At 01:20 PM 1/19/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Can I ask if you feel comfortable enough with the 'saolc'
>implementation to try implementing your proposals and
>testing them?
Hello Eric,
I hope that good work has been done in San Jose in spite of the
soggy outside !
Anyway, last week I had time to go through saolc to better investigate
how it exactly works. If I well understood the tool as it is now, it should be
feasible for me to implement and test the modifications. I think that
at the moment all the input (either file or bitstream) is processed at
the very beginning, all the events are scheduled before starting the
performance. The points to work on should be a) the event scheduling
(even if not necessary at the time) and b) the tempo execution. It also
seems to me that no hooks for the outside are implemented so far (3-d,
etc.) and probably the bifs part concerning synchronization and interaction
can be delayed.
Before beginning practically the work I'd like to know if what I have (post
Fribourg) is more or less a stable version of the code. In such a way once
the modifications are tested, I can add them to the last version in a few
Moreover I'd like to understand better if there are already some official
and approved modifications (and which ones) to the CD, or if any new version
will be delayed after the Tokyo meeting (regarding SA but also Systems). In
latter case which kind of activity is required in the next weeks.
A small technical detail: besides the bug I reported you before San Jose, I
an annoying distortion problem with some waveforms, i.e. I can't obtain at the
output the same sound level of the wavetable without distortion. To your
experience, this comes from a precise reason or there is something not working
to look at ? ( I even tried a very direct path read-loscil-write, NT and
Solaris, and
the problem is there).
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Giorgio ZOIA
Integrated Systems Center - DE/c3i - EPFL
CH-1015 Lausanne - SWITZERLAND
Phone: + 41 21 693 69 79 E-mail:
Fax: +41 21 693 46 63
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