Commandline Options in output sa.c

From: Michael J McGonagle (
Date: Sun Jan 30 2000 - 03:16:32 EST


I had noticed this question once many months ago, but was not sure if
there was a resolution. I have been messing with writing a control
driver and have been making these changes by hand. I figured out how to
change sfront to add these modifications, and it only required changing
one file (csrclib.c). This is what I have been using, maybe it could be
added to sfront??

...this is defined with all the other csysi things...
#define COMMANDLINE(argc, argv) csysi_commandline(argc, argv)

void csysi_commandline(int argc, char *argv[]) {
 // do your init

...this is where the changes to sfront would be...
#define COMMANDLINE(argc, argv)

main(int argc, char *argv[])

  COMMANDLINE(argc, argv);
...remainder of file...


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