Hi ...
Just some coments on the ongoing discussion:
On Friday, May 16, 1997 1:19 PM, Adam Lindsay wrote:
> On Thu, 15 May 97 17:08:09 -0500, Eric Scheirer wrote:
> >I'm planning to include both 'fir' and 'iir' opcodes in the next draft.
> >Also pow, log10, asin, acos, floor, ceil, min, max, ftsetloop, ftsetend,
> >and ftsetbase.
> Sounds great. That would make me happy on the filter performance end,
> but...
> > I don't really think that filter design needs to be
> >included, but I'm willing to listen to an argument. ('lopass', 'bandpass',
> >etc already implement simple parametric filtering).
> Oh, I know those opcodes well. (I know for my uses, 'reson' was the most
> useful. Where did that one go?)
> >
> >... on the other hand, SAOL is meant for
> >*synthesis*, not general-purpose signal processing or audio pattern
> >recognition. We're not trying to replace Matlab! The expansion of the
> >standard -- making implementations that much larger and more expensive
> >for producers/consumers -- should be driven by clear application needs.
> No pattern recognition, no general signal processing. *Synthesis* is one
> of SAOL's applications, but--as with when we were trying to define
> SAFX--sophisticated audio processing is at least as important. If I need
> a 31-pt FIR lowpass filter with a transition band from...[blah blah], do
> I, as a content creator, need to design it also?
I think, SAOL needs to address two sorts applications: One, it is a
MATLAB-like language for all kinds of audio-processing using predefined
functions like pow, log10, asin, acos, floor, ceil, min, max, ftsetloop,
ftsetend, etc.
The other application is, of course, audio synthesis (and composition?).
From my point of view, this has to include a framework for
"to-be-defined" audio processing and controlling. For example, I would
like to integrate a new SAFX box with some strange effects. For a
content creator, there is no other way than to design the complete box
except of the interfaces, which SOAL provides. The question is then, how
do I implement such a box? Is a C-interface a resonable approach?
Or is the design of new functions and algorithms (in C)
out of the scope that SAOL covers?
-- __________________________________________________________ Studer Professional Audio AG, http://www.studer.ch/studer Matthias Rosenthal, Ph.D. <matthias.rosenthal@studer.ch> CH-8105 Regensdorf Tel +41-1-870-72-39 FAX +41-1-840-47-37
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