Fw: MPEG-4 Workshop/Exhibition

From: Eric Scheirer (eds@media.mit.edu)
Date: Tue Oct 26 1999 - 08:29:03 EDT

>Dear Colleague,
>As one of the publicity activites of MPEG-4 Industry Forum and thanks to
>the sponsorship of IEEE CAS Society, the MPEG-4 Workshop/Exhibition
>will be held from May 28 to May 31, 2000 in Geneva, Switzerland. As a
>member of the Organizing Committee for this event, your help is very much
>This message is a reminder on the first deadline: November 1, 1999 (a week
>from today). This is the deadline for submitting papers to the Workshop.
>Please encourage your colleagues to submit their results on any MPEG-4
>related work. Due to the short notice, the four-page double-column format
>may be relaxed for initial submission. The important part is the paper
>Here is how to submit:
>1. Go to http://iscas.epfl.ch
>2. Click on submit_l (the last item on the side bar)
>3. Click on "go to submission section"
>4. Click on "Manuscript Submission Form"
>5. Fill out an on-line form about "Corresponding Author Information"
>6. Fill out an on-line form about "Manuscript Information"
>7. Select on of the sub-items in item 10
>9. Complete the step for "Manuscript Uploading"
>Please let me know if you have any questions. A full version of
>the Announcement is attached at the end of this message.
>Thank you very much.
>Best regards,
>P.S. I apologize if you have received this multiple times.
>Announcement and Call for Papers and Participation
>Workshop and Exhibition on MPEG-4 at ISCAS 2000
>MPEG-4 is the most recent International Standard for
>coding multimedia objects. To energize the development
>of MPEG-4 products and explore the full potential of
>MPEG-4 technologies, a Workshop/Exhibition devoted to
>MPEG-4 will be held from May 28 to May 31, 2000 in
>Geneva, Switzerland. The Workshop/Exhibition is sponsored
>by IEEE Circuits and Systems Society in corporation with
>the MPEG-4 Industry Forum. It will be co-located in time
>and place with IEEE International Symposium on Circuits
>and Systems (ISCAS 2000). It will include short courses
>on MPEG-4, demonstrations/exhibitions that showcase
>prototypes and products using MPEG-4, and technical
>sessions on the state-of-the-art research topics related
>to MPEG-4. The Workshop papers will be published in the
>Proceedings of ISCAS 2000. A selected number of Workshop
>papers will be invited to submit an expanded version for
>publication in a special issue of IEEE Transactions on
>Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (CSVT).
>Contributions are solicited in the following categories:
>Technical Papers
>Original technical papers are solicited on the research
>topics related to MPEG-4, such as encoding optimization
>algorithms for MPEG-4, innovative architectures and designs
>for implementing MPEG-4, and creative applications of using
>MPEG-4. Advanced research papers addressing similar
>functionalities of MPEG-4 are also solicited in video coding,
>visual object coding, still texture coding, SNHC, audio coding,
>systems, Internet streaming, and A/V content management and
>protection. Papers without comparison results with MPEG-4 tools
>will not be handled by the Workshop but may be referred to ISCAS
>Multimedia and Communications Track for review.
>. Author's Schedule:
> - Deadline for Submission of Papers: November 1, 1999
> - Notification of Acceptance: December 23, 1999
> - Deadline for Submission of Final Papers: January 31, 2000
>. Authors should use the following address for electronic
>submission of papers:
