July 1998/Dublin
Source: David Meares
Title: Bibliography of WG11 Output Documents N0965 to 2247, July 1995 to March 1998
This document is also available as PDF file. |
No. | Date | Source | Title |
0965 | 95/07 | Convenor | Resolutions of the 31st meeting |
0966 | 95/07 | Requirements and Video | Disposition of National Body comments to 4:2:2 Profile PDAM |
0967 | 95/07 | Requirements and Video | Draft amendment to ISO/IEC 13818-2 "4:2:2 Profile" |
0968 | 05/07 | Requirements | Action items for the possible multi-view profile |
0969 | 95/07 | Convenor | Report of the 31st meeting |
0970 | 95/07 | Williams et al. | Implementation complexity requirements for MPEG-4 CFP1 proposals |
0971 | 95/07 | Meares, Feige | Audio subjective test methods for high quality codec evaluations |
0972 | 95/07 | Meares | Proposed amendments of IS 13818-3 |
0973 | 95/07 | Meares, Kim | NBC time/frequency module subjective tests: overall results |
0974 | 95/07 | Meares, Kirby | Brief assessments of the performance of an ISO/MPEG-2 Layer 2 audio codec operating at 896 kb/s |
0975 | 95/07 | Test | Summary results of MPEG-2 MP@ML, SNRP@ML, and SSP@H14L video quality verification tests |
0976 | 95/07 | Test | Revised schedule for the MPEG-2 verification test on MP@HL(H14) Verification Tests |
0977 | 95/07 | Test | Ad-hoc group on MPEG-2 verification test for MP@HL(H14) |
0978 | 95/07 | Test | Ad-hoc group on MPEG-2 4:2:2 profile subjective quality test procedures |
0979 | 95/07 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group for finalizing the procedures for electronic distribution of MPEG and WG 11 documents |
0980 | 95/07 | DSM CC | Liaison for Harmonization of ISO/IEC MPEG-2 DSM-CC and ITU-T Recommendation H.245 |
0981 | 95/07 | Silbiger | Audio subjective test methods for low bit rate coder evaluations |
0982 | 95/07 | Bosi | Definitions and interface descriptions for RM2 |
0983 | 95/07 | Rowlands | Technical report: schedule of activities for MPEG-2 audio technical report until November 1995 |
0984 | 95/07 | Kerkhof | Schedule of activities for MPEG-2 audio compliance until November 1995 |
0985 | 95/07 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on ISO/IEC CD 13818-9 RTI |
0986 | 95/07 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on MPEG-2 applications for multi-view profile |
0987 | 95/07 | Convenor | Liaison statement to ITU-T SG8(Silbiger) |
0988 | 95/07 | Convenor | Liaison statement to ISO/TC 159/SC4 |
0989 | 95/07 | Convenor | Liaison statement to ITU-T SG8 (Fromont) |
0990 | 95/07 | Convenor | Liaison statement to ITU-T SG8 (DeGrasse) |
0991 | 95/07 | Convenor | Liaison statement to ATM Forum (Dobrowski) |
0992 | 95/07 | Convenor | Liaison statement to ITU-T SG15 (Okubo-san) |
0993 | 95/07 | Convenor | Liaison statement to ITU-R TG 10/4 (Grewin) |
0994 | 95/07 | Convenor | Liaison statement to ITU-T SG15 (Schaphorst) |
0995 | 95/07 | Convenor | Liaison letter to OMG |
0996 | 95/07 | Video/Test | MPEG-2 4:2:2 Profile Subjective Quality Test Procedures |
0997 | 95/07 | AOE | Call for Proposals |
0998 | 95/07 | AOE | Proposal Package Description (PPD) revision 3 (Tokyo revision) |
0999 | 95/07 | AOE | MPEG-4 Test/Evaluation Procedures Document (second revision) |
1000 | 95/07 | Battista et al. | Guidelines for handling of MPEG and WG 11 documents |
1001 | 95/07 | AOE | Ad hoc group on MPEG-4 Video Testing Logistics |
1002 | 95/07 | DSM-RSF | DSM-RSF WD |
1003 | 95/07 | Fisher | The DSM-RSF approach to testing DSM-CC |
1004 | 95/07 | Fisher | Liaison requesting the cooperation of DAVIC with DSM-RSF in performing End to End and Application testing for validation, verification and conformance of DSM-CC |
1005 | 95/07 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group to complete the description of the validation, verification and conformance test for DSM-CC |
1006 | 95/07 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group to make clarification on the DSM-CC CD |
1007 | 95/07 | Convenor | Liaison letter to DAVIC |
1008 | 95/07 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on MPEG-4 Audio test |
1009 | 95/07 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group to conduct MPEG-2 Audio NBC RM2 core experiment preparation |
1010 | 95/07 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on audio conformance |
1011 | 95/07 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on audio technical report |
1012 | 95/07 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on the evaluation of tools for non tested functionalities of audio submissions to MPEG-4 |
1013 | 95/07 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on the evaluation of tools for non tested functionalities of video submissions to MPEG-4 |
1014 | 95/07 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on 4:2:2 Profile conformance testing |
1015 | 95/07 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on video error resilience |
1016 | 95/07 | Audio group | Schedule of activity for MPEG-2 NBC RM2 until November 1995 |
1017 | 95/07 | Audio group | Ad-hoc group on the evaluation of the use of prediction and dynamic cross-talk in IS13818-3 |
1018 | 95/07 | Convenor | Response to the National Body of the USA |
1019 | 95/07 | AOE | Ad-hoc group on MSDL |
1020 | 95/07 | AOE | Ad-hoc group on Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Coding |
1021 | 95/07 | AOE | MSDL specification version 0.0 |
1022 | 95/07 | AOE | Requirements for the MPEG-4 MSDL (Draft Version 2) |
1023 | 95/07 | Convenor | Integrated MPEG Workplan |
1024 | 95/07 | DSM CC | Clarification of W950 (DSM CC CD) |
1025 | 95/07 | Convenor | Liaison requesting the creation of a DSS2 Correlation Identifier Information Element |
1026 | 95/07 | Convenor | 32nd WG11 meeting notice |
1027 | 95/07 | Convenor | List of Documents from Tokyo |
1028 | 95/11 | Convenor | Resolutions of the 32nd meeting |
1029 | 95/11 | Convenor | Report of the 32nd meeting |
1030 | 95/11 | Convenor | 33rd WG11 meeting notice |
1031 | 95/11 | Convenor | State of MPEG work at Dallas |
1032 | 95/11 | Convenor | Response to the National Bodies of D and USA |
1033 | 95/11 | Audio | Guidance notes on the preparation of single stimulus (MOS) tests tapes for MPEG-4 Audio |
1034 | 95/11 | Audio | Audio subjective test methods for high-quality codec evaluation |
1035 | 95/11 | D. Meares et al. | Updated guide for MPEG meetings hosts |
1036 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on updating MPEG document management |
1037 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group to review the interim draft of IS 13818-4 |
1038 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on systems bitstream exchange |
1039 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on MPEG-2 audio NBC (13818-7)Working Draft development |
1040 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on NBC syntax development |
1041 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on proposing a corrigendum for IS 13818-3 |
1042 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on the SNHC/Audio |
1043 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on the complexity of NBC RM2 optional functions |
1044 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on audio conformance testing |
1045 | 95/11 | Test-Video | Test procedures and schedule for 4:2:2 profile tests |
1046 | 95/11 | Test-Video | Draft 4:2:2 profile application guidelines |
1047 | 95/11 | Convenor | Liaison statement to ITU-T LBC |
1048 | 95/11 | Convenor | Liaison statement to JTAG 2 |
1049 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on MPEG-2 Audio Technical Report |
1050 | 95/11 | Convenor | Terms of reference |
1051 | 95/11 | Urano | Report of ad-hoc group on MPEG-2 verification test for MP@HL(H14) |
1052 | 95/11 | Tabatabai | Report of ad-hoc group on MPEG-2 4:2:2 profile subjective quality test procedures |
1053 | 95/11 | Poncin | Report of ad-hoc group for finalizing the procedures for electronic distribution of MPEG and WG 11 documents |
1054 | 95/11 | Holborow | Report of ad-hoc group on ISO/IEC CD 13818-9 RTI |
1055 | 95/11 | Homma | Report of ad-hoc group on MPEG-2 applications for multi-view profile |
1056 | 95/11 | Peterson | Report of ad hoc group on MPEG-4 Video Testing Logistics |
1057 | 95/11 | Fisher | Report of ad-hoc group to complete the description of the validation, verification and conformance test for DSM-CC |
1058 | 95/11 | Adams | Report of ad-hoc group to make clarification on the DSM-CC CD |
1059 | 95/11 | Silbiger | Report of ad-hoc group on MPEG-4 Audio test |
1060 | 95/11 | Schreiner | Report of ad-hoc group to conduct MPEG-2 Audio NBC RM2 core experiment preparation |
1061 | 95/11 | van de Kerkhof | Report of ad-hoc group on audio conformance |
1062 | 95/11 | Rowlands | Report of ad-hoc group on audio technical report |
1063 | 95/11 | Brandenburg | Report of ad-hoc group on the evaluation of tools for non tested functionalities of audio submissions to MPEG-4 |
1064 | 95/11 | Ostermann | Report of ad-hoc group on the evaluation of tools for non tested functionalities of video submissions to MPEG-4 |
1065 | 95/11 | Eifrig | Report of ad-hoc group on 4:2:2 Profile conformance testing |
1066 | 95/11 | Haskell | Report of ad-hoc group on video error resilience |
1067 | 95/11 | Stoll | Report of ad-hoc group on the evaluation of the use of prediction and dynamic cross-talk in IS13818-3 |
1068 | 95/11 | Avaro | Report of ad-hoc group on MSDL |
1069 | 95/11 | Doenges | Report of ad-hoc group on Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Coding |
1070 | 95/11 | Poncin, Schirling | Guidelines for WG11 document registration facility |
1071 | 95/11 | Convenor | WG11 integrated workplan |
1072 | 95/11 | Convenor | List of submission in response to the MPEG-4 Call for Proposals |
1073 | 95/11 | Audio | Report of the task group on MPEG-2 audio "prediction plus dynamic crosstalk" solutions |
1074 | 95/11 | Audio | MPEG-4 audio test minimisation and MOS test time line |
1075 | 95/11 | Audio | Complexity of NBC RM2 optional features |
1076 | 95/11 | Audio | Report of the task group on MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 syntax |
1077 | 95/11 | Audio | MPEG-4 audio listening test specification |
1078 | 95/11 | Audio | Report of the task group on MPEG-4 audio test analysis |
1079 | 95/11 | Audio | MPEG-2 NBC RM and MPEG-4 64 kb/s/ch tests |
1080 | 95/11 | MPEG | Interim draft of conformance testing IS (audio & systems) |
1081 | 95/11 | Video | Workplan for progression of multiview profile |
1082 | 95/11 | System | DoC to 1st DAM 13818-1 |
1083 | 95/11 | System | Final text of 1st AMD 13818-1 |
1084 | 95/11 | System | DoC to 2nd DAM 13818-1 |
1085 | 95/11 | System | Final text of 2nd AMD 13818-1 |
1086 | 95/11 | Video | DoC to 1st DAM 13818-2 |
1087 | 95/11 | Video | Final text of 1st AMD 13818-2 |
1088 | 95/11 | Video | Proposed Draft Amendment No. 3 to ISO/IEC 13818-2 |
1089 | 95/11 | Audio | MPEG-2 NBC work plan |
1090 | 95/11 | Audio | DoC to 1st DAM 13818-3 |
1091 | 95/11 | Audio | Final text of 1st AMD 13818-3 |
1092 | 95/11 | System | DoC of CD 13818-9 |
1093 | 95/11 | System | Final text of DIS 13818-9 |
1094 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group to conduct the second set of MPEG-2 Audio NBC RM2 core experiments and the MPEG-4 audio listening test evaluations for 64 kb/s submissions |
1095 | 95/11 | Audio | Definitions and interface descriptions for NBC RM2 |
1096 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on MPEG-2 MP@HL verification test |
1097 | 95/11 | Audio | Schedule of activities for MPEG-2 Audio technical report until January 1996 |
1098 | 95/11 | MPEG | Interim draft of conformance testing IS (video) |
1099 | 95/11 | DSM | DoC of CD 13818-6 |
1100 | 95/11 | DSM | Preliminary text of DIS 13818-6 |
1101 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on MPEG-4 MSDL |
1102 | 95/11 | Convenor | Updated 33rd WG11 meeting notice |
1103 | 95/11 | Audio | MPEG-4 audio detailed workplan |
1104 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on MPEG-2 Multi-view Profile |
1105 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group to clarify DSM-CC DIS |
1106 | 95/11 | AOE | Definition of objectives of SNHC |
1107 | 95/11 | AOE | Advance notice of call for proposals for SNHC |
1108 | 95/11 | AOE | MPEG-4 Call for proposals and proposal package description |
1109 | 95/11 | AOE | Requirements for MPEG-4 functionalities |
1110 | 95/11 | AOE | Verification model development and core experiments |
1111 | 95/11 | AOE | MSDL specifications v.0 |
1112 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on 4:2:2 profile conformance testing |
1113 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on 4:2:2 profile verification tests |
1114 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group for coordination of work areas in MPEG-4 Video working model for compression, error resilience and coding of hybrid natural and synthetic imagery |
1115 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on definition of verification model for content based video representation |
