Re: saolc used in streaming enviroment

From: Eric Scheirer (
Date: Tue Oct 19 1999 - 16:38:02 EDT

Hi Ross,

>Just for the record, I'm working on a
> p-code saol backend (presently using
>sfront for the front end) tentatively
> called sarun.

Wow, you're full of good news this week!! If you can
put up a web page with whatever info you have, I'd
like to link it also to the SA main page. Even just
a placeholder page with name and contact window
would be great.

The name "sauron" would be a cool one for an SA tool, too.

>Because of the whole GPL
>thing I expect to be able to leverage a
>large portion of John's opcode code
>and get something up and running relatively
> quickly.

Cool. I assume this means that your whole project will
be GPL also?

>I'm planning to
>implement a number of non-normative features
>such as loading new instruments
>on the fly, dynamic (re-)routing/scheduling
>of instruments etc.

I'm all in favor of this; I'd recommend a "-standard" or
"-vanilla" flag so that content authors who wish to can
check to make sure that their content is cross-platform.


 -- Eric

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