I've been finding tablereads kinda oppressive when trying to write realtime
instruments with Sfx. Tablereads are a *lot* slower than array references,
since either interpolation has to be performed, or an explicit test has to
be made for the integer-ness of the index. Neither of these is terribly
fast. I'm not sure that interp settings have an effect either way. I'm just
polishing off a performance monitor opcode, but I rather suspect that Sfx's
high-quality interpolator is acually faster than the linear interpolation of
"interp 0" due to the divide required to do linear interpolation. (I'll find
out tomorrow).
My grumble for today: SAOL could *really* use an integer version of
I've been tracing through elpelele to figure out why it doesn't run in
realtime. (Reason one: trills and sustains generate enormous numbers of note
instances because SAOl doesn't perform voice scavenging of midi; reason two:
although I can run about 90 elpelele voices, the reverb blows the entire
compute budget because of heavy table-reads performed at a-rate (and a
gratiutous call or two to pow as well)).
Soo.. I came up withe the bright idea of writing my own voice scavenger.
And then the following horrible thought occurred to me.
#define MAX_MIDI_NOTE 128
globals {
ivar iLastNoteInstance[MAX_MIDI_NOTE];
kopcode IsNoteDuplicated(ivar iMidiNote)
imports exports iLastNoteDuplicated[MAX_MIDI_NOTE];
ivar iNoteInstance;
ksig kMidiNote;
ksig kResult;
kMidiNote = iMidiNote;
iLastNoteInstance[iMidiNote] = iLastNoteInstance[iMidiNote]+1;
iNoteInstance = iLastNoteInstance[iMidiNote];
if (iLastNoteIntance[kMidiNote] == iNoteInstance) { // [1]
return (0);
} else {
return (1);
The opcode determines whether another note with the same midi pitch has
started since the note started, so that duplicate midinotes can be
automatically note-off'ed.
It's soooo close to being legal. I suspect that its close enough that it
probably does work on most compilers.
Here's the problem. It's a subtle one. If the iLastNoteInstance array really
is copy-in/copy-out-ed then it gets copied-in and copied-out at the
beginning and the end of the i-rate execution pass. Hence, the array
reference on line [1], which would otherwise be legal, fails to get the
correct value since the array doesn't get copied in at the beginning of a
k-cycle. Semantically, I suppose this would be an error, although the
standard doesn't consider this case, although it does explicitly say that
the l-value rate is calculated as expected by this opcode.
I know that SFRONT uses references for imports/exports. Sfx certainly does.
I'm not sure what SAOLC does. Using a reference instead of a
copy-in/copy-out seemed like a pretty safe thing to do, since unless
aliasing occurs, copy-in/copy-out and call-by-reference are provably
equivalent (or so I thought). Since imports exports statements use the
global name, no aliasing can occur.
However, here's a test that would allow a program to actually determine
whether the target of an imports exports statement actually is using
copy-in/copy-out or direct references.
(btw, the fix for the given opcode is to add a first-time flag and grab the
note instance at k-rate, so I'm not toooo upset yet. I'm more concerned
about the fact that behaviour in this case is.. well.... is it or isn't it
Robin Davies.
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