1116 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on evaluation of tools and algorithms of video submissions for MPEG-4 in January 1996 |
1117 | 95/11 | Test | Revised schedule of MPEG-2 Verification Tests on MP@HL (H14) |
1118 | 95/11 | Video | DoC to Draft Corrigendum 1 to 13818-2 |
1119 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on MPEG-4 project description |
1120 | 95/11 | Video | Final Text of Corrigendum 1 to 13818-2 |
1121 | 95/11 | Video | Draft Corrigendum 2 to 13818-2 |
1122 | 95/11 | MPEG | Draft DoC to DIS 13818-4 |
1123 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on MPEG audio evaluations panel |
1124 | 95/11 | Systems | Workplan for bitstream testing activities |
1125 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on MPEG-4 Audio Test |
1126 | 95/11 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Coding |
1127 | 95/11 | Convenor | List of Documents (1028-1127) |
1128 | 95/12 | NB of Italy | Invitation to the 34th Meeting in Firenze Italy |
1129 | 96/01 | Convenor | List of Documents from Munich |
1130 | 96/01 | Convenor | Resolutions of the Munich meeting |
1131 | 96/01 | Convenor | Report of the 33rd meeting in Munich, Germany |
1132 | 96/01 | Audio | MPEG-2 NBC Audio RM3 |
1133 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on MPEG-2 Multi-view Profile |
1134 | 96/01 | Video & Test | MPEG-2 4:2:2 Profile at Main Level subjective Assessment Report |
1135 | 96/01 | Audio | NBC Reference Model 2 Core Experiments Subjecive Tests: Overall Results |
1136 | 96/01 | Audio | MPEG-4 - 64Kbps Audio CODEC Subjective Tests: Overall Results |
1137 | 96/01 | Audio | Bibliography of Audio subgroup Documents |
1138 | 96/01 | Audio | A Decscription of the EXCEL5 Spreadsheet used for the Audio NBC Test results analysis |
1139 | 96/01 | Convenor | Guidelines for WG11 document registration facility |
1140 | 96/01 | Test | Results of MPEG-2 MP@HL (H-14) Video Verification Test |
1141 | 96/01 | DSM | Liaison Letter to ITU-T SG11 |
1142 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-hoc Group on Test Methodology for Formal NBC Test |
1143 | 96/01 | Audio | Preliminary Draft of MPEG-4 Audio VM |
1144 | 96/01 | Audio | MPEG-4 Audio Test Result (MOS) |
1145 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-hoc Group MPEG-2 NBC RM3 Audio Test |
1146 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-hoc Group on MPEG-4 VM |
1147 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-hoc Group on RM3 Specification and WD |
1148 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-hoc Group on Revisions of IS 13818-3 |
1149 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-hoc Group on SNHC Audio |
1150 | 96/01 | Audio | MPEG-2 NBC RM Audio Test Plan |
1151 | 96/01 | Audio | Preliminary MPEG-2 Audio NBC WD |
1152 | 96/01 | Audio | Draft Revisions to IS 13818-3 |
1153 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-hoc Group on Core Experiments on Coding Efficiency for MPEG-4 |
1154 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-hoc Group on Core Experiments on Object Scalability for MPEG-4 |
1155 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-hoc Group on Core Experiments on Error Resilience Aspects for MPEG-4 |
1156 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-hoc Group on Core Experiments on Multi-functional Coding for MPEG-4 |
1157 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-hoc Group on Software Development of the Video VM |
1158 | 96/01 | Convenor | DoC on AMD/2 13818-2 (4:2:2 Profile) |
1159 | 96/01 | Video | AMD/2 ITU-T H.262 | ISO/IEC 13818-2 Final Text |
1160 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-hoc Group on Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Coding |
1161 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-hoc Group on MPEG-4 Video Verification Model Document Editing |
1162 | 96/01 | Video | Report on the Evaluation of Tools and Algorithms of Video Submissions for MPEG-4 in January 1996 |
1163 | 96/01 | HoD | Response to National Body Contributions |
1164 | 96/01 | MSDL | MSDL WD Version 1.0 |
1165 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-Hoc Group on Syntactic Description Language |
1166 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-hoc Group on Requirements for MPEG-4 Virtual Machine |
1167 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-hoc Group on MSDL Architecure and Objects Hierarchy |
1168 | 96/01 | MSDL/Audio | NBC Audio Syntax Description with MSDL |
1169 | 96/01 | ISG | Methodology used for assessment of implementation cost and performance for proposals incorporated into the Verification Models of MPEG-4. |
1170 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-hoc Group on Defining the Framework of Implementation Complexity Analysis when Performing Core Experiments |
1171 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-hoc Group on Defining and Implementing Instrumentation Tools for Embedding within VMs.96/1 |
1172 | 96/01 | Video | MPEG-4 Video Verification Model - Version 1.0 |
1173 | 96/10 | Liaison | Liaison Statement to ITU-T SG15-WP2/15 |
1174 | 96/10 | Liaison | Liaison Statement to ITU-R SG11, TG11/3 and SG10 |
1175 | 96/01 | SNHC | Advance Notice of Call for Proposals |
1176 | 96/01 | Convenor | Integrated MPEG Workplan |
1177 | 96/01 | Convenor | MPEG-4 Project Description |
1178 | 96/01 | Video | Informative Annex for 4:2:2 Profile |
1179 | 96/01 | Audio | Requirements for Submission of Technical Proposals to MPEG Audio |
1180 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-hoc Group on Review and Clarfiy the DSM CC DIS |
1181 | 96/01 | DSM | Investigate Low Bandwidth |
1182 | 96/01 | Convenor | Ad-hoc Group on DSM Verification (DSM RSF) |
1183 | 96/01 | DSM | Clarification on DSM CC DIS |
1184 | 96/01 | DSM | DSM RSF WD |
1185 | 96/03 | Convenor | List of Documents from Firenze |
1186 | 96/03 | Convenor | Resolutions of the Firenze Meeting |
1187 | 96/03 | Convenor | Report of the 34th meeting in Florence, Italy |
1188 | 96/03 | Convenor | Guidelines for WG 11 Document Registration Facility |
1189 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Development of MPEG Web Page |
1190 | 96/03 | Schirling | Guide to MPEG Hosts |
1191 | 96/03 | Integration | MPEG-4 Development Procedures |
1192 | 96/03 | Video | ISO/IEC 13818-2/Cor 2 |
1193 | 96/03 | Video | DoC for ISO/IEC 13818-2/DCor 2 |
1194 | 96/03 | Audio | MPEG-2 NBC RM Audio Test Plan to July 1996 |
1195 | 96/03 | SNHC | MPEG-4 SNHC Call for Proposals |
1196 | 96/03 | Video | ISO/IEC 13818-2/DAM 3 |
1197 | 96/03 | Video | DoC for ISO/IEC 13818-2/PDAM 3 (Multiview Profile) |
1198 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MPEG-2 Multiview Profile |
1199 | 96/03 | SNHC | MPEG-4 SNHC Proposal Package Description |
1200 | 96/03 | Audio | MPEG-2 NBC WD |
1201 | 96/03 | MPEG-2 | ISO/IEC TR 13818-5 |
1202 | 96/03 | MPEG-2 | DoC for ISO/IEC DTR 13818-5 |
1203 | 96/03 | Audio | Call for Multichannel Audio Test Sequences |
1204 | 96/03 | Audio | Timetable to NBC IS and the Necessary Steps on the Way |
1205 | 96/03 | Audio/Test | Test Procedures for NBC Formal Listening Test |
1206 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MPEG-2 NBC RM Audio Test |
1207 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MPEG-4 VM |
1208 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on NBC CD |
1209 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on SHNC Audio |
1210 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on ISO/IEC 13818-3 Revision |
1211 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on NBC Formal Test Preparations |
1212 | 96/03 | Audio | Preliminary NBC RM3 Subjective Tests: Overall Results |
1213 | 96/03 | Audio | ISO/IEC CD 13818-3.2 |
1214 | 96/03 | Audio | Draft MPEG-4 Audio Verification Model |
1215 | 96/03 | S/V/A | DoC for ISO/IEC DIS 13818-4 |
1216 | 96/03 | S/V/A | ISO/IEC 13818-4 Conformance testing |
1217 | 96/03 | Systems | Report on ISO/IEC DIS 13818-9 RTI |
1218 | 96/03 | Systems | Report on DoC for ISO/IEC DIS 13818-9 |
1219 | 96/03 | Systems | ISO/IEC 13818-1/PDAM 3 |
1220 | 96/03 | Liaison | Liaison Statement to ITU-R WP11A |
1221 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MPEG-2 RTI and PDAM 3 |
1222 | 96/03 | Convenor | 35th WG 11 Meeting Notice, Tampere, Finland |
1223 | 96/03 | Video | Report on Error Conditions for Error Resilience Core Experiments |
1224 | 96/03 | Video | Core Experiments on MPEG-4 Video, Error Resilience |
1225 | 96/03 | Video | Core Experiments on MPEG-4 Video, Content Based Texture Coding |
1226 | 96/03 | Test | New Definitions of Quality for the ISO/IEC 13818-2/AMD 2 (4:2:2 Profile) Test Results |
1227 | 96/03 | Test/Video | Test Procedures for Verification Testing of ISO/IEC 13818-2/DAM 3 (Multiview Profile) |
1228 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Preparation of Core Experiment Methodology for MPEG-2 VM Evaluations |
1229 | 96/03 | Audio | MPEG-2 Backwards Compatible CODECS Layer II and III: RACE dTTb Listening Test Report |
1230 | 96/03 | Video | Core Experiments on MPEG-4 Video, Shape Coding |
1231 | 96/03 | Liaison | Liaison Statement to ITU-T SG15 LBC (Richard Schaphorst) |
1232 | 96/03 | Liaison | Liaison Statement to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 (Dr. Daniel Lee) |
1233 | 96/03 | Liaison | Liaison Statement to ITU-R Task Group 10/3 |
1234 | 96/03 | Liaison | Liaison Statement to ITU-R WP11A (Mr. Chris J. Dalton)) |
1235 | 96/03 | Liaison | Liaison Statement to ITU-T SG15 Q6 and Q7 |
1236 | 96/03 | Liaison | Liaison Statement regarding DSM-CC Digital Broadcast Service |
1237 | 96/03 | Audio | Results of Audio Conformance Test Using Technical Report Software |
1238 | 96/03 | Integration | Draft of MPEG-4 Requirements |
1239 | 96/03 | DSM | Adhoc Group on Revising ISO/IEC DIS 13818-6 (DSM-CC) |
1240 | 96/03 | DSM | Clarifications of ISO/IEC DIS 13818-6 (DSM-CC) |
1241 | 96/03 | DSM | Working Draft 13818-10 (DSM-RSF) |
1242 | 96/03 | Video | Status of 10 bit Extension to MPEG-2 |
1243 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MSDL Multiplex Specification |
1244 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MSDL Scripting Elements Specification |
1245 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MSDL Class Hierarchy Specification |
1246 | 96/03 | MSDL | MSDL Specification Version 1.1 |
1247 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Future WG 11 Work Items |
1248 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on SNHC |
1249 | 96/03 | Convenor | Press Release |
1250 | 96/03 | Video | Core Experiments on MPEG-4 Video, Efficient Coding |
1251 | 96/03 | Implementation | Implementation Complexity Considerations |
1252 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Analyzing Implementation Considerations for Software Configurable MPEG-4 Systems |
1253 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Complexity Analysis of the Video Verification model |
1254 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Development of New Methodologies for Evaluating MPEG-4 Video, Audio, and Audio Visual Quality |
1255 | 96/03 | Convenor | Response to NB Contributions |
1256 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MPEG-4 Shape and Alpha Channel Coding |
1257 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc MPEG-4 Error Resilence |
1258 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Multifunctional Coding |
1259 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Definition of MPEG-4 Video Tools |
1260 | 96/03 | Video | MPEG-4 Video VM Version 2.0 |
1261 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MPEG-4 Video VM Document Editing |
1262 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MPEG-4 Video RM Software Implementation |
1263 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MPEG-4 Requirements |
1264 | 96/03 | Video | Adhoc Group on Core Experiments on Coding Efficiency in MPEG-4 Video |
1265 | 96/03 | Video | Adhoc Group on Core Experiments on Content Based Texture Coding in MPEG-4 Video |
1266 | 96/03 | Video | Core Experiments on MPEG-4 Multifunctional Coding |
1267 | 96/03 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on General Availability of MPEG-4 Software VM |
1268 | 96/07 | Convenor | List of Documents from Tampere Meeting |
1269 | 96/07 | Convenor | Resolutions of the Tampere Meeting |
1270 | 96/07 | Convenor | Report of the 35th meeting in Tampere, Finland |
1271 | 96/07 | Convenor | Guidelines for WG 11 Document Registration Facility |
1272 | 96/07 | USNB | Invitation to the 36th Meeting in Chicago, Illinois USA |
1273 | 96/07 | Systems | Final Text of ISO/IEC 13818-9 |
1274 | 96/07 | Systems | DoC on DIS 13818-9 |
1275 | 96/07 | Systems | Text of 13818-1/DAM 3 |
1276 | 96/07 | Systems | DoC on 13818-1/PDAM3 |
1277 | 96/07 | Video | Video Verification Model version 3.0 |
1278 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Subjective Testing of MPEG-2 MVP |
1279 | 96/07 | Audio | NBC Reference Model 3 Monophonic Test Results: Overall Results |
1280 | 96/07 | Audio | NBC Reference Model 4 Stereophonic and Multichannel Subjective Tests: Overall Results |
