sfront v0.40 -- f.p. audio i/o support

From: John Lazzaro (lazzaro@CS.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: Sun Sep 05 1999 - 19:05:35 EDT

        Sfront version 0.40 -- 09/05/99 now available
for download at:

        From the change log:

[1] Sfront can now handle audio
input and output drivers that
require floating-point data
buffers. See audio driver
documentation for details.

[2] New -ain and -aout options
for .dat files, the ASCII data
format for the curve graphing
program view (part of the
Chipmunk tools, a UNIX toolset
under the GPL). This option uses
a floating-point driver.


        I've been reading through the sfront-related
postings in the mailing-list archives, particularly
the Windows-related ones. As Ross Bencina wrote:

> if sfront is going to remain a maintainable entity the burden of
> pluginwrapper development shouldn't be considered a "core" sfront
> responsibilty - that should be the job of a separate "kit" or tool.

        Maybe the time is approaching for the folks
interested in the pluginwrapper to fork an sfront version,
prototype your ideas on top of it, and see how well it
works. Instead of asking me to make changes in the current
sfront architecture, make them in your forked version instead.
Meanwhile, I'll continue to add user-contributed
work into sfront that is less ambitious in nature --
basically, code which fits into the driver specs as
described in:

        and bugfixes to the sfront core itself. I
think as the pluginwrapper project unfolds, it will
be obvious whether the right thing to do is to join
it back into sfront, or have it stand alone as a
Windows-only development.

                                                --john lazzaro

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