More changes I would like to make to sfront:
A float WAV soundfile output option. For me this is virtually a necessity. I
anticipate a world of DVD audio at 24 bits per sample / 96 KHz sampling
rate. Without float samples then SAOL will inevitably sound a bit "cheesy"
and will not be used for professional purposes.
Related to this, I repeat, default double precision processing.
Drivers that are switchable at runtime. In other words, the sa executable
compiled for MIDI file input could be switched to use MIDI realtime control
input. The output soundfile format should also be switchable.
This can be done, obviously, by compiling ALL drivers but assigning the
addresses of only the compiler-selected driver implementation functions into
the actual (that is abstract) driver function addresses. Command options for
the sa executable could then cause different implementation function
addresses to be assigned to the abstract driver functions.
I will be implementing the driver idea myself, and will post my changes to
the list for possible inclusion in the "canonical" sfront.
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