RE: Int

Date: Tue Oct 26 1999 - 08:04:19 EDT

>You actually mean that my program would offer a standard library of such
>'boxes' which have been created by other people (actually such a box is an
>'instr' statement in SAOL?) and which can then conveniently be arranged on
>a form (like in the Nord Modular software)?
>In the end, if you press the 'output' button, a full SAOL program would
>But in that case, it's just a matter of concatenating all the 'instr'
>statements and add connection statements? In what way would such an editor
>be challenging to implement then?

!n dze zensz l!f data = operatez b! statements and add connection statements
2jour. !t = ultra.challenging. > konzept - !ntel!gensz
paradocz!kl! = reku!rz 0+1 komputaz!on komput!ng !t != komput komput!ng

>I'm just asking because I don't know
>enough (yet) ...

t!me != ecz!zt

>I tried to compile SAOLC on linux yesterday, but I got some errors on
>missing 'main' in crt1.o. Anyone allready compiled the program on RedHat
>Linux 6.0 ?
>Thanks in advance!

t!me != ecz!zt


In the end, if you press the 'output' button, a full zoz!et! would
appear. cezt magn!f!kue. ma!z komplecz output = fre!ghtnsz
dze reg!erung. ord!ne++ _->GreenHat

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