CfP - Workshop and Exhibition on MPEG-4

From: Eric Scheirer (
Date: Mon Aug 30 1999 - 11:56:49 EDT

                     AT ISCAS 2000

MPEG-4 is the most recent International Standard for coding multimedia
objects. To energize the development of MPEG-4 products and explore the
full potential of MPEG-4 technologies, a Workshop and Exhibition devoted
to MPEG-4 will be held:

       from May 28 to May 31, 2000 in Geneva, Switzerland.

The Workshop/Exhibition is sponsored by IEEE Circuits and
Systems Society in cooperation with the MPEG-4 Industry Forum. It will
be co-located in time and place with IEEE International Symposium on
Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2000). It will include short courses on
MPEG-4, demonstrations/exhibitions that showcase prototypes and products
using MPEG-4, and technical sessions on the state-of-the-art research
topics related to MPEG-4. The Workshop papers will be published in the
Proceedings of ISCAS 2000. A selected number of Workshop papers will be
invited to submit an expanded version for publication in a special issue
of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
(CSVT). Contributions are solicited in the following categories:

* Technical Papers
* Demonstration/Exhibition

                        Technical Papers

Original technical papers are solicited on the research topics related
to MPEG-4, such as encoding optimization algorithms for MPEG-4,
innovative architectures and designs for implementing MPEG-4, and
creative applications of using MPEG-4. Advanced research papers
addressing similar functionalities of MPEG-4 are also solicited in
video coding, visual object coding, still texture coding, SNHC, audio
coding, systems, Internet streaming, and A/V content management and
protection. Papers without comparison results with MPEG-4 tools will
not be handled by the Workshop but may be referred to ISCAS Multimedia
and Communications Track for review.

· Author's Schedule:
- Deadline for Submission of Papers: November 1, 1999
- Notification of Acceptance: December 23, 1999
- Deadline for Submission of Final Papers: January 31, 2000
· Authors should use the following address for electronic
  submission of papers:

The full four-page paper in double column format, including paper title,
authors' names and affiliation, and a short abstract is requested. Only
electronic submissions (pdf or postscript format) will be accepted. Those
authors who are unable to send in their contribution electronically are
asked to contact the program chairs (e-mail:, fax +32/16/32.19.70) for further
instructions. Once accepted, the authors will be asked to prepare the
final four-page paper for the publication in the ISCAS 2000 Proceedings.
Please clearly mark on your submitted paper that the submission is to the
IEEE/MPEG Workshop and Exhibition on MPEG-4. When using the Web site,
please choose under "Topic Description" the Section "MPEG-4 Workshop and


Prospective contributors should use the following address for electronic
submission of their abstracts for demonstration/exhibition (plain text
format) by February 1, 2000:

Please clearly type that the submission is to the IEEE/MPEG Workshop and
Exhibition on MPEG-4 in your submitted abstract. When using the Web site,
please choose under "Topic Description" the Section "MPEG-4 Workshop and
Exhibition". The abstracts will be published in the Program of ISCAS 2000
as they are submitted.

Contact Information

For technical papers:

Prof. Ming-Ting Sun
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington 98195
Phone: (206) 616-8690
Fax: (206) 543-3842

For demo/exhibition abstracts:

Rob Koenen
KPN Research
P.O.Box 421
2260 AK Leidchendam
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 70 332-5310
Fax: +31 70 332-5567

For general information:

Weiping Li
Optivision, Inc.
3450 Hillview Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Phone: (650)845-2632
Fax: (650)354-8867

Organizing Committee

Leonardo Chiariglione
Ming L. Liou

Program Chair:
Weiping Li

Short Course Chair:
Fernando Pereira

Exhibition Chairs:
Rob Koenen,
Takuyo Kogure,
Ajay Luthra

Technical Committee Chairs:
Thomas Sikora,
Ming-Ting Sun,
Ya-Qin Zhang

Technical Committee Members and Areas of Responsibility:
Olivier Avaro (Systems)
Thomas Sikora (Video)
Schuyler Quackenbush (Audio)
Eric Petajan (SNHC)
Ya-Qin Zhang (Still Texture)
Joern Ostermann (Competing Technologies)
Ming-Ting Sun (Coordination with ISCAS Track)

Organizing Committee Members:
Ishfaq Ahmad,
Kiyoharu Aizawa,
Dimitris Anastassiou,
Olivier Avaro,
Jim Brailean,
Liang-Gee Chen,
Xuemin Chen,
Tihao Chiang,
Leonardo Chiariglione,
Reha Civanlar,
Gianluca De Petris,
Pete Doenges,
Jean-Claude Dufourd,
Touradj Ebrahimi,
Alexandros Eleftheriadis,
Robert Forchheimer,
Michael Frater,
Chuang Gu,
Carsten Herpel,
Hong Jiang,
Itaru Kaneko,
Rob Koenen,
Takuyo Kogure,
Murat Kunt,
Sang Uk Lee,
Youngjik Lee,
Haibo Li,
Weiping Li,
Ming L. Liou,
Ajay Luthra,
Hans G. Musmann,
Yuichiro Nakaya,
King N. Ngan,
Jens-Rainer Ohm,
Joern Ostermann,
Sethuraman Panchanathan,
Fernando Pereira,
Eric Petajan,
Peter Pirsch,
Atul Puri,
Schuyler Quackenbush,
Jean-Bernard Rault,
Niels Rump,
Eric Scheirer,
Jae-Seob Shin,
Julien Signes,
Thomas Sikora,
Iraj Sodagar,
Huifang Sun,
Ming-Ting Sun,
Viswanathan Swaminathan,
Ali Tabatabai,
Thiow Keng Tan,
Gabriel Taubin,
Murat Tekalp,
Riitta Vaananen,
Zhixiong Wu,
Yoichi Yagasaki,
Haoping Yu,
Ya-Qin Zhang,
Minhua Zhou

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