input[1] in an instrument with no input in elpelele.saol.

From: Robin Davies (
Date: Fri May 12 2000 - 20:50:25 EDT


I made some revisions recently to Sfx to correctly deal with calculations of
input widths per the specification. The statement in elepele.saol that reads
"output(input)" caused me a great deal of grief when input was being widened
to two samples. The changes were gruesome since calculating the output
widths of instruments seems to be a three pass operation: (1) run the
program through the SAOL grammar, generating a parse tree for the program;
opcodes have to be unbound because they can be defined after the instr
declaration. (2) Walk the entire parse tree in order to calculate input
widths using a default input width of 1. (3) Walk the routing table,
assigning real input widths based on the output widths generated in pass 2.
(4) rebind the opcodes, widening expressions as neccessary now that the real
input widths are known.

Now I when I run Sfx on elpelele.saol, I get the following error message
from the Sfx compiler.

   "Error: using input standard name within an instrument that has no

This seems to be perfectly correct. The extra reverb instruments in elpelel
(small_room and schroeder) refer to input[0] and input[1], but they don't
have any send statement to establish an input width. The instruments *have*
to be generated because theoretically, instances could be created by SASL
instrument events. (I'm using the sfront version of elpelele, if it makes
any difference.

Has anyone else encountered this problem? Solutions? Theories? Guesses? Has
anyone raised this as a corrigendum issue yet?


Robin Davies.

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