Re: The elpelele problem (was: Re: Sfront patches for Visual C)

From: Ross Bencina (
Date: Wed Aug 25 1999 - 19:16:31 EDT

Richard Dobson writes:
>The character in question is a 'b', and it went in this line of
> midifile = fopen(argv[i],"rb");
>This, of course, ensures the file is opened in binary mode, so that
>bytes which happen to be quasi-EOF don't throw the next best thing to
>the Millenium bug.

I once spent a few days trying to work out why maccmix was putting funny
clicks in my files - I forgot the "b" and "\n" became "\r" and vice versa or
something like that. Perhaps this is why you were getting clicky audio files
to (?)


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