
A description scheme (DS) consists of one or more descriptors and description
schemes. The DS specifies the structure and semantics of the relationships
between them.
A simple description scheme for describing technical aspects of a shot
might look like this, where those elements written in bold represent other
providing information about type (wide-angle), movement (e.g.
zooms), state (e.g. deep focus), masking, etc |
providing information about distance ( e.g. close-up), angle
(e.g. overhead), movement (e.g. pan_left), position (viewpoint of the frame),
etc |
A description is the entity describing the data. A description contains
or refers to a fully or partially instantiated DS.
Coded Description
A coded description is a description that has been encoded to fulfil
relevant requirements such as compression efficiency, error robustness,
random access, etc.
Description Definition Language
This is the language in which description schemes are specified. The
DDL will allow the creation of new description schemes and descriptors
and the extension of existing description schemes.
To provide a better understanding of the terminology above please find
below Figures 1, 2, 3
and Table 1. The dotted boxes in the figures encompass
the normative elements of the MPEG-7 standard. Note that the presence of
a box or ellipse in one of this drawings does not imply that the corresponding
element shall be present in all MPEG-7 applications.
Figure 1 shows the extensibility of the above concepts.
The arrows from DDL to DS signify that the DSs are generated using DDL.
Furthermore, the drawing reveals the fact that you can build a new DS using
an existing DS.
Figure 1: An abstract representation
of possible relations between Ds and DSs.
Figure 2 highlights that the DDL provides the mechanism
to built a description scheme which in turn forms the basis for the generation
of a description. The instantiation of the DS is described as part of Figure
Figure 2: The role of Ds and
DSs for the generation of descriptions
Figure 3 explains how MPEG-7 would work in practice.
Note: There can be other streams from content to user; these are not depicted
here. Furthermore, the use for the encoder and decoder is optional.
Figure 3: An abstract representation
of possible applications using MPEG-7.
Table 1 exemplifies the distinction between a feature
and its descriptors. For further details concerning the different feature
types please see section 4.1.2 , point 1: Types
of features.
Feature types
text, etc.
N-dimensional spatio-temporal structure
duration of music segments
time code, etc.
trajectory of objects
chain code, etc.
Statistical Information
colour histogram, etc.
audio frequency content
average of frequency components, etc.
Objective features
colour of an object
colour histogram, text, etc.
shape of an object
a set of polygon vertices, a set of moments, etc.
texture of an object
a set of wavelet coefficients,
a set of contrast, coarseness and directionality quantities, etc.
Subjective features
emotion (happiness, angry, sadness, etc.)
a set of eigenface parameters, text, etc.
text, etc.
Production features
text, etc.
text, etc.
Director, etc.
text, etc.
Composition Information
Scene composition
tree graph, etc.
text, etc.
text, etc.
Table 1: Typical feature types,
features and descriptors
It is understood that, in some situations, the search engine or filter
agents (user side) may have to know the exact feature extraction algorithm
employed by the description generation process. However, in order to be
able to accommodate developments in feature extraction technology as well
as in the interest of enabling competition in MPEG-7 application development,
the specific extraction algorithm employed by the description generation
process is kept outside the scope of MPEG-7 standards. However, MPEG-7
may provide the facility for the DDL to allow code to be embedded or be
referenced in description schemes. Note that code is not to be embedded
or referenced in the DDL, as the "code" pertains to the description scheme.
4. MPEG-7 Requirements
This section specifies the MPEG-7 Requirements. The requirements are divided
in common audio and visual requirements, visual requirements, and audio
requirements. The requirements apply, in principle, to both real-time and
non real-time as well as push and pull applications.
MPEG will not standardise or evaluate applications. MPEG may, however,
use applications for understanding the requirements and evaluation of technology.
It must be made clear that the requirements in this document are derived
from analysing a wide range of potential applications that could use MPEG-7
descriptions. MPEG-7 is not aimed at any one application in particular;
rather, the elements that MPEG-7 standardises shall support as broad a
range of applications as possible.
4.1. MPEG-7 Common Audio and
Visual Requirements
This section addresses the requirements on DDL, description schemes and
descriptors that are common for both the audio and visual media. The DDL
requirements are listed first followed by the requirements on descriptors
and description schemes (general requirements and functional requirements)
and finally the requirements related to coding. Note that while the MPEG-7
standard as a whole should satisfy all requirements, not all requirements
have to be satisfied by each individual descriptor or description scheme.
