On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Michael Gogins wrote:
> Visual patch editor (boxes with wires that you pick up from a palette and
> drop onto a form), as in Generator/Reaktor, Syd, AudioMulch, aRTs, and
> countless other programs. There was one for Csound from Russell Pinkston
> called Patchwork that no longer seems to be supported. A GOOD one would be
> QUITE useful and, in fact, necessary for SAOL to compete in the popular
> music market.
Okay, but I understand that there are no 'ready' boxes. I mean, SAOL seems
to be a language for defining new methods of synthesis using low-level
opcodes and such.
You actually mean that my program would offer a standard library of such
'boxes' which have been created by other people (actually such a box is an
'instr' statement in SAOL?) and which can then conveniently be arranged on
a form (like in the Nord Modular software)?
In the end, if you press the 'output' button, a full SAOL program would
But in that case, it's just a matter of concatenating all the 'instr'
statements and add connection statements? In what way would such an editor
be challenging to implement then? I'm just asking because I don't know
enough (yet) ...
I tried to compile SAOLC on linux yesterday, but I got some errors on
missing 'main' in crt1.o. Anyone allready compiled the program on RedHat
Linux 6.0 ?
Thanks in advance!
Bert Schiettecatte bschiett@vub.ac.be
1e lic INF Vrije Universiteit Brussel
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