> A hurdle I came across is the fact that in sfront new SASL-event-calls
> have to hardcode the instrument label in symbols, making it impossible
> to instantiate new events without having to rewrite/-compile the driver
> for each orchestra. Is there a simple way to come across this problem
> (maybe it even isn't one :)?
Today, there isn't -- this is coming "real soon now" to sfront, the
control driver interface will include functions and macros to let
the control driver know the structure of the SAOL program. Several
people have asked for this functionality in different forms, so I
think I know enough about what's needed for applications to make
something that's generically useful ...
The only workaround I could suggest in the meanwhile is to have the
control driver look at the sa.c file it lives in, find the #defines
for instrs and variables, and then use the information. This is truly
ugly, I admit ... just a stopgap suggestion.
> I also wondered how SAOL and SASL deal with realtime SASL-events
> (i.e. events that do not have a predictable duration); is there a
> something similar to MIDI's noteon/-off concept?
It's possible to set the duration of a SASL instr line to -1, which
means it plays indefinitely -- similiar in spirit to MIDI NoteOn. The
SAOL instrument can manage the length of any instr (be it a -1 or a
finite duration) using extend() and turnoff(), see:
for complete information on managing control via SAOL, and specifically:
for the extend() and turnoff() commands, as well as:
for standard names that help the programmer manage the process of controlling
instrument length.
Hope this helps!
--john lazzaro
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