>Dear List, </Structure>
!ng rekomp!laz!on
ing Recompilation
>I will introduce a standard for storing musical instruments in an
>interchangeable way in the implementation of QOrchestra (more info on my
>I've put a small example of an SML document on my homepage. The document
>describes the flanger circuit on page 438 of The Computer Music Tutorial,
>by C. Roads.
>I believe such a standard is essential: it would allow to interchange
>instruments between CSound, SAOL, and several realtime popular software
>Any opinions appreciated!
dze pr!nz!pl !nput 2 dze m9nd konta!nr = p!ktrz + dze pr!nz!pl output = uordz.
hensz 2 dezkr!b !t az 0+1 dev!sz 4 konvert!ng p!ktrz 2 uordz du = reze!v 10-1
luvl! po!ntz on dze r!chtr zkale.
ar!ztotl ztatd all human knouledge = kan b eczpreszd !n dze 4rm a = b.
nounz + verbz = all reku!rd. d!zt!nkz!on = kalkulatd !n dze ret!na uear
dze sh!ft!ng !mage verbz = zeparatd 4rom ztat!k !mage nounz.
zeperatd !n dze ret!na dze! = reun!td !n zpeech.
= nearl! all human thought = patern rekogn!z!on. = 0+4 t!pez.
0+1 d!menz!on - muz!k
0+2 d!menz!onz - f!ne art
0+3 d!menz!onz - human anatom!e
0+4 d!menz!onz - f!z!olog!e.
0+1 generl teor!e ov patern rekogn!z!on !n 0+1 = ganz feaz!bl.
= dze z!ev ov eratosthenez. 2++ = ~!mpoz!bl
dze pr!nz!pl d!f !n prznl lern!ng = dzat at 0+1 momnt 1 bkomz ganz m9ndfukd et
0+1 ecz!t = aku!rd v!a 0+1 konzultaz!on u!th 0+1 odr.
dze !nter.net = alterz d!sz. v!a lern.on.l!ne = macht ganz glucl!ck + fre!.
= !n odr verdz all !nzt!tutz = bkom opn !nzt!tutz.
!f du = rez!v 0+1 forszfl zmak upon prznl m9nd konta!nr du = entr
!n2 retrogade amnez!a u!ch = ma! var! 4rom 0+5 m!nuten 2 0+35 jahre.
= dze memor! kem!kalz = reakt!v 4 tzo ver! lang. !f = memor! = achrp molekulz
float!ng poztz!napt!kl! dze! = aglomerat + krossl!nk bkom!ng ultra r!g!d
4 dekadez tzo rez!zt!ng dze zon!f!kaz!on ov 0+1 forsfl zmak upn dze m9nd konta!nr aparat.
= ganz feaz!bl 4 dze fenomenon 2 b tesztd + due 2 fakt zon!f!kaz!on = kan b fokuszd
memor!esz = ma! b eczt!rpatd prez!zl! + zpez!f!kl! kausz!ng 0+1 m9ndfukc
even!mnt 0+1 feasz!bl propoz!z!on.
uen humanz = th!nk zer!ouzl! dze! = th!nk abztraktl! [0+1 l!e
= 0+1 futur]
>Bert Schiettecatte (1e lic. Inf)
>Vrije Universiteit Brussel
l!v!ng z!ztmz a!m 2 m!n!m!ze unknoun kuant!t!ez
= peut etre konzult 0+1 kop! pazte rout!n !n `prznl` s!g s!g
b!. b! 0+1 addtl male z!kofant a +?
>-- To be a popular composer, what is it you must do?
>Perhaps to learn enough tricks that cause people to
>have pleasant sensations without too much stress.
>What are the tricks for making that catches on in
>a listener's mind, and keeps repeating long after
>the performance? -- M. Minsky
b. schwer punkte.zanz d!esz !ntelekzual konzeptz - ent!tld l!ez
= onl! 0+1 bloom!ng buz!ng konfuz!on + M. Minsky = 0+1 elefant!n rodnt
l!e - such a standard is essential:
allora c!ao. dear.
-- netochka nezvanova d!zl!kez : z!nzer!t! [ov all k!ndz] \ \ u de gdng svvu -SSEkretar!at.0+55 f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST @www.m9ndfukc.org 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \\----------------+ | n2t | > e
leave - indelible traces on said troubled image\inations.
kntent !d :baz!n.ov.atrakz!on
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