1281 | 96/07 | Audio | Specification of MPEG-2 Audio NBC Formal Tests |
1282 | 96/07 | Audio | Bibliography of Audio Subgroup Documents |
1283 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on 13818-3 DIS Progression |
1284 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MPEG-2 NBC Formal Audio Tests |
1285 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on 13818-7 CD Progression |
1286 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on the Reduction of Complexity in NBC Prediction |
1287 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MPEG-4 Audio VM |
1288 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MPEG-4 Requirements |
1289 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on SNHC Audio |
1290 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Core Experiment Methodology for MPEG-4 VM Evaluations |
1291 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Audio FAQ for WWW MPEG pages |
1292 | 96/07 | NB of Brazil | Invitation to the 37th Meeting in Foz do Iguaçu |
1293 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on SNHC Proposals on Testing |
1294 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on SNHC |
1295 | 96/07 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Requirements Version 1 |
1296 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Refinement of Resolution 12 of N1269 |
1297 | 96/07 | Audio | Description of the MPEG-2 NBC Core Experiment for Adaptive Huffman Coding |
1298 | 96/07 | Audio | Profiles for NBC Audio |
1299 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on NBC core experiment on huffman coding |
1300 | 96/07 | DSM | Final Text of ISO/IEC 13818-6 |
1301 | 96/07 | DSM | DoC on DIS 13818-6 DSM CC |
1302 | 96/07 | Liaison | Liaison to ITU-T SG8 |
1303 | 96/07 | Liaison | Liaison to DAVIC |
1304 | 96/07 | Liaison | Liaison to ITU-T SG11 |
1305 | 96/07 | Liaison | Liaison to ITU-T SG15 Q2, Q6, Q7 ( Makoto Yamashita) |
1306 | 96/07 | Liaison | Liaison to ITU-T SG15 LBC (Richard Schaphorst) |
1307 | 96/07 | Audio | Text of CD 13818-7 Audio NBC |
1308 | 96/07 | Liaison | Liaison to ETSI Digital Video Broadcast Group (DVB) Concerning DVB TM-1214 Rev. 7 |
1309 | 96/07 | Liaison | Liaison to ITU-T SG15 (Sakae Okubo) |
1310 | 96/07 | Test | Test Procedures for MPEG-4 July 1997 Tests |
1311 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MPEG-4 July 1997 Audio/Visual Tests |
1312 | 96/07 | Audio | Text of DIS 13818-3 (second edition) |
1313 | 96/07 | Audio | DoC on CD 13818-3 (second edition) |
1314 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on SNHC API |
1315 | 96/07 | SNHC | Amendment to the Call for Proposal on SNHC |
1316 | 96/07 | SNHC | SNHC Application Objectives and Requirements |
1317 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Core Experiments on MPEG-4 Video Shape Coding |
1318 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Core Experiments on Error Resilience in MPEG-4 Video |
1319 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Core Experiments on Mulfifunctional Coding in MPEG-4 Video |
1320 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Core Experiments on Coding Efficiency in MPEG-4 Video |
1321 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Core Experiments on Content Based Texture Coding MPEG-4 Video |
1322 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MPEG-4 Video Verification Model Document Editing |
1323 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on the Definition and Measurement of Statistical Performance Parameters of the MPEG-4 Video VM |
1324 | 96/07 | SNHC | Preliminary Requirements for SNHC A/V Entities |
1325 | 96/07 | Audio | Complexity of NBC RM 4 Functions |
1326 | 96/07 | Video | Description of Core Experiments on Shape Coding in MPEG-4 Video |
1327 | 96/07 | Video | Description of Core Experiments on Error Resilience in MPEG-4 Video |
1328 | 96/07 | Video | Description of Core Experiments on Multifunctional Coding in MPEG-4 Video |
1329 | 96/07 | Video | Description of Core Experiments on Coding Efficiency in MPEG-4 Video |
1330 | 96/07 | Video | Description of Core Experiments on Object or Region Oriented Texture Coding in MPEG-4 Video |
1331 | 96/07 | MSDL | MSDL Specification WD Version 1.2 |
1332 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MSDL Video Decoding API |
1333 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MSDL Multiplex Verification Model |
1334 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MSDL WD Editing |
1335 | 96/07 | Video | Text of 13818-2/PDAM 4, Extension Code Assignment |
1336 | 96/07 | Convenor | Missing Information with Holding Publication 13818-4 |
1337 | 96/07 | Video | Adhoc Group on 13818-2/PDAM 4 |
1338 | 96/07 | Video | Adhoc Group on MPEG-4 Video Low Delay Evaluations |
1339 | 96/07 | Systems | Systems Issues of the MPEG-2 Multiview Profile |
1340 | 96/07 | Convenor | Response to NB of JP NL and US |
1341 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Computational graceful degradation techniques for MPEG-4 Video. |
1342 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Video Verification Model Complexity Assessment |
1343 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Selected NBC Audio decoder module acceleration |
1344 | 96/07 | Liaison | Formal Invitation to Dolby Laboratories to participate in NBC Formal Test |
1345 | 96/07 | Audio | MPEG-4 Audio Verification Model 1.1 |
1346 | 96/07 | Audio | Core Experiment Methodology for MPEG-4 Audio |
1347 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on DSM-CC Final Text editing |
1348 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Investigating Possible Scope of DSM-CC 2 |
1349 | 96/07 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Human Body Representation |
1350 | 96/07 | Convenor | Press Release of the 35th Meeting |
1351 | |||
1351 | 96/10 | Convenor | List of Documents from Chicago Meeting |
1352 | 96/10 | Convenor | Resolutions of the Chicago Meeting |
1353 | 96/10 | Convenor | Report of the 36th meeting in Chicago, Illinois |
1354 | 96/10 | Convenor | Guidelines for WG 11 Document Registration Facility |
1355 | 96/10 | Convenor | Press Release of the 36th Meeting |
1356 | 96/10 | Convenor | Invitation to the 37th Meeting in Maceio, Brazil |
1357 | 96/10 | Systems | Text of 13818-1/Draft Technical Corrigendum 1 |
1358 | 96/10 | Systems | Text of 13818-1/PDAM 4, Semantic and Table Definitions for 4:2:2 and Multiview Profiles |
1359 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on SNHC Audio |
1360 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Face and Body Animation |
1361 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Media Integration of Text and Graphics |
1362 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on SNHC |
1363 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Editing of SNHC VM Specifications |
1364 | 96/10 | SNHC | Draft Specifications of SNHC VM 1.0 |
1365 | 96/10 | SNHC | Face and Body Definition and Animation Parameters |
1366 | 96/10 | Video | Final Text of 13818-2/AMD 3 |
1367 | 96/10 | Video | DoC on 13818-2/DAM 3 |
1368 | 96/10 | Liaison | Liaison to ITU-T SG 15 LBC Group on Overlays and Interworking |
1369 | 96/10 | Liaison | Liaison to ITU-T SG 15 LBC Group on Multiplexing |
1370 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Investigating reduced complexity padding for the Video VM. |
1371 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Computational Graceful Degradation |
1372 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group MPEG-4 July 1997 Audio/Visual Tests |
1373 | 96/10 | Test/Video | Results of MPEG-2 Multiview Profile Verification Tests |
1374 | 96/10 | Test | Test Methods and Procedures for July 1997 MPEG-4 Tests |
1375 | 96/10 | Convenor | Verification Model (VM) Development and Core Experiments |
1376 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MPEG-4 Audio WD Editing and VM Software Implementation |
1377 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Core Experiments for MPEG-4 Audio |
1378 | 96/10 | Audio | MPEG-4 Audio VM 2.0 |
1379 | 96/10 | Audio | MPEG-4 Audio Software Library Overview |
1380 | 96/10 | Video | Video Verification Model Version 4.0 |
1381 | 96/10 | Convenor | List of Adhoc Groups Established at the 36th Meeting in Chicago, IL |
1382 | 96/10 | Video | Description of Core Experiments on Shape Coding in MPEG-4 Video |
1383 | 96/10 | Video | Description of Core Experiments on Error Resilience in MPEG-4 Video |
1384 | 96/10 | Video | Description of Core Experiments on Multifunctional Coding Aspects in MPEG-4 Video |
1385 | 96/10 | Video | Description of Core Experiments on Coding Efficiency in MPEG-4 Video |
1386 | 96/10 | Video | Description of Core Experiments on Region Oriented Texture Coding in MPEG-4 Video |
1387 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Shape and Alpha Coding |
1388 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Error Resilience |
1389 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Core Experiments on Multifunctional Coding |
1390 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Coding Efficiency |
1391 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Region Oriented Texture Coding |
1392 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Editing MPEG-4 Video VM Document |
1393 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MPEG-4 Requirements |
1394 | 96/10 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Profiles V1.1 |
1395 | 96/10 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Requirements V1.1 |
1396 | 96/10 | Convenor | Response to NB Contributions |
1397 | 96/10 | Convenor | New SNHC Call for Proposal for Synthetic Audio |
1398 | 96/10 | Audio | Prescreening Listening Test Procedure for Core Experiment of MPEG-4 Audio |
1399 | 96/10 | MSDL | Requirements for Signaling |
1400 | 96/10 | Convenor | DoC to NP on Man Multimedia Service Interface |
1401 | 96/10 | MSDL | MSDL Working Draft V1.3 |
1402 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MSDL Working Draft editing |
1403 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MSDL Verification Model |
1404 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Multiplex Specification and Signaling |
1405 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on MSDL Architecture Evolution |
1406 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Editing Video WD |
1407 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Definition and Measurement of Statisitcal Performance Parameters of MPEG-4 Video VM |
1408 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Video Low Delay Evaluations |
1409 | 96/10 | Convenor | Adhoc Group on Joint Video-SNHC Technical Issues |
1410 | 96/10 | Convenor | Description of MPEG-4 |
1411 | 96/10 | Video | Strawman Proposal for MSDL Support for Video |
1412 | 11/96 | Convenor | List of Documents from Maceió Meeting |
1413 | 11/96 | Convenor | Resolutions of the Maceió Meeting |
1414 | 11/96 | Convenor | List of Adhocs Established at the 37th Meeting in Maceió, Brasil |
1415 | 11/96 | Convenor | Report of the 37th meeting in Maceió, Brasil |
1416 | 11/96 | Convenor | Guidelines for WG 11 Document Registration Facility |
1417 | 11/96 | Convenor | Press Release of the 37th Meeting |
1418 | 11/96 | Convenor | Meeting Notice of the 38th Meeting in Sevilla, Spain |
1419 | 11/96 | Audio | Report on the Formal Subjective Listening Test of MPEG-2 NBC multichannel Audio Coding. |
1420 | 11/96 | Audio | Overview of the Report on the Formal Subjective Listening Test of MPEG-2 NBC multichannel Audio Coding. |
1421 | 11/96 | Audio | MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 NBC Decoder VM Software Requirements |
1422 | 11/96 | HoD | Guide to WG11 Meeting Host |
1423 | 11/96 | Audio | WD of ISO/IEC 14496-3 Audio |
1424 | 11/96 | Audio | Workplan for initial draft of NBC Conformance/Technical Report |
1425 | 11/96 | MPEG-7 | MPEG-7: Context and Objectives |
1426 | 11/96 | Video | Draft Amendment 4 to ISO/IEC 13818-2;Extension Code Assignment |
1427 | 11/96 | Video | DoC for Amendment 4 to ISO/IEC 13818-2 |
1428 | 11/96 | Requirements | Initial assessment of IPR issues in MPEG-4 |
1429 | 11/96 | DSM CC | SC29 work item request for the next phase of DSM-CC |
1430 | 11/96 | Audio | DIS 13818-7 MPEG-2 NBC Audio |
1431 | 11/96 | Audio | DoC for 13818-7 CD Comments |
1432 | 11/96 | Audio | Call for New Audio Test Sequences for MPEG-4 |
1433 | 11/96 | Audio | Audio FAQ for the MPEG HomePage |
1434 | 11/96 | Audio | Proposed Changes to ISO/IEC DIS 13818-3(Rev of 1st Edition ISO/IEC 13818-3:1995) |
1435 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on editing of DIS 13818-7 (NBC Audio) |
1436 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on NBC complexity reduction |
1437 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on MPEG-2 NBC conformance and technical report preparation |
1438 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on MPEG-4 WD and VMs |
1439 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on MPEG-4 core experiments |
