Re: "-plugin" option for SFront (was Re: (vst2 ?) plugin output option for SFront ?)

From: Ross Bencina (
Date: Thu Sep 02 1999 - 07:35:40 EDT

Michel wrote:
>Which brings us back to the need of specifying an interface for sa.dll.
>John or somebody else familiar with sa.c please tell us whether sa's
>engine could be driven via a simple two-functions interface such as the one
>sketched in an earlier post (quoted below for convenience) ?

Let's face it, it's possible to reduce anything like this into a well
defined interface. But to propose an interface without a clear understanding
of the current implementation is silly - just asking John to confirm isn't
enough. Someone is going to have to do some serious analysis and design if
sa.dll is going to be robust and generally usefully.

IMHO you're going to need more that 2 functions. For a start you will need a
factory interface to spawn off multiple instances of the saengine (multiple
instances of the same plugin). As stated perviously it would be nice to have
some sort of reflection mechanism so that a user of sa.dll can query it to
find out info about the channel confiuration (mono, stereo etc.), perhaps a
list of global ksigs (they could be mapped to VST properties for example)
etc. If there is sample playback involved are you going to allow the user of
sa.dll to swap the wavetables at runtime or is that hardcoded when sa.dll is


>SFrontPlugInit() to initialize the plug (preferably with a sample rate
>argument overriding the saol sample rate, do you think that's possible John
>?), returning a pointer to an SFrontPlugInfo structure telling the host how
>many audio inputs and outputs the plug has (and maybe other properties ?).
>SFrontPlugProcessNextNFrames() to have the plug compute a time slice of N
>frames. Arguments to this function should comprise N (may be different from
>one call to the next), a pointer to a MidiInputEvents structure (compatible
>with VST's, pointing to events falling into the time slice,
>timestamped relative to the beginning of the time slice), and pointers to
>the audio input and output float buffers.
>I will add the following precision : although MIDI events' time stamps will
>frame-accurate, it obviously will not be required that they be taken into
>account before the following k-pass.
>Thanks for feedback.
> Michel Jullian Directeur General email
> Exbang Industries S.A.
> Mas Chauvain route de Villeneuve tel +33(0) 499 529 878
> Maurin 34970 Lattes France fax +33(0) 499 529 879

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