The latest version of Visual Orchestra SAOL edition (0.2.11) has just been
released under the GNU General Public License, bringing the software inline
with many other MPEG4 tools. The full source code for the project as well
as an updated binary package and documentation is now available at the
VOSAOL homepage
I have also converted the source tree to hypertext format for online
browsing using the very neat VBSurfer package http://www.vbsurfer.com. See
the bottom of the contents frame at the VOSAOL homepage for buttons to these
In the future, I shall be maintaining a canonical version of the source, a
binary package and the documentation and would be very pleased for any
assistance to help to create an even better MPEG4-SA Environment. If you
are interested in helping improve this software, or would like some
assistance with the source please join the VisOrc mailing list
(mailto:majordomo@student-kmt.hku.nl with "subscribe visorc" in body) where
discussions of this nature can be held.
As I do not have another test machine I would be very grateful to hear from
people who are trying to compile the source with any problems or otherwise.
David Perry
ICQ: 78039692
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