Example bitstreams using SASBF?

From: Jan-Helge Bergesen (Jan.H.Bergesen@lhg.hib.no)
Date: Sun Jan 24 1999 - 13:33:06 EST

The subject says it all, I think.

I'm doing my graduation project (or whatever it's called in English),
based on
structured audio. It's in relation with multimedia-applets interfacing
through JNI to the OS.
We could need an example of a bitstream using SASBF for preliminary
statistics and profiling of the reference-software, just to see where
to start!


Jan-Helge Bergesen, Vinjesgate 1, N-5007 BERGEN NORWAY Tel: +047 
eMail: Jan.H.Bergesen@lhg.hib.no http://oliven.lhg.hib.no/~db96jhb 

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