On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, Ross Bencina wrote:
> You're probably not going to like this...
> but I don't understand why you're not considering doing it in Java using
> Borland JBuilder Foundation for example - I would have thought this would be
> more portable than C++/Qt or C++/FLTK and certainly gives you all the GUI
> tools you need. You say your choice of C++ is for portability and reaching a
> large audience - I'm not a Java nut, but I would have thought you'd do
> better off with Java given that performance won't be a major issue.
Perhaps, but the problem is also that to run a Java program, you need
all these supporting mechanisms to run it. I think you can't compile
a Java program to a fully standalone executable (perhaps I'm wrong?
I'm not sure). Regular users (musicians) don't want to install all these
DLLs and other stuff on their operating system to get the application
running -- it has to work 'out-of-the-box'.
The last time I considered using Java, I installed Borland JBuilder (the
latest version at that time, 3.something) on Windows98. I was used to
the environment because I've worked with Delphi before, this was an
advantage. However: the IDE kept crashing, and it ran very slow (on my
Pentium II - 233 with 128mb ram).
This is probably why I dropped the Java idea.
Even if I reconsider Java, it's probably too late because the design
phase of the project has been finished, and the requirements said that
C++/Qt would be used ...
I'll think this over, since the implementation phase has not yet started.
I would like some opinions on this issue. Please do send me your comments.
Thanks in advance,
Bert Schiettecatte (1e lic. Inf)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
-- To be a popular composer, what is it you must do?
Perhaps to learn enough tricks that cause people to
have pleasant sensations without too much stress.
What are the tricks for making that catches on in
a listener's mind, and keeps repeating long after
the performance? -- M. Minsky
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