(vst2 ?) plugin output option for SFront ?

From: Michel Jullian (mj@exbang.com)
Date: Tue Aug 31 1999 - 04:38:25 EDT

I take it you mean "below, second paragraph". It does seem more
straightforward, it is technically feasible according to John, but I realize
it poses a licensing problem : the synth designer who creates a vst2 plugin
this way will never have downloaded the vst2 sdk so he/she will probably never
have signed, or agreed online to, or even been aware of, Steinberg's license agreement.

Unless SFront outputs the text of Steinberg's license agreement the first time
the -vst2plugin option is used, with a "press Y to agree, any other key to
abort" sort of thing ? (I would quite understand if John was reluctant to do
this though)

Otherwise maybe a non-vst2 sfront-format dll, which could be loaded by
sequencers directly or via a sfront-format to vst2 adapter (as in below, first
paragraph) would be the only legal/practical solution ?

Or maybe the non-vst2 option could be implemented as a first step, leaving us
time to sort out the vst2 questions.

Ideas, anybody ? The final word will be John's of course.

Michael Gogins wrote:
> I actually was thinking of doing what you describe below,
> although it seems
> I didn't make it clear. In any case, I am going to make the DLL and the
> JavaSound interface first, before I can do anything VST-related.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michel Jullian [mailto:mj@exbang.com]
> Sent: Monday, August 30, 1999 7:21 AM
> To: Michael Gogins
> Subject: Re: Watch out for Noise
> It looks as if what you have in mind is a _generic_ sa-hosting vst2 plugin
> dll
> which would itself either :
> - load Noise.dll which would in its turn load sa.dll, allowing for
> edit/compile/reload cycles.
> - or load sa.dll directly (with no possibility of editing the orchestra).
> A bit far-fetched imho ! I just can't see why the vst2 interface couldn't be
> built _directly into_ sa.dll AND Noise.dll ? This way Noise and _all_ the
> sa.dlls (with different names) would be viewed _directly_ as individual vst2
> plugins by the sequencer, and several of them could be _automatically_
> loaded
> on different sequencer tracks when opening a song. People would use Noise to
> develop plugins within a sequencer track (making it easy to test the
> orchestra
> with live inputs and/or a test sequence), but they could use the sa.dlls
> directly once they have been developed.

  Michel Jullian   Directeur General             email mj@exbang.com
  Exbang Industries S.A.
  Mas Chauvain   route de Villeneuve             tel +33(0) 499 529 878
  Maurin     34970 Lattes     France             fax +33(0) 499 529 879

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