>The full four-page paper in double column format, including paper
>title, authors' names and affiliation, and a short abstract is
>requested. Only electronic submissions (pdf or postscript format)
>will be accepted. Those authors who are unable to send in their
>contribution electronically are asked to contact the program chairs
>(e-mail: iscas2000@esat.kuleuven.ac.be, fax +32/16/32.19.70) for
>further instructions. Once accepted, the authors will be asked to
>prepare the final four-page paper for the publication in the ISCAS
>2000 Proceedings. Please clearly mark on your submitted paper that
>the submission is to the IEEE/MPEG Workshop and Exhibition on MPEG-4.
>When using the Web site, please choose under "Topic Description" the
>Section "MPEG-4 Workshop and Exhibition".
>Prospective contributors should use the following address for
>electronic submission of their abstracts for demonstration/exhibition
>(plain text format) by February 1, 2000:
>Please clearly type that the submission is to the IEEE/MPEG Workshop
>and Exhibition on MPEG-4 in your submitted abstract. When using the
>Web site, please choose under "Topic Description" the Section "MPEG-4
>Workshop and Exhibition". The abstracts will be published in the
>Program of ISCAS 2000 as they are submitted.
>Contact Information
>For technical papers:
>Prof. Ming-Ting Sun
>Dept. of Electrical Engineering
>University of Washington
>Seattle, Washington 98195
>Phone: (206) 616-8690
>Fax: (206) 543-3842
>Email: sun@ee.washington.edu
>For demo/exhibition abstracts:
>Rob Koenen
>KPN Research
>P.O.Box 421
>2260 AK Leidchendam
>The Netherlands
>Phone: +31 70 332-5310
>Fax: +31 70 332-5567
>Email: r.h.koenen@research.kpn.com
>For general information:
>Weiping Li
>Optivision, Inc.
>3450 Hillview Ave.
>Palo Alto, CA 94304
>Phone: (650)845-2632
>Fax: (650)354-8867
>Email: li@optivision.com
>Organizing Committee
>Leonardo Chiariglione
>Ming L. Liou
>Program Chair:
>Weiping Li
>Short Course Chair:
>Fernando Pereira
>Exhibition Chairs:
>Rob Koenen, Takuyo Kogure, Ajay Luthra
>Technical Committee Chairs:
>Thomas Sikora, Ming-Ting Sun, Ya-Qin Zhang
>Technical Committee Members and Areas of
>Olivier Avaro (Systems)
>Thomas Sikora (Video)
>Schuyler Quackenbush (Audio)
>Eric Petajan (SNHC)
>Ya-Qin Zhang (Still Texture)
>Joern Ostermann (Competing Technologies)
>Ming-Ting Sun (Coordination with ISCAS Track)
>Organizing Committee Members:
>Ishfaq Ahmad, Kiyoharu Aizawa, Dimitris Anastassiou,
>Olivier Avaro, Jim Brailean, Karlheinz Brandenburg,
>Liang-Gee Chen, Xuemin Chen, Tihao Chiang, Leonardo
>Chiariglione, Reha Civanlar, Gianluca De Petris, Pete
>Doenges, Miroslav Dokic, Jean-Claude Dufourd, Touradj
>Ebrahimi, Alexandros Eleftheriadis, Robert Forchheimer,
>Michael Frater, Stephan Geyesberger, Chuang Gu, Carsten
>Herpel, Jurgen Herre, Jyri Huopaniemi, Hong Jiang,
>Itaru Kaneko, Rob Koenen, Takuyo Kogure, Murat Kunt,
>Sang Uk Lee, Youngjik Lee, Haibo Li, Weiping Li,
>Ming L. Liou, Ajay Luthra, Torsten Mlasko, Hans G. Musmann,
>Yuichiro Nakaya, King N. Ngan, Jens-Rainer Ohm, Joern
>Ostermann, Sethuraman Panchanathan, Fernando Pereira,
>Eric Petajan, Peter Pirsch, Atul Puri, Schuyler Quackenbush,
>Jean-Bernard Rault, Niels Rump, Eric Scheirer, Jae-Seob Shin,
>Julien Signes, Thomas Sikora, Iraj Sodagar, Huifang Sun,
>Ming-Ting Sun, Viswanathan Swaminathan, Ali Tabatabai,
>Thiow Keng Tan, Gabriel Taubin, Murat Tekalp, Mauri Vaananen,
>Riitta Vaananen, Jan van der Meer, Zhixiong Wu, Yoichi Yagasaki,
>Haoping Yu, Ya-Qin Zhang, Minhua Zhou

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