Re: Troubleshooting Techniques to use with SAOL/sfront

From: Michael J McGonagle (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 22:00:33 EST

> This sort of interface, combined with implementing printf()'s as
> an sfront-specific SAOL construct (like idump and kdump are
> saolc-specific constructs), should bring debugging SAOL out
> of the stone age.

One thing that I do like about how 'saolc' does its "dump" is to allow
control as to when these things happen. Or do you think it might be more
simple (read "elegant") if sfront were to determine the "rate" of the
printf() from the parameters? Or do you see a need for 'iprintf()',
'kprintf(), etc...?

Anyway, I did figure that there was some "magic" you had up your selve,
but you are also very intimate with sfront and what is going on inside.



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