Re: sfront encoding-order

From: Mike Coleman (
Date: Tue Nov 30 1999 - 19:08:26 EST

At 6:06 PM -0500 11/30/99, Eric Scheirer wrote:
>2. I don't think any particular concern with the
>technical content of MP4 or MPEG-4 systems was being
>raised, only the fact that non-MPEG people can't yet
>see the specifications for them.

OK, I see. You have a legacy format that uses .mp4 as its extension,
and it isn't what I have been calling mp4. You also have difficulty
knowing about the 'real' mp4 because it hasn't been published by ISO.

If you want to know about the MP4 file format before the standard is
available you should look at the QuickTime format specification on
Apple's web site. There is not much difference between QuickTime
files and MP4, and I would be happy to describe the differences to
people who want to know.

For people who prefer to read code (I admit to being one of these),
it may be possible for you to obtain the MP4 reference software from
Apple instead of waiting for ISO. The terms of the ISO copyright
agreement allow the author (Apple in this case) to give the code to
you if they wish. Since I wrote that code for Apple, I know who to
ask and believe they may permit this, so let me know if you are
interested and I will ask.

I think structured audio is one of the best parts of MPEG-4, so I am
very interested in making sure that we can store and stream it


Mike Coleman <>
Five Bats Research, Portland Oregon
Phone +1 503 245-8177 / Fax +1 707 922-1088

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