Re: list admin [ot] question

From: 17.hzV.tRL.478 (
Date: Sun Aug 29 1999 - 12:34:48 EDT

>Yes, sorry. I try to keep up with the bounces, but there's been a
>lot of new ones recently. I'll see if I can change the reflector to
>point to me rather than the sender for bounces; the issue is
>that there's a single, central mail reflector facility at the Media
>Lab that I don't have good control over. But I'll see what I can

1ztl! = plz do not bkom !nfur!atd az tone = gntl
["who am i kidding"]


prznl! = loka!t !t ultra b!zar dze ultra paralel l!f 4rmz at med!a lab
+ on d!sz l!zt auss! ev!damnt r rekuezt!ng zentral!szd zoluz!onz.

l!p zerv!sz != l!v daru!n!an ratchet


To: "Erik de Castro Lopo" <>,
        "Richard Dobson" <>
Cc: <>

= eku!v 2 dze barel! perzeptbl prblm ov 2 bounsez.

perm!t 0+1 un4tunat zekuenz!al abrev!atd paralel

   all z!stemz a!m 2 m!n!m!ze unknoun kuant!t!ez
   uen humanz l!ztn 2 1 perzon zpeak!ng.
   read 1 page ov pr!nt - much ov what humanz
   th!nk dze! c or hear = szupl!ed 4rom cccelv memor!.
   humanz ovrlook m!spr!ntz !mag!n!ng dze korrekt letterz
   thugoh dze! c dze !norrkekt 1nz.

   hou l ttl humanz aktuall! hear when dze! l!ztn 2 speech
   humanz real!sz when at 1 theatre or f!lm !n 1 language wh!ch humanz
   arnt fam!l!ar w!th - at d!sz t!me what trblz humanz != dzat dze! kannot
   undrztand what dze aktorz = uttr!ng ; abr dzat humanz kannot hear dze
   aktorz' verdz. zplend!d <=>


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