1440 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on MPEG audio FAQ |
1441 | 11/96 | Test | Goal MPEG-4 July 1997 tests |
1442 | 11/96 | Test | Test methods and procedures for MPEG-4 July 1997 tests -rev 2 |
1443 | VACANT | ||
1444 | 11/96 | Test | Progress report on the definition of test conditions and procedures for July 1997 tests |
1445 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on July 1997 tests |
1446 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on Media integration of text and graphics |
1447 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on SNHC Audio |
1448 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on face and body animation |
1449 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on SNHC texture coding |
1450 | 11/96 | SNHC | Core experiments on media integration of text and graphics |
1451 | 11/96 | SNHC | Core experiments on SNHC audio |
1452 | 11/96 | SNHC | Core experiments on face and body animation |
1453 | 11/96 | SNHC | Core experiments on SNHC texture coding |
1454 | 11/96 | SNHC | SNHC verification model version 2.0 |
1455 | 11/96 | Liaison | Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 10C |
1456 | 11/96 | Liaison | Liaison statement to DAVIC |
1457 | 11/96 | Liaison | Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 11 |
1458 | 11/96 | Liaison | Liaison response from MPEG-4 to JPEG-2000 |
1459 | 11/96 | Liaison | Liaison response from MPEG-4 to the LBC video group |
1460 | 11/96 | Liaison | Liaison response from MPEG-2 to the ITU-T SG15 AVC video group |
1461 | 11/96 | Liaison | Liaison Response from MPEG4 Requirements to ITU-T LBC Group |
1462 | 11/96 | Liaison | Liaison Response from MPEG4 Systems to ITU-T LBC |
1463 | 11/96 | Liaison | Liaison letter regarding ATSC Data Broadcast |
1464 | 11/96 | Liaison | Liaison statement concerning the DMIF Initiative |
1465 | 11/96 | Liaison | Liaison statement concerning the definition of T.120 Pass-Thru type codes |
1466 | 11/96 | Video | Systems layer support for error protection in MPEG-4 video |
1467 | 11/96 | Convenor | Response to the Portuguese National Body Position |
1468 | 11/96 | Convenor | Response to the German National Body Resolutions |
1469 | 11/96 | Video | MPEG-4 video verification model V.5.0 |
1470 | 11/96 | Video | MPEG-4 video working draft V.1.0 |
1471 | 11/96 | Video | Description of Core experiments on shape coding in MPEG-4 video |
1472 | 11/96 | Video | Description of Core experiments on region-oriented texture coding in MPEG-4 video |
1473 | 11/96 | Video | Description of Core Experiments on error resilience in MPEG-4 video |
1474 | 11/96 | Video | Description of Core experiments on multifunctional coding aspects in MPEG-4 video |
1475 | 11/96 | Video | Description of Core experiments on coding efficiency in MPEG-4 video |
1476 | 11/96 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on Core experiments on coding of arbitrarily shaped objects in MPEG-4 video |
1477 | 11/96 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on Core experiments on error resilience in MPEG-4 video |
1478 | 11/96 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on Core experiments on multifunctional coding in MPEG-4 video |
1479 | 11/96 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on Core experiments on coding efficiency in MPEG-4 video |
1480 | 11/96 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on Editing the Documents of the MPEG-4 Video Verification Model and the MPEG-4 Video Working Draft |
1481 | VACANT | ||
1482 | 11/96 | Audio | Status of copyright release for MPEG-2 audio conformance test bitstreams |
1483 | 11/96 | Systems | Systems WD draft version 2.0 |
1484 | 11/96 | Systems | Systems VM version 2.0 |
1485 | 11/96 | Systems | Status of copyright release for MPEG-2 systems conformance bitstream |
1486 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on Systems WD editing |
1487 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on Systems VM |
1488 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on Systems multiplex specification and signaling |
1489 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on Systems architecture evolution |
1490 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on MPEG-4 signaling -joint with Requirements, DSM-CC, and Systems subgroups |
1491 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on IPR issues in MPEG-4 |
1492 | 11/96 | Requirements | Assessment of Compliance of WDs to MPEG-4 requirements |
1493 | VACANT | ||
1494 | 11/96 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Profiles Document version 1.2 |
1495 | 11/96 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Requirements Document version 1.2 |
1496 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on MPEG-4 requirements and profiles |
1497 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on low delay issues |
1498 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on Computational graceful degradation |
1499 | 11/96 | Convenor | Call for Proposals for July 1997 evaluation |
1500 | 11/96 | Convenor | ISO/IEC JTC 1SC 29/WG 11 Terms of Reference |
1501 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on editing of SNHC VM version 2.0 |
1502 | 11/96 | Convenor | Rules of operation of WG11 adhoc groups |
1503 | 11/96 | Audio | Software decoder VM for MPEG-4 Audio |
1504 | 11/96 | Audio | Core experiment methodology for MPEG-4 Audio |
1505 | 11/96 | Convenor | Status of copyright release for MPEG-2 video conformance bitstreams |
1506 | 11/96 | Convenor | Adhoc group on Video VM padding complexity |
1507 | 97/2 | Convenor | List of Documents from Sevilla Meeting |
1508 | 97/2 | Convenor | Resolutions of the Sevilla Meeting |
1509 | 97/2 | Convenor | List of Adhocs Established at the 38th Meeting in Sevilla, Spain |
1510 | 97/2 | Convenor | Report of the 38th meeting in Sevilla, Spain |
1511 | 97/2 | Convenor | Guidelines for WG 11 Document Registration Facility |
1512 | 97/2 | Convenor | Press Release of the 38th Meeting |
1513 | 97/2 | Convenor | Meeting Notice of the 39th Meeting in Bristol, UK |
1514 | 97/2 | Systems | Text of 13818-1 DAM/4 Systems related elements to 4:2:2 and multiview profiles |
1515 | 97/2 | Systems | DoC of 13818-1 DAM/4 |
1516 | 97/2 | Systems | Final text of 13818-1 COR/1 |
1517 | 97/2 | Systems | DoC of 13818-1 COR/1 |
1518 | 97/2 | Audio | Informational Text on Advanced Audio Coding |
1519 | 97/2 | Audio | Final Text of ISO/IEC 13818-3(2nd Edition) |
1520 | 97/2 | Audio | DoC to ISO/IEC 13818-3(2nd Edition) |
1521 | 97/2 | Audio | Provision of matrix-downmix stereophony in MPEG-2 AAC |
1522 | 97/2 | Audio | Working draft for AAC conformance |
1523 | 97/2 | Audio | Working draft and activity plan for MPEG-2 AAC technical report |
1524 | 97/2 | Audio | Overview of MPEG-4 audio core experiments |
1525 | 97/2 | Audio | MPEG-4 audio core experiment methodology |
1526 | 97/2 | Audio | Update to the software decoder VM for MPEG-4 audio |
1527 | 97/2 | Audio | MPEG-4 audio FTP site information |
1528 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on MPEG-2 AAC IS preparation |
1529 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on MPEG-2 AAC prediction complexity reduction |
1530 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on MPEG-2 AAC conformance and technical report |
1531 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on MPEG-4 audio WD and VM |
1532 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on MPEG-4 audio core experiments |
1533 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on audio FAQ for MPEG homepage |
1534 | 97/2 | Audio | Listening test working plan of MPEG-2 AAC SSR profile multichannel audio coding |
1535 | 97/2 | Audio | A guide to the 2nd edition of ISO/IEC 13818-3 |
1536 | 97/2 | Audio | MPEG-4 audio working draft version 2.0 |
1537 | 97/2 | Audio | MPEG audio FAQs version 2 |
1538 | 97/2 | Audio | MPEG-2 AAC mono and stereo verification test plan |
1539 | 97/2 | Audio | MPEG-4 audio test plans for the July 1997 tests |
1540 | 97/2 | Systems | MPEG-4 Systems WD version 3.0 |
1541 | 97/2 | Systems | MPEG-4 Systems VM version 3.0 |
1542 | 97/2 | Audio | Status of MPEG-4 Technical Report and MPEG-4 player |
1543 | 97/2 | Audio | Text of ISO/IEC 13818-5 PDAM/1 |
1544 | 97/2 | Systems | MPEG-4 Systems methodology and workplan for composition |
1545 | 97/2 | SNHC | MPEG-4 SNHC VM version 3.0 |
1546 | 97/2 | SNHC | Guidelines for progressing from SNHC VM to SNHC WD |
1547 | 97/2 | SNHC | SNHC preliminary working draft |
1548 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on face/body animation |
1549 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on media integration of text and graphics |
1550 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on generic SNHC object coding |
1551 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on SNHC VM/WD integration into MPEG-4 WD |
1552 | 97/2 | SNHC | Core experiment on FAP/BAP definition and compression evaluations |
1553 | 97/2 | SNHC | Core experiment on media integration of text and graphics |
1554 | 97/2 | SNHC | Core experiment on TTS |
1555 | 97/2 | SNHC | Core experiments on generic SNHC object coding |
1556 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on evaluation methods and procedures for MPEG-4 tests |
1557 | 97/2 | Test | Evaluation methods and procedures for MPEG-4 tests |
1558 | 97/2 | Test | Workplan for MPEG-4 test activities |
1559 | 97/2 | DMIF | Answers to DSM_CC FAQ versions 1.0 |
1560 | 97/2 | DMIF | Preliminary working draft of ISO/IEC 13818-10 DSM_CC conformance |
1561 | 97/2 | DMIF | Policy statement regarding DMIF VM |
1562 | 97/2 | DMIF | Request for participation in DSM_CC conformance test |
1563 | 97/2 | DMIF | Priority of DMIF functions in support of MPEG-4 systems |
1564 | 97/2 | DMIF | DMIF internet integration |
1565 | 97/2 | DMIF | MPEG-4 resource descriptors |
1566 | 97/2 | DMIF | DMIF binding between flex stream and the transmux network resources |
1567 | 97/2 | DMIF | Use of DMIF applications in conjunction MPEG-4 systems |
1568 | 97/2 | Liaison | Liaison to VRML consortium |
1569 | 97/2 | Liaison | Liaison to IEEE Standards Board |
1570 | 97/2 | Liaison | Liaison to ITU-T SG16 LBC Group |
1571 | 97/2 | Liaison | Response to the National Body of Japan |
1572 | 97/2 | Liaison | Response to the National Body of the United States |
1573 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on MPEG requirements |
1574 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on content related IPR issues |
1575 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on developing "MPEG-4 Technical Overview" |
1576 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on DMIF activities for MPEG-4 |
1577 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on low delay issues |
1578 | 97/2 | Requirements | MPEG-7 context and objectives version 2 |
1579 | 97/2 | Requirements | MPEG-7 seminar notice |
1580 | 97/2 | Requirements | Requirements for identification and protection of content in MPEG-4 |
1581 | 97/2 | Systems | Quality of service information in MPEG-4 multiplex |
1582 | 97/2 | Video | MPEG-4 video verification model version 6 |
1583 | 97/2 | Video | MPEG-4 visual WD version 2 |
1584 | 97/2 | Video | Description of core experiments on shape coding in MPEG-4 video |
1585 | 97/2 | Video | Description of core experiments on region-oriented texture coding in MPEG-4 video |
1586 | 97/2 | Video | Description of core experiments on error resilience in MPEG-4 video |
1587 | 97/2 | Video | Description of core experiments on multifunctional coding aspects in MPEG-4 video |
1588 | 97/2 | Video | Description of core experiments on coding efficiency in MPEG-4 video |
1589 | 97/2 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on core experiments on coding of arbitrarily shaped objects in MPEG-4 video |
1590 | 97/2 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on core experiments on error resilience in MPEG-4 video |
1591 | 97/2 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on core experiments on multifunctional coding in MPEG-4 video |
1592 | 97/2 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on core experiments on coding efficiency in MPEG-4 video |
1593 | 97/2 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on editing the documents of the MPEG-4 video verification model and the MPEG-4 visual working draft |
1594 | 97/2 | Requirements | MPEG-4 profiles document version 2 |
1595 | 97/2 | Requirements | MPEG-4 requirements document version 2 |
1596 | 97/2 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group for frequently asked questions on MPEG-4 video |
1597 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on SNHC VM/WD editing |
1598 | 97/2 | Systems | ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 PDAM.5 Systems related table entries for AAC |
1599 | 97/2 | Systems | MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 systems FAQs and their associated answers |
1600 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on systems WD editing |
1601 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on systems VM |
