Re: Is SFront deterministic ?

From: Michel Jullian (
Date: Thu Aug 26 1999 - 18:54:38 EDT

Well, John's post in this thread says it all. SFront is the living proof that
determinism is possible, even with random number generators, even across
platforms at term.

Frankly, Eric, such determinism _should_ IMHO be normative in MP4-SA, i.e.
_nothing at all_ should be left open in the standard like random things,
reverb and spatialize are at the moment. Maybe it is still time with
corrigenda and things ? Otherwise one of the main points of MP4-SA, which is
that the music will be synthesized identically by any decoder conforming to
the standard, will be defeated I am afraid. People will have to rely on a
single implementation for their music to sound the same, which defeats the
standard too.

WRT the last paragraph of your mail below, normative determinism would make
conformance-testing a breeze too : decoders producing the right sound file
(byte for byte) for every single test orc-sco pair would pass, otherwise they
would fail. This would make things prodigiously simple for everybody.

No offence or criticism meant, just my FRF 0.02 :-)

Eric Scheirer wrote:
> >May I respectfully submit that non-repeatable random number generators (or
> any
> >other opcode) may result in perfectly smooth audio sometimes and awful
> digital
> >clipping on other times, even on the same implementation ? That's bad :-(
> Well, it depends what you do with the random number generators. If I
> ask for values between -1 and 1, then I lowpass filter them and use them
> to control the frequency of an oscillator (random jitter vibrato), it won't
> ever clip because the values, also unpredictable, are
> predictably bounded. It's important to have the non-repeatable ones
> built-in, because without some kind of system function (get the LSB 16
> bits of the clock) it's impossible to write them yourself.
> As I said in the last email, if you need repeatability, it's easy to write
> these yourself. Here is a simple (bad) example:
> kopcode myrand(seed)
> ksig state;
> if (seed != 0) { state = seed; }
> state = state * 1103515245 + 12345;
> if (state > pow(2,31)) { state = state - pow(2,31); }
> return (mod(state / 65536, 32768));
> }
> This is taken right from Numerical Recipes (although it's marked
> as bad there, and it won't work exactly right in SAOL because SAOL
> uses float arithmetic, not integer. But you get the idea).
> Maybe someone who is more expert in random numbers can write a
> good floating-point seedable random-number generator as a SAOL
> opcode that I can put on the web page...?
> >Are you telling me that non-repeatability of random number generators in
> saol
> >implementations is actually _normative_ ? I mean if a particular
> >implementation seeded its core noise gens with e.g. absolute time times
> >instrument instance number, which would make it random from the user's
> point
> >of view but repeatable from my point of view, would this implementation be
> >illegal ?
> No, I don't think so. There is only one implementation note on
> random numbers, which I quote:
> The following core opcodes generate noise, that is, pseudo-random
> sequences of various statistical properties. In order to provide
> maximum decorrelation among multiple noise generators, it is important
> that all references to pseudo-random generation share a single feedback
> state. That is, all random values required by the various states of
> various noise generators shall make use of sequential values from a
> single “master” pseudo-random sequence.
> It is strictly prohibited for an implementation to maintain multiple
> pseudo-random sequences to draw from (using the same algorithm) for
> various states of noise generation opcodes, because to do so may result
> in strong correlations between multiple noise generators.
> This point does not apply to implementations that do not use “linear
> congruential”, “modulo feedback”, or similar mathematical structures to
> generate pseudo-random numbers.
> The only normative thing that, say, krand() must do is
> "return a random number x chosen according to the pdf
> p(x) = 1/2p for x in [-p,p]
> 0 otherwise."
> >From this, I conclude that an implementor may choose to do it your way.
> But if a content author depends on such platform-specific behavior, it
> won't work on other implementations. It's better to assume that krand()
> is truly random, and write your own generator for the cases in which
> you want pseudo-random numbers that are controllable in some way.
> One final note: It's still an open question in MPEG how we should
> conformance-test the random number generators, so if anyone has any
> suggestions, they should speak up. For example, for a statement like
> x = kpoissonrand(1e6)
> x should be zero except for one value every 11 1/2 days (on average) which
> is 1.
> (Maybe this is part of some conceptual installation piece). It's
> really hard to tell if an implementation has implemented this right
> without waiting around for years to collect statistics!

  Michel Jullian   Directeur General             email
  Exbang Industries S.A.
  Mas Chauvain   route de Villeneuve             tel +33(0) 499 529 878
  Maurin     34970 Lattes     France             fax +33(0) 499 529 879

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