CPS Announcement MPEG-4 SA

From: Niels Gorisse (niels@bonneville.nl)
Date: Wed Feb 23 2000 - 23:59:39 EST


Bonneville is proud to announce CPS to you. CPS is a realtime programming
environment for audio, MIDI and other I/O. Patches are build by placing
objects and making wires between them. Areas of interest are sound design,
algorithmic composition, DSP, electronic/computer music and education.

Build-in objects allow low-level access to audio and MIDI. Objects include
audio and MIDI in- and output, filters, fourier analyse, noise generators,
envelopes, and much more objects like graphical feedback objects, tables
which you can fill with 'generators' and several powerfull network features.

All MPEG-4 Structured Audio opcodes are implemented in CPS. CPS will
gradually support more and more MPEG-4 Structured Audio items, starting
with 'save as .saol', which makes CPS not only a realtime implemention of
the opcodes, but also a realtime graphic instrument designer.

CPS is a truly realtime interactive toolkit, suitable to make any realtime
'machine' with it in software. It doesn't make any difference weither you
are processing audio in realtime, or generating MIDI output, for example
based on realtime user input.

CPS is not only an interactive realtime toolkit; it is also a friendly
graphical user environment. CPS has a subpatch architecture (of unlimited
depth), with which you can put parts of you patch within one object.
Furthermore, objects in CPS have a dynamic number of in- and outputs at
runtime, tooltips and online help, and CPS has a strict visual separation
between signals on audiorate (left-right) and controlrate (above-below) so
that a patch idealy looks like a raster. If something goes wrong on runtime
you can see where it happens in your patch thanks to the graphical feedback.

Within CPS you can work on 'sample precision' locally; simply use the same
objects as you would use for processing controlrate signals like MIDI, to
create for example small audio feedback loops. You can also set the
buffersize very low (or: the krate very high).


CPS is ideal for (DSP-) programmers. It is _extremely_ easy to build a
plugin for CPS. The only knowledge needed is basic ANSI C/C++. You can
directly start making a platform-independent plugin which for example works
with streaming audio and reacts on MIDI too. You can use any build-in CPS
object (including the MPEG-4 Structured Audio ones), in your new plugin if
you want.

You can easily build an advanced graphical interface for your plugin in the
platform-independent language 'Java'. You can directly communicate with
your C++ - plugin fromout the graphical interface. If needed, you can also
save as many data within your plugin as you want, and even define your own
classes for storage.

For more information, check out the website at http://www.bonneville.nl/cps
. Here you can read the manual and the F.A.Q.'s, sign in to the CPS
mailinglist, and more. CPS is currently available for the Microsoft Windows
`95/`98/2000 platform. You can download a demo version, which can still
load and save patches, or buy the full version online for US$ 125.

Thank you,

Niels Gorisse

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