1602 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on multiplex specification and signaling |
1603 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on composition |
1604 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on evaluation of MPEG-4 video VM complexity |
1605 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on Computational Graceful Degradation Techniques |
1606 | 97/2 | Convenor | Adhoc group on Padding Complexity Evaluations |
1607 | 97/2 | HoD | Guide to WG11 Meeting Host |
1608 | 97/2 | Audio | Concepts for audio in 1998 and beyond |
1609 | 97/2 | SNHC | Core experiments on structured audio |
1610 | 97/2 | Requirements | MPEG-4 technical overview |
1611 | 97/2 | Implementation | Proposal for the specification of the ISG Computational Graceful Degradation core experiment |
1612 | 4/97 | Convenor | List of Documents from Bristol Meeting |
1613 | 4/97 | Convenor | Resolutions of the Bristol Meeting |
1614 | 4/97 | Convenor | List of Adhocs Established at the 39th Meeting in Bristol, UK |
1615 | 4/97 | Convenor | Report of the 39th meeting in Bristol, UK |
1616 | 4/97 | Convenor | Guidelines for WG 11 Document Registration Facility |
1617 | 4/97 | Convenor | Press Release of the 39th Meeting |
1618 | 4/97 | Convenor | Meeting Notice of the 40th Meeting in Stockholm, Sweden |
1619 | 4/97 | Systems | Final Text of ISO/IEC 13818-1 AMD/3 Private Data |
1620 | 4/97 | Systems | DoC on ISO/IEC 13818-1 AMD/3 |
1621 | 4/97 | Systems | Text of ISO/IEC 13818-1 AMD/5 -AAC related table entries |
1622 | 4/97 | Audio | Bibliography of Audio Subgroup documents |
1623 | 4/97 | Audio | Informal assessment of AAC downmix stereo performance |
1624 | 4/97 | Video | Final Text of ISO/IEC 13818-2 AMD/4 - ITU-T Extension |
1625 | 4/97 | Video | DoC on ISO/IEC 13818-2 AMD/4 |
1626 | 4/97 | Audio | Text of 13818-4 PDAM/1 AAC related elements |
1627 | 4/97 | Audio | Text of 13818-5 PDAM/1 MPEG-2 Audio 2nd edition and ACC related elements |
1628 | 4/97 | Audio | Description of AAC reduction of prediction complexity |
1629 | 4/97 | Audio | Results of the brief assessments on AAC reduction of prediction complexity |
1630 | 4/97 | Audio | Proposal for core experiments on low-delay profile for MPEG-4 audio |
1631 | 4/97 | Audio | Text of MPEG-4 Audio WD version 3.0 |
1632 | 4/97 | Audio | Software for MPEG-4 Audio decoder, version 3.0 |
1633 | 4/97 | Audio | Report of the status of the MPEG-4 audio core experiments |
1634 | 4/97 | Audio | Core experiment test methodology for MPEG-4 audio |
1635 | 4/97 | Audio | MPEG-4 audio FAQs, version 3 |
1636 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on MPEG-2 AAC conformance and technical report |
1637 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on MPEG-4 audio WD and VM |
1638 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on MPEG-4 audio core experiments (including SNHC audio) |
1639 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on MPEG-4 Video VM complexity evaluation |
1640 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on audio FAQs |
1641 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on API core experiments |
1642 | 4/97 | Video | Text of MPEG-4 Video VM - version 7.0 |
1643 | 4/97 | Video | Text of MPEG-4 Visual WD - version 3.0 |
1644 | 4/97 | Video | Description of core experiments on shape coding in MPEG-4 video |
1645 | 4/97 | Video | Description of core experiments on region-oriented texture coding in MPEG-4 video |
1646 | 4/97 | Video | Description of core experiments on error resilience in MPEG-4 video |
1647 | 4/97 | Video | Description of core experiments on multifunctional coding aspects in MPEG-4 video |
1648 | 4/97 | Video | Description of core experiments on coding efficiency in MPEG-4 video |
1649 | 4/97 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on core experiments on coding of arbitrarily shaped objects in MPEG-4 video |
1650 | 4/97 | Audio | Final Text of ISO/IEC 13818-7 AAC |
1651 | 4/97 | Audio | DoC on ISO/IEC 13818-7 - AAC |
1652 | 4/97 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on core experiments on error resilience in MPEG-4 video |
1653 | 4/97 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on core experiments on multifunctional coding in MPEG-4 video |
1654 | 4/97 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on core experiments on coding efficiency in MPEG-4 video |
1655 | 4/97 | Convenor | Ad-hoc group on editing the documents of the MPEG-4 video verification model and the MPEG-4 visual working draft |
1656 | 4/97 | Liaison | Response to the National Body of Japan |
1657 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on AAC verification test preparation |
1658 | 4/97 | Liaison | Liaison to ITU-T SG 16 |
1659 | 4/97 | Liaison | Liaison to ITU-T SG 11 |
1660 | 4/97 | Liaison | Liaison to IEC TC 46/SC 9 |
1661 | 4/97 | Liaison | Communication to SC 29/WG 1 |
1662 | 4/97 | Liaison | Liaison to ITU-T IMT 2000 |
1663 | 4/97 | Liaison | ETSI U.M.T.S |
1664 | 4/97 | SNHC | Core experiments on MITG |
1665 | 4/97 | SNHC | Core experiments on visual texture of mesh coding |
1666 | 4/97 | SNHC | Text of SNHC VM version 4.0 |
1667 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on SNHC visual texture/mesh coding |
1668 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on SNHC MITG |
1669 | 4/97 | SNHC | SNHC FAQs version 1.0 |
1670 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on SNHC VM editing |
1671 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on face and body animation |
1672 | 4/97 | SNHC | Core experiments on face and body animation |
1673 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on MPEG-4 requirements |
1674 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on MPEG-7 requirements |
1675 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on content-related IPR issues |
1676 | 4/97 | Test | Logistics for July 1997 competitive tests |
1677 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on MPEG-4 Low Delay Evaluations |
1678 | 4/97 | Requirements | MPEG-7 Context and Objectives - version 3 |
1679 | 4/97 | Requirements | MPEG-7 Requirements - first draft |
1680 | 4/97 | Requirements | Management of identification and protection of content in MPEG-4’ |
1681 | 4/97 | Requirements | Text MPEG-4 Profiles -version 3 |
1682 | 4/97 | Requirements | Text of MPEG-4 Requirements version 3 |
1683 | 4/97 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Overview |
1684 | 4/97 | Requirements | Response to New Work Item project acceptance response criteria for MPEG-7. |
1685 | 4/97 | Requirements | List of Functionalities to be supported in the first phase of MPEG-4’ |
1686 | 4/97 | Requirements | Report on MPEG-7 seminar |
1687 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on SNHC FAQ |
1688 | 4/97 | DMIF | Text of MPEG-4 DMIF Preliminary Working Draft |
1689 | 4/97 | DMIF | DMIF Reference model requirements |
1690 | 4/97 | DMIF | Text of ISO/IEC 13818-10 DSMCC Conformance working draft |
1691 | 4/97 | DMIF | DSM-CC FAQs version 1.1 |
1692 | 4/97 | Systems | Text of MPEG-4 Systems WD version 4.0 |
1693 | 4/97 | Systems | Text of Systems VM version 4.0 |
1694 | 4/97 | Systems | Test case for validation of Systems VM |
1695 | 4/97 | Systems | Systems (MPEG-2 and MPEG-4) FAQs |
1696 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on Systems WD editing |
1697 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on Systems VM |
1698 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on Systems VM implementation 1 |
1699 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on systems VM implementation 2 |
1700 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on systems multiplex specification |
1701 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on systems composition |
1702 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on joint video/systems activities |
1703 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on systems QoS |
1704 | 4/97 | Audio | Results of informal assessments of MPEG-2 AAC SSR profile |
1705 | 4/97 | Audio | Report of status of the MPEG-4 player |
1706 | 4/97 | Test | Call for new audio test material |
1707 | 4/97 | Test | Principles and workplan of verification test |
1708 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on MPEG-4 player |
1709 | 4/97 | Test | Call for audio visual test material |
1710 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on logistics for MPEG-4 July 1997 tests |
1711 | 4/97 | Convenor | Adhoc group on computational graceful degradation techniques |
1712 | 4/97 | Audio | Report on the complexity of MPEG-2 AAC tools |
1713 | 4/97 | Video | MPEG-4 video FAQ version 1.0 |
1714 | 4/97 | Requirements | Call for Proposals on technology for management and protection of content in MPEG-4 |
1715 | 7/97 | Convener | List of Documents from Stockholm Meeting |
1716 | 7/97 | Convener | Resolutions of the Stockholm Meeting |
1717 | 7/97 | Convener | List of AHGs Established at the 40th Meeting in Stockholm, Sweden |
1718 | 7/97 | Convener | Report of the 40th meeting in Stockholm, Sweden |
1719 | 7/97 | Convener | Guidelines for electronic distribution of MPEG and WG 11 Documents |
1720 | 7/97 | Convener | Press Release of the 40th Meeting |
1721 | 7/97 | Convener | Meeting Notice of the 41st Meeting in Fribourg, Switzerland |
1722 | 7/97 | Convener | Guidelines for WG 11 meetings hosts |
1723 | 7/97 | Systems | Text of 13818-1/FPDAM5 |
1724 | 7/97 | Systems | DoC for 13818-1/PDAM5 |
1725 | 7/97 | Systems | Text of 13818-1/AMD4 |
1726 | 7/97 | Systems | Text of 13818-4/DCOR 1 |
1727 | 7/97 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Requirements Document v.4 |
1728 | 7/97 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Profiles Document v.4 |
1729 | 7/97 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Applications Document |
1730 | 7/97 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Overview |
1731 | 7/97 | Requirements | MPEG-4 functionalities to be supported after MPEG-4 phase 1 |
1732 | 7/97 | Requirements | Management of identification and protection of content in MPEG-4 |
1733 | 7/97 | Requirements | MPEG-7: Context and Objectives v. 4 |
1734 | 7/97 | Requirements | 2nd draft of the MPEG-7 Requirements Document |
1735 | 7/97 | Requirements | MPEG-7 Applications Document |
1736 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Low Delay Evaluations |
1737 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Requirements |
1738 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-7 Requirements |
1739 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on Content Related IPR Issues in MPEG-4 |
1740 | 7/97 | Test | List of Video and Audiovisual Sequences for use by MPEG Audiovisual Coding Standard Development |
1741 | 7/97 | Audio | Provisional Text of 13818-4/FPDAM 1 |
1742 | 7/97 | Audio | Provisional Text of TR 13818-5/FPDAM 1 |
1743 | 7/97 | Audio | Schedule of activities for the final stages of the text of TR 13818-5/PDAM 1 |
1744 | 7/97 | Audio | Test plan for the MPEG-2 AAC stereo verification tests |
1745 | 7/97 | Audio | MPEG-4 Audio WD Version 4.0 |
1746 | 7/97 | Audio | MPEG-4 Audio software decoder VM 4.0 |
1747 | 7/97 | Audio | Status of the MPEG-4 Audio core experiments |
1748 | 7/97 | Audio | MPEG-4 Audio core experiment test methodology |
1749 | 7/97 | Audio | Proposal for MPEG-4 verification tests |
1750 | 7/97 | Audio | Status of the MPEG-4 Player |
1751 | 7/97 | Audio | MPEG Audio FAQs |
1752 | 7/97 | Audio | Proposals for the MPEG Audio Web site |
1753 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-2 AAC Conformance and Technical Report |
1754 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-2 AAC stereo verification tests |
1755 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Audio WD and VM |
1756 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Structured Audio WD, VM and other developments |
1757 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Audio core experiments |
1758 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 verification test preparations |
1759 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on Audio MPEG website |
1760 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on Audio/Systems transport issues |
1761 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Audio error resilience |
1762 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Conformance and Technical Report preparation |
1763 | 7/97 | DMIF | DMIF ISO/IEC 14496-6 WD V 1.0 |
1764 | 7/97 | DMIF | DSM-CC Conformance ISO/IEC 13818-10 WD V 2.0 |
1765 | 7/97 | DMIF | DMIF Evolution beyond Oct. 97 CD |
1766 | 7/97 | Test | Report of the July 97 Video Test |
1767 | 7/97 | Requirements | Evaluation of responses to IPR Call for Proposals |
1768 | 7/97 | Requirements | Translation from profile requirements to profile specification |
1769 | 7/97 | Liaison | Liaison statement to ITU-T SG 16/SG 12 (audio tests) |
1770 | 7/97 | Audio | Workplan for AAC conformance |
1771 | 7/97 | Audio | Integration of the MPEG-4 narrowband and wideband CELP core |
1772 | 7/97 | Audio | MPEG-4 Audio/systems issues |
