Hi Everyone,
Quick pointer to an Xfree86.org (the folks who maintain
the version of the X Window System that ships with free Unices
like Linux and FreeBSD) mailing list that has been re-awakened
after a hiatus, the purpose of the mailing list is to discuss
architectures for a useful "audio server" architecture for UNIX --
i.e. a system that lets multiple applications share the same
soundcard simultaneously, like the X Window System lets apps
share the same screen.
Since AudioBIFS + Structured Audio was designed to solve
this sort of problem for MPEG 4 Systems, proposing it to them
seems quite the reasonable thing to do -- however, since I
really don't have an indepth knowledge of AudioBIFS, I don't
think I'm the right person to evangelize the idea. Here's the
mailing point if anyone is interested in taking up the cause:
John Lazzaro -- Research Specialist -- CS Division -- EECS -- UC Berkeley
lazzaro [at] cs [dot] berkeley [dot] edu www.cs.berkeley.edu/~lazzaro
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