Greetings all,
Lately I've been playing with the ANTLR parser generator, which generates
LL(k) parsers in C++, Java and Sather. ANTLR can generate lexers, parsers
and tree walkers. Generated parsers and tree walkers can automatically build
abstract syntax trees. Anyone interested in a modern parser generator should
really check out this tool at: (btw. it's free.)
I've finished a SAOL grammar for ANTLR (including template parsing) and have
decided to release it into the public domain to further the plight of SAOL.
This grammar targets C++ but modifying it to generate a Java parser is about
5 minutes work. You can download the grammar from my SAOL page:
I won't be announcing this elsewhere but please feel free to forward this
message to anyone who might be interested.
Best wishes,
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