1773 | 7/97 | Systems | Experiments for MPEG-4 Systems |
1774 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on face/body animation |
1775 | 7/97 | SNHC | Core experiments on new FAP coding techniques |
1776 | 7/97 | SNHC | Core experiments on body animation |
1777 | 7/97 | Liaison | Liaison statement to ITU-T SG 16 explaining details of MPEG-4 DMIF. |
1778 | 7/97 | Liaison | Liaison statement to AESSC accepting Karlheinz Brandenburg as Liaison. |
1779 | 7/97 | Liaison | Liaison statement to ITU-T SG 9 indicating our acceptance of their request for information on error resilience of MPEG AAC and MPEG-4 audio, when available. |
1780 | 7/97 | Liaison | Liaison statement to IEC TC 100 describing our activities, including multimedia systems, IPR protection and compression. |
1781 | 7/97 | Liaison | Liaison statement to Technical Module of DVB to correct their impression of MPEG-4 Broadcast quality at 1 Mbs. |
1782 | 7/97 | Liaison | Liaison statement to SMPTE on activities of MPEG-4 and MPEG-7 on the standardization of multimedia content description, also known as Metadata. |
1783 | 7/97 | Liaison | Liaison statement to ITU-R WPs 10 & 11A on activities of MPEG-4 and MPEG-7 on the standardization of multimedia content description, also known as Metadata. |
1784 | 7/97 | Liaison | Liaison statement to ITU-T SG 12 on our willingness, assuming copyright owners agree, to make available audiovisual material and test results. |
1785 | 7/97 | Liaison | Liaison statement to SC 24 and VRML on our mutual collaboration and cooperation. Also, announcement and invitation to the Systems ad hoc meeting in September and the next MPEG meeting in October. |
1786 | 7/97 | Liaison | Liaison statement to SC 24 and VRML describing in detail the technical changes to the Systems VM and WD to address their concerns. |
1787 | 7/97 | Liaison | Liaison statement to MIDI on our audio activities in MPEG-4. |
1788 | 7/97 | Liaison | Liaison statement to MUSE on our activities in MPEG-4 for IPR protection |
1789 | 7/97 | Liaison | Liaison statement to DVD Consortium on our activities in MPEG-4 for IPR protection |
1790 | 7/97 | Liaison | Liaison statement to IETF explaining details of MPEG-4 DMIF |
1791 | 7/97 | Liaison | Response to the Japanese National Body |
1792 | 7/97 | Liaison | Response to the Norwegian National Body |
1793 | 7/97 | Liaison | Response to the United States National Body |
1794 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on object content information in MPEG-4 |
1795 | 7/97 | ALL | Text of ISO/IEC 14496-5 -Software simulation |
1796 | 7/97 | Video | Text of ISO/IEC 14496-2 video verification model V.8.0 |
1797 | 7/97 | Video | Text of ISO/IEC 14496-2 visual working draft V.4.0 |
1798 | 7/97 | Video | Description of core experiments on shape coding in MPEG-4 video |
1799 | 7/97 | Video | Description of core experiments on region-oriented texture coding in MPEG-4 video |
1800 | 7/97 | Convener | WG 11 Terms of reference |
1801 | 7/97 | Systems | MPEG-4 Systems software implementation workplan |
1802 | 7/97 | Systems | MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 systems FAQ v-3.0 |
1803 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 systems WD editing |
1804 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 systems decoder model and multiplex specification |
1805 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on BIFs scene description |
1806 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on AAVS scene description |
1807 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 systems implementation |
1808 | 7/97 | Video | Description of core experiments on error resilience in MPEG-4 video |
1809 | 7/97 | Video | Description of core experiments on multifunctional coding aspects in MPEG-4 video |
1810 | 7/97 | Video | Description of core experiments on coding efficiency in MPEG-4 video |
1811 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on core experiments on coding of arbitrarily shaped objects in MPEG-4 video |
1812 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on core experiments on error resilience in MPEG-4 video |
1813 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on core experiments on multifunctional coding in MPEG-4 video |
1814 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on core experiments on coding efficiency in MPEG-4 video |
1815 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on editing the documents of the MPEG-4 video verification model and the MPEG-4 visual working draft |
1816 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Video Verification Model Complexity |
1817 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on advanced layered coding for high resolution video |
1818 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 encoder optimization |
1819 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on DMIF reference source code |
1820 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 bitstream exchange for texture and mesh coding |
1821 | 7/97 | SNHC | MPEG-4 SNHC VM v.5.0 |
1822 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on decoder quality of service levels |
1823 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on computational graceful degradation (CGD) |
1824 | 7/97 | ISG | Recommendations for supporting CGD functionalities within MPEG-4 video and system’s WD |
1825 | 7/97 | Systems | MPEG-4 systems WD v5.0 |
1826 | 7/97 | Liaison | Liaison statement to F1017 (audio tests) |
1827 | 7/97 | Systems | Rules for update of systems WD |
1828 | 7/97 | Convener | AHG on SNHC VM editing |
1829 | 7/97 | Test/Video | Plan for March 1998 Error Resilience Verification Test |
1830 | 7/97 | Liaison | Liaison statement to ETSI (audio tests) |
1831 | 7/97 | Liaison | Liaison statement to ITU -T SG 15/SG 12 (video tests) |
1832 | 10/97 | Convener | List of Documents from Fribourg Meeting |
1833 | 10/97 | Convener | Resolutions of the Fribourg Meeting |
1834 | 10/97 | Convener | List of AHGs Established at the 41th Meeting in Fribourg, Switzerland |
1835 | 10/97 | Convener | Report of the 41th meeting in Fribourg, Switzerland |
1836 | 10/97 | Convener | Guidelines for electronic distribution of MPEG and WG 11 Documents |
1837 | 10/97 | Convener | Press Release of the 41th Meeting |
1838 | 10/97 | Convener | Meeting Notice of the 42nd Meeting in San Jose, California |
1839 | 10/97 | Convener | Guidelines for WG 11 meetings hosts |
1840 | 10/97 | Convener | Early Meeting Notice of the 43rd Meeting in Tokyo, Japan |
1841 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-2 Advanced Layer Coding for High Resolution Video |
1842 | 10/97 | Requirements | Preliminary Requirements for MPEG-2 Advanced Layered Coding for High Resolution Video |
1843 | 10/97 | Audio | Text of ISO/IEC 13818-7 /DCOR1 |
1844 | 10/97 | Audio | Workplan for AAC conformance and technical report |
1845 | 10/97 | Audio | Specification of ISO/IEC 13818-7 stereo verification tests |
1846 | 10/97 | Audio | Report of the status of MPEG-4 Audio code experiments |
1847 | 10/97 | Audio | Text of WD 14496-4 Conformance testing- audio only |
1848 | 10/97 | Audio | Proposed method to assess the audio quality of low bitrate audio coders |
1849 | 10/97 | Audio | Proposal for MPEG-4 audio verification tests |
1850 | 10/97 | Audio | MPEG-4 audio error resilience workplan |
1851 | 10/97 | Audio | Information on MPEG-4 audio/systems issues |
1852 | 10/97 | Audio | Criteria for evaluation of MPEG-4 structured audio |
1853 | 10/97 | Audio | MPEG-4 audio bitstream exchange summary |
1854 | 10/97 | Audio | MPEG audio FAQ version 5 |
1855 | 10/97 | Audio | Proposals for the MPEG audio website content |
1856 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-2 AAC conformance and technical report |
1857 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-2 AAC stereo verification tests |
1858 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 audio CD and reference software CD progression |
1859 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 structured audio developments |
1860 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 audio verification tests |
1861 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 audio website |
1862 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on audio/systems issues |
1863 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 audio error resilience |
1864 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 conformance |
1865 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 core experiments for version 2 |
1866 | 10/97 | Audio | Text of 13818-4/FPDAM1 AAC |
1867 | 10/97 | Audio | Text of TR 13818-5/FPDAM1 AAC |
1868 | 10/97 | Audio | A study of the text of 13818-1/PDAM5 Systems |
1869 | 10/97 | Video | Text of ISO/IEC 14496-2 video verification model V.9.0 |
1870 | VACANT | ||
1871 | 10/97 | Video | Description of core experiments on shape coding in MPEG-4 video |
1872 | 10/97 | Video | Description of core experiments on region-oriented texture coding in MPEG-4 video |
1873 | 10/97 | Video | Description of core experiments on error resilience in MPEG-4 video |
1874 | 10/97 | Video | Description of core experiments on multifunctional coding aspects in MPEG-4 video |
1875 | 10/97 | Video | Description of core experiments on coding efficiency in MPEG-4 video |
1876 | 10/97 | Implementation | Decoder Qos Conformance Levels. |
1877 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on core experiments on coding of arbitrarily shaped objects in MPEG-4 video |
1878 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on core experiments on error resilience in MPEG-4 video |
1879 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on core experiments on multifunctional coding in MPEG-4 video |
1880 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on core experiments on coding efficiency in MPEG-4 video |
1881 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on editing the documents of the MPEG-4 video verification model and the MPEG-4 visual working draft |
1882 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 video encoder optimization |
1883 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 texture coding |
1884 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Random Access Coding |
1885 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 tools complexity |
1886 | 10/97 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Requirements Document v.5 |
1887 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on FBA |
1888 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on 3D model coding |
1889 | 10/97 | SNHC | Core experiments on FBA |
1890 | 10/97 | SNHC | Core experiments on 3D model coding |
1891 | 10/97 | SNHC | SNHC VM version 6.0 |
1892 | 10/97 | SNHC | MPEG-4 Version 2 SNHC workplan |
1893 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on CD 14496-6 editing |
1894 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-7 Requirements |
1895 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on other MM Metadata schemes |
1896 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Composition Profiles and Levels |
1897 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on content-related IPR |
1898 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on Version Management in MPEG-4 |
1899 | 10/97 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Profile Requirements Document v.5 |
1900 | 10/97 | DSMCC | Text for CD 13818-10 DSMCC conformance testing |
1901 | 10/97 | Systems | Text for CD 14496-1 Systems |
1902 | 10/97 | Video | Text for CD 14496-2 Video |
1903 | 10/97 | Audio | Text for CD 14496-3 Audio |
1904 | 10/97 | Joint | Text for WD 14496-4 Conformance testing |
1905 | 10/97 | Joint | Text for CD 14496-5 Reference Software |
1906 | 10/97 | DMIF | Text for CD 14496-6 DMIF |
1907 | 10/97 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Applications Document v.2 |
1908 | 10/97 | Requirements | Decisions on MPEG-4 Profiling |
1909 | 10/97 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Version 1 Overview |
1910 | 10/97 | Convener | Proposal of MPEG-4 Amendment |
1911 | 10/97 | Systems | Text of WD of Version 2 of MPEG-4 part 1 |
1912 | 10/97 | Video | Text of WD of Version 2 of MPEG-4 part 2 |
1913 | VACANT | ||
1914 | 10/97 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Version 2 Overview |
1915 | 10/97 | Joint | Text of WD of Version 2 of MPEG-4 part 5 |
1916 | 10/97 | DMIF | Text of WD of Version 2 of MPEG-4 part 6 |
1917 | 10/97 | Requirements | Requirements for information to be carried on a back channel |
1918 | 10/97 | Requirements | Managing Intellectual Property Identification and Protection within MPEG-4 |
1919 | 10/97 | Requirements | Call for Proposals for an MPEG-4 Intermedia Format |
1920 | 10/97 | Requirements | MPEG-7 Context and Objectives v.5 |
1921 | 10/97 | Requirements | MPEG-7 Requirements Document v.3 |
1922 | 10/97 | Requirements | MPEG-7 Applications Document v.2 |
1923 | 10/97 | Requirements | MPEG-7 Preliminary Draft Call for Proposals |
