Re: empty expression lists in return statements?

From: Ross Bencina (
Date: Thu Aug 24 2000 - 18:53:09 EDT

John Lazzaro wrote:
>It would seem to add an extra check for zero-width expressions in the
>main width checking routine, just for the one case ( <expr>; statement)
>where its allowed to happen

But wouldn't the check would be: if( width != singleValued ) in most cases

Given the current standard, using a zero width opcode in a composite
expression is "undefined" - semantically it is nonsense, so I don't think
your solution holds much water. Besides, it's not particularly efficient to
require zero return width udos to return 0.0 - and making all of the checks
necessary to optimise it away would be more work than changing your width
checking code.

Best wishes,


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