4.1.1. MPEG-7 DDL Requirements
Compositional capabilities: The DDL shall supply the ability to
compose a DS from multiple DSs
Platform independence: The DDL shall be platform and application
independent. This is required to make the representation of content as
reusable as possible even on grounds of changing technology.
Grammar: The DDL shall follow a grammar which is unambiguous, and
allows easy parsing (interpretation) by computers.
Primitive data types: provide a set of primitive data types, e.g.
text, integer, real, date, time/time index, version, etc.
Composite datatypes: The DDL must be able to succinctly describe
composite datatypes that may arise from the processing of digital signals
(e.g., histograms, graphs, rgb-values).
Multiple media types: The DDL must provide a mechanism to relate
Ds to data of multiple media types of inherent structure, particularly
audio, video, audio-visual presentations, the interface to textual description,
and any combinations of these.
Partial instantiation: The DDL shall provide the capability to allow
a DS to be partially instantiated by descriptors.
Mandatory instantiation: The DDL shall provide the capability to
allow the mandatory instantiation of descriptors in a DS.
Unique identification: The DDL shall provide mechanisms to uniquely
identify DSs and Ds so that they can be referred to unambiguously.
Distinct name spaces: The DDL shall provide support for distinct
name-spaces. Note: Different domains use the same descriptor for different
features or different purposes.
Transformational capabilities: The DDL shall allow the reuse, extension
and inheritance of existing Ds and DSs.
Relationships within a DS and between DSs: The DDL provides the
capability to express the following relationships between DSs and among
elements of a DS and express the semantics of these relations
a) Spatial relations
b) Temporal relations
c) Structural relations
d) Conceptual relations
Relationship between description and data: The DDL shall supply
a rich model for links and/or references between one or several descriptions
and the described data.
Intellectual Property Management: The DDL shall provide a mechanism
for the expression of Intellectual Property Management and Protection (IPMP)
for description schemes and descriptors.
Real time support: The DDL shall desirably provide features to support
real time applications (database output like electronic program guides)
4.1.2. Descriptors and Description Schemes
– General Requirements
Types of features - MPEG-7 shall support multimedia descriptions
using various types of features, such as:
N-dimensional Spatio-temporal structure
Note: An Example is duration of a music segment
Note: Examples are colour histograms and average audio frequency
Note: Features, such as the number of beds in a hotel, colour of
an object, shape of an object, audio pitch, etc.
Note: Features subject to different interpretations, such as how
nice, happy or fat someone is, topic, style, etc.
Note: This is information about the details of the creation of
the data. Examples include the date of data acquisition, producer, director,
performers, roles, production company, production history, etc. - essentially
any production information that is not necessarily in the IPI field(s).
Note: How the scene is composed, editing information, and the like.
Examples are event, activity
Abstraction levels for Multimedia material – MPEG-7 shall support
a means to describe multimedia material hierarchically according to abstraction
levels of information to efficiently represent user’s information need
at different levels.
Cross-modality - MPEG-7 shall support audio, visual, or other descriptors
which allow queries based on visual descriptions to retrieve audio data
and vice versa. Note: Using an excerpt of Pavarotti’s voice for the
query, video clips where Pavarotti is singing or video clips where Pavarotti
is present are retrieved.
Multiple Descriptions – MPEG-7 shall support the ability to handle
multiple descriptions of the same material at several stages of its production
process, as well as descriptions that apply to multiple copies of the same
Description Scheme Relationships – MPEG-7 description schemes need
to express the relationships between descriptors to allow the use of the
descriptors in more than one description scheme. The capability to encode
equivalence relationships between descriptors in different description
schemes shall also be supported.
Feature priorities - MPEG-7 shall support the prioritisation of
features in order that queries may be processed more efficiently. The priorities
may denote some sort of level of confidence, reliability, etc
Feature hierarchy – MPEG-7 shall support the hierarchical representation
of different features in order that queries may be processed more efficiently
in successive levels where N level features complement (N-1) level features
Descriptor scalability - MPEG-7 shall support scalable descriptors
in order that queries may be processed more efficiently in successive layers
where N-layer description data is an enhancement/refinement of (N-1) layer
description data. An example is MPEG-4 shape scalability
Description Schemes with multiple levels of Abstraction. MPEG-7
shall support DSs which provide abstractions at multiple levels for instance
a coarse-to-fine description. An example is a hierarchical scheme where
the base layer gives a coarse description and successive layers give more
refined descriptions.
