Is SFront deterministic ?

From: Michel Jullian (
Date: Thu Aug 26 1999 - 06:00:24 EDT

Is SFront deterministic ? (let's leave aside for the moment the wider question
of whether Life, the Universe and Everything are ;-) In other words, will
every generated program produce _exactly_ the same output wave when submitted
to the same MIDI events occurring at the same frame accurate times ?

If it isn't (I guess the answer depends largely on how random number
generators are seeded), could it be made so ?

To be frank, I have a very good personal reason to desire exact repeatability,
it's because of an innovative technique we are using in the music authoring
tool we are developing. It is a master maintenance method based on real-time
mixing (resp. demixing) of new (resp. old) individually synthesized waves,
where exact repeatability obviates the need for storing every synthesized
wave. Our SBS Sequencer is a kind of virtual multitrack with an unlimited
number of apparently real-time tracks where each track's synth or FX plugins
(which could be made with SFront, hence my question) would get 100% of the
computer resources, if you see what I mean.

I'll give more details if someone's interested. I must precise we have
patented this SBS technology : to people who object to software patents (I
know there are many and I respect their position), I'll just say I believe
patents are an indispensable tool to protect small innovative structures from
being spoiled/ingested by the bi(ll)g ones ;-)

I honestly think there are other good points for repeatability, such as going
some way towards justifying calling Structured Audio a "lossless compression" technique.

Hope all of this makes sense.

  Michel Jullian   Directeur General             email
  Exbang Industries S.A.
  Mas Chauvain   route de Villeneuve             tel +33(0) 499 529 878
  Maurin     34970 Lattes     France             fax +33(0) 499 529 879

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