Pick up sfront 0.49 12/4/99 at:
From the change log:
Version 0.49 -- 12/04/99 (download)
[1] Optimizations of
several core opcodes:
buzz, aline, kline,
aexpon, and kexpon.
[2] Imports tables are
now implemented as
imports exports tables
when it is safe to do so.
---Here's how these optimzations impact two of the test programs, pc.saol and vowels.saol, run on a 450Mhz PIII under linux:
sfront 0.48 sfront 0.49
/usr/bin/time -p ./sa /usr/bin/time -p ./sa
real 7.50 real 1.14 user 7.49 user 1.14 sys 0.00 sys 0.00
sfront 0.48 sfront 0.49
/usr/bin/time -p ./sa /usr/bin/time -p ./sa
real 63.30 real 39.49 user 63.08 user 39.31 sys 0.20 sys 0.17
The buzz() opcode optimizations are the most interesting, the buzz opcode created band-limited pulse waveforms that can vary dynamically at the k-rate by changing three parameters (the first and last harmonic to sum, and a parameter that sets the rolloff of the spectrum). The optimized version of buzz() computes samples in a manner independent of the values of the three parameters, by using a series summation. See the code for details ...
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