Description of temporal range - MPEG-7 shall support the association
of descriptors to different temporal ranges, both hierarchically (descriptors
are associated to the whole data or a temporal sub-set of it) as well as
sequentially (descriptors are successively associated to successive time
Direct data manipulation – MPEG-7 shall support descriptors which
can act as handles referring directly to the data, to allow manipulation
of the multimedia material.
Language of text-based descriptions – MPEG-7 text descriptors shall
specify the language used in description. MPEG-7 text descriptors
shall support all natural languages.
Translations in text descriptions – MPEG-7 text descriptions shall
provide the means to contain several translations, and it shall be possible
to convey the relation between the description in the different languages.
4.1.3. Descriptors and Description
Schemes – Functional Requirements
Content-based retrieval - MPEG-7 shall support the effective (‘you
get what you are looking for and not other stuff’) and efficient (‘you
get what you are looking for, quickly’) retrieval of multimedia data based
on their contents whatever the semantic involved.
Similarity-base retrieval - MPEG-7 shall support descriptions allowing
to rank-order database content by the degree of similarity with the query.
Associated information - MPEG-7 shall support the use of information
associated to the data, such as text, to complement and improve data retrieval.
Note: As an example, diagnostic medical images are retrieved not only
in terms of image contents but also in terms of other information
associated with the images, such as text describing the diagnosis,
treatment plan, etc.
Streamed and stored descriptions - MPEG-7 shall support both streamed
(synchronised with content) and non-streamed data descriptions.
Distributed multimedia databases - MPEG-7 shall support the simultaneous
and transparent retrieval of multimedia data in distributed databases.
Referencing analog data – MPEG-7 descriptions shall support the
ability to reference and describe audio-visual objects and time references
of analog format.
Interactive queries – MPEG-7 descriptions shall support mechanisms
to allow interactive queries.
Linking - MPEG-7 shall support a mechanism allowing source data
to be located in space and in time using the MPEG-7 data descriptors. MPEG-7
shall also support a mechanism to link to related information.
Prioritisation of Related Information - MPEG-7 shall support a mechanism
allowing the prioritisation of related information, mentioned under 8.
Browsing – MPEG-7 shall support descriptions allowing to pre-view
information content in order to aide users to overcome their unfamiliarity
with the structure and/or types of information, or to clarify their undecided
Associate Relations – MPEG-7 shall support relations between components
of a description.
Interactivity support – MPEG-7 shall support the means allowing
to specify the interactivity related to a description. An example for such
an interaction is televoting related to broadcast events.
4.1.4. Descriptors and Description
Schemes – Coding Requirements
Description efficient representation - MPEG-7 shall support the
efficient representation of data descriptions.
Description extraction – MPEG- shall standardise Descriptors and
Descriptions Schemes that are easily extractable from uncompressed and
compressed data, according to several widely used formats.
Intellectual property information - MPEG-7 shall enable inclusion
of copyright, licensing and authentification information related to content
and its descriptions. As copyright/licensing may change over time a suitable
timestamp or other information may also be required.
4.2. MPEG-7 Visual Requirements
Visual Requirements are related to the retrieval of the visual data classes
specified below. The MPEG-7 visual requirements are:
1. Type of features - MPEG-7 shall at least support visual
descriptions allowing the following features (mainly related to the type
of information used in the queries):
Visual objects
Still and moving images (e.g. thumbnails)
Spatial relations
Note: Related to the spatial and topological relationships among
the objects in an image or sequence of images, this means spatial composition
Note: For retrievals using temporal composition information.
Deformation (e.g. the warping of an object)
Source of visual object and its characteristics, e.g., the source object,
source event, source attributes, events, event attributes, and typical
associated scenes.
Models (e.g. MPEG-4 SNHC)
2. Data visualisation using the description - MPEG-7 shall
support a range of multimedia data descriptions with increasing capabilities
in terms of visualisation. This means that MPEG-7 data descriptions shall
allows a more or less sketchy visualisation of the indexed data.
3. Visual data formats - MPEG-7 shall support the description
of the following visual data formats:
digital video and film, such as MPEG-1, MPEG-2 or MPEG-4
analogue video and film
still pictures in electronic such as JPEG, paper or other format
graphics, such as CAD
3D models, notably VRML
composition data associated to video
others to be defined
4. Visual data classes - MPEG-7 shall support descriptions
specifically applicable to the following classes of visual data:
natural video
still pictures
animation (2-D)
three-dimensional models
composition information
Note: For example, the MPEG-4 format includes various data classes,
such as natural video, still pictures, graphics, or composition information.
