Re: SAINT on the web

From: Giorgio Zoia (
Date: Wed Sep 22 1999 - 04:35:48 EDT

At 09:34 AM 9/22/99 +0200, Michel Jullian wrote:
>Giorgio Zoia wrote:
>> - A development card with 4 SHARCS is about 5000 British pounds, i.e. nearly
>> 8000 US$
>> I hope this helps to understand the choice :-))
>Sorry to be so obtuse, but from the outside the pulsar package and yours

Why mine ? I do not sell it...we will just probably buy one...:-)))

>seem very similar :

I also agree.

>the dsp card can be programmed from the PC to accomplish
>any processing task (by loading a program compiled for the dsp into the card's
>RAM I suppose ?). Is there a fundamental difference, apart from the 4 dsps and
>the absence of a C++ compiler ? I understand a number of third parties are
>developing programs for the pulsar, do they need special development cards
>other than the $1500 one for this ?

What do you get with these packages ? If I understand correctly you buy the
and a music production software. You don't have the software development
environment for *the card*. Is that correct ? I.e., in my understanding you get
"the PC, the operating system and software applications", not VisualC++ or
BorlandC or CodeWarrior or whatever.
Now suppose you have a 2-Pentium motherboard. How do you compile code
for it ? Normal compilers generate code for a single processor. It depends on
the operating environment and how much you know it, and... I don't want to
loose myself in a huge something...

Now here we are: always in my understanding, when you have a single TriMedia
you buy the SDK for the TriMedia (Philips or CodeWarrior) and that's all.
You only need to know a little your card, addresses etc.
When you have 4 Sharcs, you buy a compiler for the Sharc and you have nothing.
You need a full understanding of the communication protocol on the card or
a compiler for that card. Am I wrong ? And then come the multi-dsp development
environments. And the kilodollars. The complete SDE+IREF for the TriMedia
is instead 2400 CHF for a University, i.e. 1600US$ (card+compilers + simulator+
profiler+libraries + MPEG-2 and AC-3 decoders, etc...). You have the same
for the
SHARC, but for ONE sharc. IMHO.

I hope that somebody can help me to see things better, if I need so.

Best regards,


Giorgio ZOIA

Integrated Systems Laboratory - DE/LSI - EPFL
CH-1015 Lausanne - SWITZERLAND

Phone: + 41 21 693 69 79 E-mail:
Fax: +41 21 693 46 63

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