Re: introduction

From: tobiah (
Date: Wed Jul 19 2000 - 11:51:27 EDT

I'm a converted csound user. My immediate experience
was that sfront was able to provide me with dramatically
improved realtime response; very low latency, and greatly
increased polyphony.

There is a list called which
is more for this type of discussion.

Richard Bowers wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Richard Bowers and I am a composer of computer music who has used
> CSound pretty much consistently for about 5 years. I'm interested in the
> SAOL/SASL language and particularly in what it may offer for realtime
> performance. However, judging from Eric Scheirer's introductory message,
> this list may not be for me (too technical). I'll listen in for the time
> being, if that's ok.
> Richard Bowers.

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