4.3. MPEG-7 Audio Requirements
Audio Requirements are related to the retrieval of the audio data classes
specified below. The MPEG-7 audio requirements are:
Type of features - MPEG-7 shall support audio descriptions allowing
the following features (mainly related to the type of information used
in the queries):
Frequency contour (general trend, melodic contour)
Audio objects
Frequency profile
Amplitude envelope
Temporal structure(including rhythm)
Textual content
Note: This is typically speech or lyrics.
Note: A person may vocalise a sonic sketch by humming a melody
or by ‘growling’ a sound effect.
Note: This is a more typical query-by-example, in which a querent
provides an example sound, such as squealing brakes, which would find car-chase
Note: This applies to multi-channel sources, with stereo, 5.1-channel,
and binaural sounds each having particular mappings.
Source of sound and its characteristics, e.g., the source object, source
event, source attributes, events, event attributes, and typical associated
Models (e.g. MPEG-4 SAOL)
Data sonification using the description - MPEG-7 shall support a
range of multimedia data descriptions with increasing capabilities in terms
of sonification.
Auditory data formats - MPEG-7 shall support at least the description
of the following types of auditory data:
Digital audio, such as MPEG-1 Audio, Compact Disc
Analog audio, such as vinyl records, or magnetic tape media
MIDI, including General MIDI and Karaoke formats
Model-based audio (e.g. MPEG-4’s Structured Audio Orchestra Language -
Production data
Auditory data classes - MPEG-7 shall support descriptions specifically
applicable to the following sub-classes of auditory data:
Soundtrack (natural audio scene)
Atomic sound effects (e.g. clap)
Symbolic audio representations (MIDI, SNHC Audio)
Mixing information (including effects)
4.4. MPEG-7 Other Media Requirements
MPEG-7’s emphasis is on audio-visual content, hence providing novel solutions
addressing text-only documents will not be among the goals of MPEG-7. However
multimedia content may include or refer to text in addition to audio-visual
information. To accommodate such documents MPEG-7, will consider existing
solutions developed by other standardisation organisations for text only
documents and support them as appropriate. The requirements on such solutions
1. MPEG-7 descriptions of text for text-only documents and composite
documents containing text should be the same. That is, using MPEG-7 terminology,
the description schemes and descriptors for text only documents and for
text in visual documents (for example subtitles) must be the same.
2. The adopted text descriptions and the interface will allow queries
based on audio-visual descriptions to retrieve text data and vice versa.
Systems Requirements
This section addresses the MPEG-7 systems requirements.
Robustness to information errors and loss for descriptors – to allow
error resilient audio and visual data descriptors.
Note: The precise error conditions to withstand are to be identified.
A mechanism for defining Quality of Service (QoS) for MPEG-7 description
streams must be provided
IPMP mechanisms for the protection of MPEG-7 descriptions must be provided
Temporal Synchronisation of content with descriptions - to allow
the temporal association of descriptions with content (AV objects) that
can vary over time.
Note: For synchronisation in time absolute and relative time bases would
be required .
Physical location of content with associated descriptions - to associate
descriptions with content (AV objects) that can vary in physical location
Note: Location may be specified in terms of hyperlink, broadcast channel,
an object in a scene
Multiplexing of multiple MPEG_7 descriptions associated with a content
item – to allow flexible localisation of descriptor data with one or
more content objects
Note: A variety of descriptors and description schemes could be associated
with each content item. Depending on the application, not all of these
will be used in all cases. Even though some primitive multiplex may be
part of a description scheme, not the complete multiplex must necessarily
be specified within MPEG-7, as the following example shows.
In MPEG-7, the multiplex functionality will be similar to database functionality,
because the selective access to descriptor data must be much more flexible
than in the cases of previous MPEG standards. In pull applications, MPEG-7
data themselves can be kept in a database to manage the access ("multiplex")
of descriptor data in a very flexible way. In push applications (e.g. real-time
broadcast), the multiplex syntax must allow efficient parsing of MPEG-7
Multiplexing of multiple MPEG-7 description streams for transmission
over the same connection - to allow multiple MPEG-7 descriptions to
be transmitted over the same connection
Note: It may be necessary to transmit a number of streams containing
MPEG-7 data over a single channel whilst maintaining synchronisation of
each description stream with the content stream to which it refers.
