Re: updated sdif2mp4 files

From: Richard Dobson (
Date: Sat Feb 19 2000 - 08:36:10 EST

Ah, right; but there is no idication on the SDIF download site that
sdif2mp4 had been updated.

I have downloaded the new code set, and, after some changes (had to
remove "malloc_alloc" from the <vector> declarations), got it to build,
but the generated mp4 file seems to be corrupted - saolc rejects it with
copious error messages, and crashes. On dumping the orc, most numeric
values, including the srate, are garbage, as if not written, or back to
front, or something.

My version generates a mp4 file that is completely accepted by saolc (my
build), and synthesises to a healthy soundfile. sfront55 (downloaded
build) reports similar numeric errors, but it looks like it only has a
problem with floating-point fields - it reads srate and other integer
fields correctly. I don't have the time to investigate this myself, and
I am not a bitstream adept anyway!

I see that the bitstream files have had several significant changes from
the version I am using in saolc and in sdif2mp4. I have not made any
changes to those files. These changes imply that saolc itself has been
updated, but there has been no mention of this on the saol lists, and
there is also no indication in bistream.cpp itself. If this is an
'official' update which is supposed to replace the one in saolc, it
really needs to be documented as such in the source file. As I do have a
working combination of sdfi2mp4 and saolc, I don't want to make any
changes that may break that; though it would be nice to be abe to run
sfront on the mp4 files too.

I haven't had an answer to my original question, but I will asssume I
should not publish my version of sdif2mp4 until advised otherwise.

Richard Dobson

Matt Wright wrote:
> We updates sdif2mp4, and the current version should be what you
> see on the CNMAT SDIF web page. I'll have time to look at your
> version next week; perhaps a merge is in order.
> -Matt

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