1924 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on Systems Specifications Editing |
1925 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on Systems Elementary Streams Management |
1926 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on BIFS Scene Description |
1927 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on AAVS Specification |
1928 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on Systems Version 1.0 Software Implementation |
1929 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on Systems Version 2.0 Software Implementation |
1930 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on Systems Conformance and Bitstreams Exchange |
1931 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on Representation of Time and Decoder Configuration |
1932 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on Systems User to User interaction |
1933 | 10/97 | Systems | Overview of AAVS Format |
1934 | 10/97 | Systems | Systems Experiments |
1935 | 10/97 | Systems | Systems Version 1.0 Software Implementation Workplan |
1936 | 10/97 | Systems | MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 Systems Frequently Asked Questions |
1937 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on SNHC VM editing |
1938 | 10/97 | Systems | Systems edit list for CD editors |
1939 | 10/97 | Liaison | Response to comments on MPEG-4 Copyright Information to FIAPF |
1940 | 10/97 | Liaison | Request for Liaison A to FIAPF |
1941 | 10/97 | Liaison | Liaison to ITU-T on OC |
1942 | 10/97 | Liaison | Letter to IETF on closer working relationship with IETF on DMIF |
1943 | 10/97 | Liaison | Letter from ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 to the MIDI Manufacturers Association |
1944 | 10/97 | Liaison | Request for Liaison A to MMA |
1945 | 10/97 | Liaison | Liaison to EBU B/CASE |
1946 | 10/97 | Liaison | SG16 and ISO/IEC MPEG Cooperation on DMIF with H.310 and H.323 |
1947 | 10/97 | Liaison | Liaison from SC29/WG11 to SC24 and the VRML Consortium |
1948 | 10/97 | Liaison | Liaison to ARIB on Verification tests of MPEG-4 |
1949 | 10/97 | Liaison | Liaison to ETSI on Verification tests of MPEG-4 |
1950 | 10/97 | Liaison | Liaison to TIA on Verification tests of MPEG-4 |
1951 | 10/97 | Liaison | Answer to the Portuguese National Body regarding MPEG-4 versioning |
1952 | 10/97 | Liaison | Response to the position paper of the National Body of Korea on the version management of MPEG-4 |
1953 | 10/97 | Liaison | Response to USNB Request for Amendment to 11172-2 |
1954 | 10/97 | Liaison | Answer to the German National Body Position regarding MPEG-4 Profiles |
1955 | 10/97 | Liaison | Disposition of comments on MPEG-4 Audio to UK document M2607 |
1956 | 10/97 | Liaison | Response to French National Body Comment concerning OCI development |
1957 | 10/97 | Liaison | Letter to CEN/ISSS on MPEG-4 IPR |
1958 | 10/97 | Liaison | Response to UK National Body Comment concerning MPEG-7 development |
1959 | 10/97 | Liaison | Liaison letter to ISO/TC 46/ SC 9/WG1 on MPEG-4 Copyright Information |
1960 | 10/97 | Test & Video | Updated workplan for verifications tests on video error robustness |
1961 | 10/97 | Test & Video | Workplan for pre-evaluation of MPEG-4 video content based coding verification tests |
1962 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 video verification tests |
1963 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on Computational Graceful Degradation (CGD) |
1964 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on Core experiment on Binary Shape complexity in Simple profile. |
1965 | 10/97 | Convener | AHG on Decoder QoS. |
1966 | 10/97 | Audio | MPEG-4 audio: comparison of AAC and twin VQ tools |
1967 | 10/97 | Liaison | Response the National body of UK comments on MPEG-4 video |
1968 | 10/97 | Audio | DoC report for 13818-4/PDAM1 AAC |
1969 | 10/97 | Audio | DoC report for TR 13818-5/PDAM1 AAC |
1970 | 10/97 | Requirements | Preliminary requirements for the adaptive Audio/visual session format |
1971 | 10/97 | Test | Global workplan for MPEG-4 verification test |
1972 | 10/97 | SNHC | Initial thoughts on SNHC visual object profiling and levels |
1973 | 10/97 | Audio | Proposal for audio applications using an MPEG-4 backchannel |
1974 | 10/97 | Requirements | Overview of the MPEG-4 tools |
1975 | 2/98 | Convener | List of Documents from San Jose Meeting |
1976 | 2/98 | Convener | Resolutions of the San Jose Meeting |
1977 | 2/98 | Convener | List of AHGs Established at the 42nd Meeting in San Jose, California, US |
1978 | 2/98 | Convener | Report of the 42nd meeting in San Jose, California, US |
1979 | 2/98 | Convener | Guidelines for electronic distribution of MPEG and WG 11 Documents |
1980 | 2/98 | Convener | Press Release of the 42nd Meeting |
1981 | 2/98 | Convener | Meeting Notice of the 43rd Meeting in Tokyo, Japan |
1982 | 2/98 | JPNB | Logistical Information for AHG meetings prior to the 43rd meeting in Tokyo |
1983 | 298 | Systems | Text of ISO/IEC 13818-4/COR1 |
1984 | 2/98 | Systems | DoC of ISO/IEC 13818-4/DCOR1 |
1985 | 2/98 | HoD | Guide for WG 11 meeting hosts |
1986 | 2/98 | Systems | Text of ISO/IEC 13818-4/DCOR2 |
1987 | 2/98 | Delivery | Text of ISO/IEC 13818-6/PDAM1 |
1988 | 2/98 | Audio | AHG on MPEG-2 AAC Dynamic range control |
1989 | 2/98 | Delivery | Study of ISO/IEC 14496-6 DMIF V1 CD |
1990 | 2/98 | Systems | Text of ISO/IEC 13818-1/FDAM5 |
1991 | 2/98 | Systems | DoC for ISO/IEC 13818-1/FPDAM5 |
1992 | 2/98 | Video | Text of ISO/IEC 14496-2 video verification model V.10.0 |
1993 | 2/98 | Video | Text of ISO/IEC 14496-2 visual working draft Version 2 Rev.2.0 |
1994 | 2/98 | Video | Description of core experiments on shape coding in MPEG-4 video |
1995 | 2/98 | Video | Description of core experiments on region-oriented texture coding in MPEG-4 video |
1996 | 2/98 | Video | Description of core experiments on error resilience in MPEG-4 video |
1997 | 2/98 | Video | Description of core experiments on multifunctional coding aspects in MPEG-4 video |
1998 | 2/98 | Video | Description of core experiments on coding efficiency in MPEG-4 video |
1999 | 2/98 | Delivery | DMIF V1 Conformance WD |
2000 | 2/98 | Convener | WG 11 Terms of reference |
2001 | 2/98 | Audio | Study on Conformance 13818-4/DAM 1(covering 13818-7 AAC) |
2002 | 2/98 | Audio | Study on Technical Report 13818-5/DAM 1 (covering both 13818-3 Second Edition and 13818-7 AAC) |
2003 | 2/98 | Audio | Study on MPEG-2 AAC 13818-7 Draft Technical Corrigendum 1 |
2004 | 2/98 | Audio | Workplan for AAC conformance and technical report |
2005 | 2/98 | Audio | Revised report on complexity of MPEG-2 AAC tools |
2006 | 2/98 | Audio | MPEG-2 AAC stereo verification test results |
2007 | 2/98 | Audio | Preliminary responses to National Body papers relating to Committee Draft 14496-3 |
2008 | 2/98 | Audio | Study on MPEG-4 Audio Committee Draft 14496-3 |
2009 | 2/98 | Audio | MPEG-4 Conformance Testing Working Draft 2.0 14496-4 (Visual & Audio) |
2010 | 2/98 | Audio | Study on MPEG-4 Reference Software Committee Draft 14496-5 |
2011 | 2/98 | Audio | MPEG-4 Audio: results of AAC and twin VQ tool comparative tests |
2012 | 2/98 | Audio | Study on MPEG-4 Audio AAC/TwinVQ convergence |
2013 | 2/98 | Audio | Proposal for MPEG-4 Audio verification tests: NADIB part |
2014 | 2/98 | Audio | Proposal for MPEG-4 Audio verification tests: speech codecs |
2015 | 2/98 | Audio | Proposal for complexity evaluation of MPEG-4 Audio decoder tools |
2016 | 2/98 | Audio | Information on MPEG-4 Audio systems issues |
2017 | 2/98 | Audio | WD for MPEG-4 ISO/IEC14496-3 amendment proposal |
2018 | 2/98 | Audio | VM for MPEG-4 ISO/IEC14496-3 amendment proposal |
2019 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 CELP Speech coding |
2020 | 2/98 | Audio | MPEG-4 Audio error resilience workplan |
2021 | 2/98 | Audio | MPEG Audio FAQs version 6 |
2022 | 2/98 | Audio | Proposals for the MPEG Audio web site content |
2023 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-2 AAC Conformance and Technical Report (Coleman/Thom/Lueck) |
2024 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Audio CD and Reference Software CD progression (Grill/Purnhagen) |
2025 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Structured Audio (Scheirer) |
2026 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Verification tests (Edler/Jacobson) |
2027 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Audio tool complexity (Spille) |
2028 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Audio/Systems issues (Teichmann/Herpel) |
2029 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Audio/Systems reference model (Scheirer/Coleman) |
2030 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Conformance (Vaananen/Rault) |
2031 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Audio error resilience for Version 2 (Dietz/Miki) |
2032 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG Audio web site (Thom/Purnhagen) |
2033 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on core experiments on coding of arbitrarily shaped objects in MPEG-4 video |
2034 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on core experiments on error resilience in MPEG-4 video |
2035 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on core experiments on multifunctional coding in MPEG-4 video |
2036 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on core experiments on coding efficiency in MPEG-4 video |
2037 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on editing the documents of the MPEG-4 video verification model and the MPEG-4 visual working draft and CD Version 1 |
2038 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on advanced layered coding for high resolution video |
2039 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 video encoder optimization |
2040 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 texture coding |
2041 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Random Access Coding |
2042 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 High Quality Applications |
2043 | 2/98 | Systems | Text of study of ISO/IEC 14496-1 Systems CD Version 1 |
2044 | 2/98 | Systems | Text of study of Systems Software Version 1 Implementation |
2045 | 2/98 | Systems | Text of systems Conformance |
2046 | 2/98 | Systems | Systems Software Implementation Workplan |
2047 | 2/98 | Systems | Description of the status of Systems Software |
2048 | 2/98 | Systems | MPEG-4 Systems Version 2 Workplan |
2049 | 2/98 | Systems | Text of systems Version 2 WD 1.0 |
2050 | 2/98 | Systems | Text of systems Version 2 VM 1.0 |
2051 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on Systems Specifications Editing |
2052 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on Systems Elementary Streams Management |
2053 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on BIFS Scene Description |
2054 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on Systems Version 1 Software Implementation |
2055 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on Systems Conformance |
2056 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on AAVS Specification and Implementation |
2057 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG4 Intermedia Format Specification and Implementation |
2058 | 2/98 | Delivery | DMIF reference source code architecture for IM1 |
2059 | 2/98 | Delivery | Text of DMIF Version 2 WD 2.0 |
2060 | 2/98 | Delivery | DMIF FAQ |
2061 | 2/98 | Test | Workplan for formal verification tests on video error resilience |
2062 | 2/98 | Convener | AHGon EG-4 Video Error Resilience Verification test |
2063 | 2/98 | SNHC | Core Experiment Description on FA |
2064 | 2/98 | SNHC | Core experment Description on BA |
2065 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on FBA |
2066 | 2/98 | SNHC | Core experment Description on 3D Model Coding |
2067 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on 3D Model Coding |
2068 | 2/98 | SNHC | SNHC VM7.0 |
2069 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on SNHC VM Editing |
2070 | 2/98 | SNHC | SNHC FAQs |
2071 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on SNHC FAQs Editing |
2072 | 2/98 | Video | Study of ISO/IEC 14496-2 |
2073 | 2/98 | Video | Guidelines for Version 2 VM/WD procedure |
2074 | 2/98 | Test/Video | Results of Pre-evaluation of Content-based Coding Verification Test |
2075 | 2/98 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Requirements Document |
2076 | 2/98 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Applications Document |
2077 | 2/98 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Tool list |
2078 | 2/98 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Version 1 Overview |
2079 | 2/98 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Version 2 Overview. |
2080 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-7 Evaluation Procedures |
2081 | 2/98 | VACANT | |
2082 | 2/98 | Requirements | MPEG-7 Context and Objectives |
2083 | 2/98 | Requirements | MPEG-7 Requirements Document |
2084 | 2/98 | Requirements | MPEG-7 Applications Document |
