Re: N2203SA errata? + Re: saol player

From: Giorgio Zoia (
Date: Wed Apr 19 2000 - 11:20:34 EDT

Eric Scheirer wrote:
>One of the things on my to-do list is to assemble and submit
>a list of corrigenda (errors and their fixes) to the SA
>standard. Don't send them yet, I'll send out a call in
>a few weeks.

I think you were informed by Schuyler or somebody else
that an action for an Audio corrigendum has been started
at the last mpeg meeting in the NL. An official corrigendum
will be issued in Beijing next July and submitted to national
bodies for fast approval (october ??).
At the same time it is highly probable that versions 1 and 2
of MPEG-4 Audio (for SA there is no version 2), plus their
corrigenda will be integrated in a new complete document that
will be called MPEG-4 Audio Second Edition, according to
ISO (not MS :-)) terminology.

>If you mean AudioBIFS, the FCD code is closer to what the
>final code will look like (final code is still in revision,
>I'm afraid). If you mean the rest of BIFS (the MPEG-4
>IM-1 implementation), I'm not sure on the exact status,
>but I suspect the FCD software is out of date.

To my knowledge, the IM1 problem is that a "version 1"
software does not exist anymore. Bug fixes from FCD to FDIS
were merged with enhancements of MPEG-4 Systems version
2, and then 3, etc...
Anyway I recently analysed IM1, and it only includes Advanced
Audio BIFS for version 2, i.e. advanced spatialization through
geometric and perceptual parameters, plus AudioSource and

>There's no good AudioBIFS software at all right now. Perhaps
>Youngmoo or Giorgio could comment on their respective efforts.

To be honest my approach is still at a very primitive state but,
as I said last week to the saog-forum list, I am trying to integrate
the whole "audioBIFS layer" in a single extended orchestra, where all
the audio nodes are described as instruments. As it was for the
SAINT concept, the idea is to solve all that is possible at the
compiler level, and have an audio engine with just a few changes
from what we already have. Elementary bifs (version 1) scenes, with
AudioFX node too, already runs like that in our rough software

Best regards,


Giorgio ZOIA

Integrated Systems Laboratory - DE/LSI - EPFL
CH-1015 Lausanne - SWITZERLAND

Phone: + 41 21 693 69 79 E-mail:
Fax: +41 21 693 46 63

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