SAINT compiler release

From: Giorgio Zoia (
Date: Thu Dec 23 1999 - 11:49:43 EST

Hi all,

        the establishment of the announced SAOG consortium is
experimenting some annoying bureaucracy problems here at the
EPFL, and I was not able to solve them today.
Since I decided to announce the release into the public
domain of a first part of SAINT, I announce anyway the release
of the SAINT compiler under LGPL licensing (the difference with
the normal GPL is essentially that you can develop commercials
out of it, if you include it as a Library into another Program).
The unfortunate point is that, until perhaps half-january, if somebody
is interested in having it, he will need to "command" it to me by e-mail
(i.e. just drop me an e-mail saying who you are and that you want the
saint compiler). If you are active during Christmas holidays you will
receive it immediately when I'll be back, i.e. the 4th of January.

When SAOG will be running the distribution will pass inside the
scope of SAOG.

The saint compiler essentially includes the SAOL lexer/parser (in c,
so you don't need to know and have lex/yacc to modify it), the
syntax checker and the rate checker with an intermediate symbol
table, examples of core opcodes splitted into VM macro-instructions,
a non-optimized feedback analysis and creation of b-b-b and
s-b-s blocks of code. More information is in the readme file of
the distribution and above all in the code comments. Some important
things like templates and fft/ifft are still unsupported. Bitstreams
are decoded through the same saolc module. The software is distributed
with the Makefile for gcc/g++ but also compiles at least with cc/CC (Solaris),
and Borland/MS Visual on a Windows platform.

Within the end of january we plan to release another big block of
code, including a post processor (resolution of x_rates, inline
expansion of opcodes among them), allocation of final memory
structures (registers, instruction memory, final symbol tables),
the final blocks of code (with direct links to the memory spaces,
i.e. direct addresses) and the scheduler execution, plus of course
some of the macro-instruction implementations with examples
of integration of vectorial libraries in block operations. Essentially
a nearly final structure for the VM on general purpose platform, i.e.
turning on the same processor of the compiler.

I take the occasion to wish you all a merry merry Christmas,


Giorgio ZOIA

Integrated Systems Laboratory - DE/LSI - EPFL
CH-1015 Lausanne - SWITZERLAND

Phone: + 41 21 693 69 79 E-mail:
Fax: +41 21 693 46 63

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