Re: Hi i'm new, a few questions

From: Michel Jullian (
Date: Thu Aug 12 1999 - 08:21:54 EDT

Hi Michael,

Michael Gogins wrote:
> I wish things were as far along as you would like... I have been following
> SAOL development as closely as I can, but I have not got the time or the
> skill to implement a runtime SAOL compiler all by myself, which is what
> would be required.

Yep, I had a look at the list archive. Doesn't look as if anybody has
implemented anything realtime yet even though there seems to be many projects
and many people interested. I wonder how that EPFL project is going on,
according to Giorgio's last post in March they had it running although with a
reduced set of core opcodes.

> I am (slowly) proceeding with development of various
> plugin versions of Csound.

Your vst2 Csound will be a cracker. When approx do you expect to release it ?
When you've got something vaguely running, I would love to test it for
compatibility with our sequencer.

> I also am (equally slowly) writing a pure Java
> software synthesizer.

If you've got the skill to do that, I am sure you've got the skill to make an
SAOL compiler ;-)

> If anyone does produce an efficient runtime compiler for SAOL for the
> Windows or Java platforms, then I would be most interested in looking it
> over and probably in using it.

me too.

> I think we're at the stage here where the keyboard and metal strings and
> wooden soundboard have been invented, but nobody has yet figured out what
> exact width the keys should be, or what scale the strings should be tuned
> to, or whether the strings should be plucked or struck with little hammers.


  Michel Jullian   Directeur General             email
  Exbang Industries S.A.
  Mas Chauvain   route de Villeneuve             tel +33(0) 499 529 878
  Maurin     34970 Lattes     France             fax +33(0) 499 529 879

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