Multiplexing of multiple MPEG-7 description streams without content
- to allow multiple MPEG-7 descriptions to be transmitted over the
same connection without referenced content.
Note: It may be necessary to transmit a number of streams containing
MPEG-7 data over a single channel whilst maintaining synchronisation between
the description streams when no content stream is present.
Transmission mechanisms for MPEG-7 streams – to allow transmission
of MPEG-7 descriptions over a variety of physical media using appropriate
Note: MPEG-7 descriptions will need to be transmitted over a variety
of physical media using a variety of protocols.
Buffer management within an MPEG-7 capable device - to provide local
storage for MPEG-7 descriptions for as long as necessary.
Note: The requirement for local storage depends on the specific destination
of MPEG-7 data, e.g. search engine depends on nature of application: real-time
interpretation of MPEG-7 data, delay between content data and description,
temporal validity of description data etc.
File format for MPEG-7 - required for MPEG-7 descriptions.
6. References
[ 1] Maes,
P. (1994) "Modeling Adaptive Autonomous Agents," Journal of Artificial
Life, vol. 1, no. 1/2, pp. 135 - 162.
[ 2] MPEG Requirements
Group, "MPEG-7: Context and Objectives", Doc. ISO/MPEG N2460, MPEG Atlantic
City Meeting, October 1998
[ 3] MPEG Requirements
Group, "Applications for MPEG-7", Doc. ISO/MPEG N2462, MPEG Atlantic City
Meeting, October 1998
Annex A - Open issues
From the many discussions about MPEG-7, a few interesting remarks and questions
that may be worthwhile to consider in the future are:
Requirements for interface between MPEG-7 descriptions and adopted text
description schemes
Set of examples to illustrate the terminology
Objectivity - "Do we agree on what we mean".
Registration - what is our position on this ?
Annex B - Ongoing discussion with
respect to the DDL
Further studies are being conducted on the DDL within the MPEG-7 requirements
process. These studies may result in a separation of DDL execution functionality
from DDL descriptive functionality.
Additional study is also required to determine if the execution capability
of the DDL should include DS composition operations. Partial DS extraction
and subsequent extension of the extracted DS is an area of study within
DDL descriptive functionality.
The provision of tools for DS and D development and their relationship
with the DDL also needs further investigation.
The need for the DDL to explicitly provide additional capability for
the support of real time applications is also being studied.
At present the DDL will not support presentation capabilities. This
may become a concern for other parts of the MPEG standardisation process
such as MPEG-4. There is capability within MPEG-4 systems activities that
may provide ready-made solutions for presentation, multiplexing, streaming
and the real time control of the relationships between MPEG-7 descriptions
and the related data.
Annex C – Open issues with respect
to the Systems Requirements
Open issues regarding the relation between MPEG-4 and MPEG-7
What is the feasibility/desirability of the attachment of MPEG-7 descriptions
to objects in an MPEG-4 BIFS Scene Graph?
It is believed that an MPEG-7 description stream is an additional MPEG-4
elementary stream type.
Are there requirements that explicitly drive the linkage between MPEG-4
and MPEG-7?
Can MPEG-4 systems be regarded as a candidate implementation framework
for MPEG-7?
Open issues regarding the scope of the system requirements
There is a need to clarify the scope of MPEG-7 systems. Should this
encompass other areas outside what are at present considered to be the
normative parts of MPEG-7 (DDL, DS, D etc.) for example:
Presentation of MPEG-7 descriptions
Presentation of the media (elementary streams) the descriptions relate
Support for the execution of code embedded in the descriptions:
Relating to the presentation of media.
Relating to the presentation of descriptions.
Relating to the manipulation of description schemes.
Relating to the manipulation of descriptions.
Relating to manipulation of media.
Relating to event and interaction issues.
Transportation protocol/s.
Support for an environment for manipulating description schemes.
Support for feature extraction.
Support for real time MPEG-7 applications
Open issues regarding distributed architecture
There have been some references during discussions on system requirements
to the use of COM/DCOM or CORBA as candidate implementation technologies
for the XM. It is apparent that much of the thinking about MPEG-7 implicitly
includes ideas about communications with and the searching of substantial
numbers of multimedia databases. This together with the consideration of
CORBA/DCOM as implementation technologies for the XM introduces consideration
of a distributed architecture for MPEG-7. These questions then arise:
Are there requirements that indicate the need for an explicitly distributed
architecture for MPEG-7?
What additional requirements would such architecture place on the MPEG-7
systems layer?