2085 | 2/98 | Requirements | MPEG-7 Draft Proposal Package Description |
2086 | 2/98 | Requirements | MPEG-7 First draft of Evaluation Process Document |
2087 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on Content-based coding pre-screening activity |
2088 | 2/98 | All | Text of WD ISO/IEC 14496-5 AMD1 (version 2) |
2089 | 2/98 | Liaison | Liaison to DVB on High Level 4:2:2 Profile MPEG-2 Video |
2090 | 2/98 | Liaison | Liaison to JTC1/SC29/WG1 JPEG 2000 |
2091 | 2/98 | Liaison | Liaison to Audio/Video Working Group of the 1394 Trade Association |
2092 | 2/98 | Liaison | Liaison to ETSI Project MTA |
2093 | 2/98 | Liaison | Liaison to CPT Working Group |
2094 | 2/98 | Liaison | Liaison to EBU/SMPTE Task Force for the Harmonization of Standards for Exchange of Program Material as Bit Streams |
2095 | 2/98 | Liaison | Liaison to ITU-T SG12 on Audio Tests |
2096 | 2/98 | Liaison | Liaison to MIDI Manufacturers Association |
2097 | 2/98 | Liaison | Liaison to ITU-T SG16 on Compatibility between MPEG-4 and H.263 Video |
2098 | 2/98 | Liaison | Liaison to C.E.N. on progress in MPEG-7 |
2099 | 2/98 | Liaison | Liaison to EBU/SMPTE on High Level 4:2:2 Profile MPEG-2 Video |
2100 | 2/98 | Liaison | Response to NB contributions |
2101 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on Computational Graceful Degradation |
2102 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on the video decoder Quality of Service |
2103 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on Video Decoder OBMC Complexity Evaluation |
2104 | 2/98 | ISG | Description of Core Experiment on OBMC Complexity Evaluation |
2105 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on Requirements for Advanced Layered Coding |
2106 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Profiles and Levels |
2107 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on Normative Composition in MPEG-4 |
2108 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on Version Management in MPEG-4 |
2109 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on content-related IPR in MPEG-4 |
2110 | 2/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-7 Requirements |
2111 | 3/98 | Convener | List of Documents from Tokyo Meeting |
2112 | 3/98 | Convener | Resolutions of the Tokyo Meeting |
2113 | 3/98 | Convener | List of AHGs Established at the 43rd Meeting in Tokyo, Japan |
2114 | 3/98 | Convener | Report of the 43rd meeting in Tokyo, Japan |
2115 | 3/98 | Convener | Guidelines for electronic distribution of MPEG and WG 11 Documents |
2116 | 3/98 | Convener | Press Release of the 43rd Meeting |
2117 | 3/98 | Convener | Meeting Notice of the 44th Meeting in Dublin, Ireland |
2118 | 3/98 | Systems | DoC for ISO/IEC CD 14496-1 Systems |
2119 | 3/98 | Video | DoC for ISO/IEC CD 14496-2 Visual |
2120 | 3/98 | Audio | DoC for ISO/IEC CD 14496-3 Audio |
2121 | 3/98 | All | DoC for ISO/IEC CD 14496-5 Reference Software |
2122 | 3/98 | DMIF | DoC for ISO/IEC CD 14496-6 DMIF |
2123 | 3/98 | DMIF | DoC for ISO/IEC CD 13818-10 DSMCC Conformance |
2124 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on Mobile Network Connections |
2125 | 3/98 | Video | Text of 13818-2/PDAM5 4:2:2P @ HL |
2126 | 3/98 | ISG | Description of visual SNHC CGD experiments |
2127 | 3/98 | ISG | Description of video decoder QoS experiments |
2128 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on Computational Graceful Degradation |
2129 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on video decoder Quality of Service |
2130 | 3/98 | Liaison | Response to National Body comments |
2131 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-2 Audio AAC Conformance and Technical Report (Coleman/Thom/Paley) |
2132 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-2 AAC dynamic range control (Schreiner) |
2133 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Audio FCD and Reference Software FCD progression (Grill/Purnhagen) |
2134 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Conformance (Spille) |
2135 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Structured Audio (Scheirer/Ray) |
2136 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Verification tests (Edler/S-W Kim) |
2137 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Audio NADIB verification tests (Contin/Dietz) |
2138 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Audio tool complexity (Spille) |
2139 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Audio/Systems issues (Teichmann/Herpel) |
2140 | 3/98 | Audio | Consideration for conformance of the MPEG-4 audio TTSI |
2141 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 TTSI/FBA convergence (Lee/Ostermann) |
2142 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Audio error resilience for Version 2 (Dietz/Miki) |
2143 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG Audio web site (Thom/Purnhagen) |
2144 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 CLEP Optimization(Sugiyama) |
2145 | 3/98 | Liaison | Liaison to VRML on modes of collaboration |
2146 | 3/98 | Liaison | Liaison to ITU-T SG16 on MPEG-4 DMIF |
2147 | 3/98 | Liaison | Liaison to ITU-T SG16 on MPEG-4 Audio |
2148 | 3/98 | Liaison | Liaison to ITU-T SG16 on MPEG-4 Video |
2149 | 3/98 | Liaison | Liaison to MMA on MIDI |
2150 | 3/98 | Liaison | Liaison to JPEG on the VCP for texture coding |
2151 | 3/98 | Audio | Study on Conformance 13818-4/DAM 1(covering 13818-7 AAC) |
2152 | 3/98 | Audio | Study on Technical Report 13818-5/DAM 1 (covering both 13818-3 Second Edition and 13818-7 AAC) |
2153 | 3/98 | Audio | Study on MPEG-2 AAC 13818-7 Draft Technical Corrigendum 1 |
2154 | 3/98 | Audio | Study on DoC on MPEG-2 AAC 13818-7 Draft Technical Corrigendum 1 |
2155 | 3/98 | Audio | MPEG-2 AAC 13818-7 Dynamic Range Control Proposal and Workplan |
2156 | 3/98 | Audio | MPEG-4 Audio AAC/TwinVQ convergence workplan |
2157 | 3/98 | Audio | MPEG-4 Audio verification test specification: NADIB part |
2158 | 3/98 | Audio | Proposal for MPEG-4 Audio verification tests: speech codecs |
2159 | 3/98 | Audio | Proposal for MPEG-4 Audio verification tests: music on Internet |
2160 | 3/98 | Audio | Information on MPEG-4 Audio systems issues |
2161 | 3/98 | Audio | MPEG-4 Audio error resilience workplan update |
2162 | 3/98 | Audio | MPEG Audio FAQs version 7 |
2163 | 3/98 | Audio | Proposals for the MPEG Audio web site content |
2164 | 3/98 | Audio | Bibliography of MPEG Audio documentation |
2165 | 3/98 | Test/video | Specification of formal verification tests on video error resilience |
2166 | 3/98 | Test/video | Results of the second pre-evaluation of content based coding verification tests |
2167 | 3/98 | Test/video | Preliminary specification of test conditions for video scalability verification tests |
2168 | 3/98 | Test/video | Call for new critical segmented audio-visual sequences |
2169 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 video verification tests |
2170 | 3/98 | Convener | Status report on MPEG-4 patent statements |
2171 | 3/98 | Video | Description of changes to ISO/IEC CD 14496-2 to FCD |
2172 | 3/98 | Video | Text of ISO/IEC 14496-2 video verification model V.11.0 |
2173 | 3/98 | Video | Description of core experiments on shape coding in MPEG-4 video |
2174 | 3/98 | Video | Description of core experiments on region-oriented texture coding in MPEG-4 video |
2175 | 3/98 | Video | Description of core experiments on error resilience in MPEG-4 video |
2176 | 3/98 | Video | Description of core experiments on multifunctional and advanced layered coding aspects in MPEG-4 video |
2177 | 3/98 | Video | Description of core experiments on coding efficiency in MPEG-4 video |
2178 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on core experiments on coding of arbitrarily shaped objects in MPEG-4 video |
2179 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on core experiments on error resilience in MPEG-4 video |
2180 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on core experiments on multifunctional and advanced layer coding in MPEG-4 video |
2181 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on core experiments on coding efficiency in MPEG-4 video |
2182 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on editing the documents of the MPEG-4 video verification model and the MPEG-4 visual working draft |
2183 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 video encoder optimization |
2184 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 texture coding |
2185 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-2 4:2:2@High Level |
2186 | 3/98 | Liaison | Liaison to CEN on MPEG-7 activities |
2187 | 3/98 | Liaison | Liaison to SMPTE on MPEG-7 activities |
2188 | 3/98 | Systems | Description of changes to ISO/IEC 14496-1 CD to FCD |
2189 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-7 Test and Evaluation Methods |
2190 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 Profiles and Levels |
2191 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-4 normative composition |
2192 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-7 Requirements |
2193 | 3/98 | Requirements | Advanced Layered Coding Applications and Requirements |
2194 | 3/98 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Requirements Document |
2195 | 3/98 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Applications Document |
2196 | 3/98 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Version 1 Overview |
2197 | 3/98 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Version 2 Overview |
2198 | 3/98 | Requirements | The Why and How of IP Management and Protection in MPEG-4 |
2199 | 3/98 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Profiling Policy |
2200 | 3/98 | Requirements | MPEG-4 Version Management Procedures |
2201 | 3/98 | Systems | Final Text of ISO/IEC FCD 14496-1 Systems |
2202 | 3/98 | Video | Final Text of ISO/IEC FCD 14496-2 Visual |
2203 | 3/98 | Audio | Final Text of ISO/IEC FCD 14496-3 Audio |
2204 | 3/98 | All | Text of ISO/IEC WD 14496-4 Conformance Testing |
2205 | 3/98 | All | Final Text of ISO/IEC FCD 14496-5 Reference Software |
2206 | 3/98 | DMIF | Final Text of ISO/IEC FCD 14496-6 DMIF |
2207 | 3/98 | Requirements | MPEG-7 Context and Objectives |
2208 | 3/98 | Requirements | MPEG-7 Requirements Document |
2209 | 3/98 | Requirements | MPEG-7 Applications Document |
2210 | 3/98 | DMIF | Text of ISO/IEC FCD 13818-10 DSMCC Conformance |
2211 | 3/98 | Systems | Text of ISO/IEC WD 14496-1/Amd1 Systems Version 2 |
2212 | VACANT | ||
2213 | 3/98 | Audio | Text of ISO/IEC WD 14496-3/Amd1 Audio Version 2 |
2214 | 3/98 | Requirements | MPEG-7 Draft Proposal Package Description |
2215 | VACANT | ||
2216 | VACANT | ||
2217 | 3/98 | Requirements | MPEG-7 Second draft of Evaluation Process Document |
2218 | 3/98 | Requirements | MPEG-7 Advance Call for Proposals |
2219 | 3/98 | Requirements | MPEG-7 Call for Test and Evaluation Material |
2220 | 3/98 | Systems | Status of the Systems Version 1 Software Implementation |
2221 | 3/98 | Systems | Systems Software Implementation Workplan |
2222 | 3/98 | Systems | Systems Software Player and Samples |
2223 | 3/98 | Systems | Systems FAQ |
2224 | 3/98 | Systems | MPEG-4 Systems Version 2 VM 1.0 |
2225 | 3/98 | DMIF | Changes to ISO/IEC WD 14496-4 for DMIF |
2226 | 3/98 | Requirements | Overview of profile and level definitions |
2227 | 3/98 | SNHC | Updates to the Visual FCD |
2228 | 3/98 | SNHC | Software Workplan |
2229 | 3/98 | SNHC | Verification Model 8.0 |
2230 | 3/98 | SNHC | Core Experiments on Body Animation |
2231 | 3/98 | SNHC | Core Experiments on Face Animation |
2232 | 3/98 | SNHC | Core Experiments on 3D Model Coding |
2233 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on Face and Body Animation |
2234 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on 3D Model Coding |
2235 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on SNHC VM Editing |
2236 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on Systems Specifications Editing Eleftheriadis et. al. |
2237 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on Elementary Streams Management Carsten Herpel et. al. |
2238 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on Systems and DMIF Specification Evolution Guido Franceschini et. al. |
2239 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on Systems Conformance Dufourd et. al. |
2240 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on Advanced BIFS Signes et. al. |
2241 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on MPEG-J Specification and Implementation Fernando et. al. |
2242 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on M4F Dave Pawson |
2243 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on Intellectual Property Management & Protection within MPEG-4 Niels Rump |
2244 | 3/98 | Convener | AHG on IM 1 Software Platform Lifshitz et. al. |
2245 | 3/98 | Convener | Request for Amendment 5 to ISO/IEC 13818-2 |
2246 | 3/98 | Convener | Request for Amendment 6 to ISO/IEC 13818-1 |
2247 | 3/98 | Audio | Interim release of ISO/IEC 14496-3 CD to FCD |
Heiko Purnhagen 18-Aug-1998