Hello from a new subscriber

From: Richard Dobson (rwd@cableinet.co.uk)
Date: Thu Mar 04 1999 - 18:59:45 EST

Hello SAOLlers,

I have been on the Csound list for ages, and have finally got round to
joining the SAOL list despite knowing about it for quite a while now. In
fact, I even know people who know people who contributed to the MPEG-4
specification (at PACT, in Bristol, UK), so I can bask in some
distantly-reflected glory.

Despite the fact that my professional training is as a musician
(flute-player and teacher, and even a flute-maker years ago), I am a
'core developer' for the Composers Desktop Project (CDP - url below),
which is a large suite of programs for processing sounds, in the sorts
of ways favoured by experimental electro-acoustic composers. Much of our
most interesting stuff has been developed by Trevor Wishart. We started
on the Atari ST, and our main platform is now WIN32; also SGI. CDP is
also a non-profitmaking organisation (though we are now trying to become
a little more commercially-oriented, out of necessity - I want to do
this full-time!), with a strong focus on education and 'outreach'. We
put a great deal of work into our documentation, for example. My main
activity these days is developing new graphical tools, in addition to
general development and maintenance work.

I am intersted in SAOL not only as a compositional tool with a more
modern face than Csound, but also in its potential as an educational
tool. In both cases there will be a need for integrated graphical
support, and my impression is that the more structured and modular form
of the code will make it relatively easy to incorporate into a graphical
environment. Given that, unlike Csound, there are (so far as I can see)
no opcodes specifically for displaying data, graphic code will have to
be linked to saolc at a fairly deep level. I will also be keen to see
saolc on the PC reach real-time performance commensurate with Csound,
and will be happy to contribute to development as my skills and time

One of my pet issues at present is multi-channel audio; specifically,
the use of multi-channel soundfiles with soundcards. SAOLlers may be
amused to visit my Soundcard Attrition Page, where I list cards known to
support m/c files, and provide some example files. I have been in
occasional contact with Martin Puryear at Microsoft, with regard to the
new Extended WAVE formats (available from my site), and I would like to
add support for those to saolc as soon as the new formats are finalised.

That's enough from me for now...

Richard Dobson

Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page!
CDP homepage: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masjpf/CDP/CDP.htm

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