Head scratching...

From: Michael McGonagle (fndsnd@earthlink.net)
Date: Sun Jul 29 2001 - 18:54:42 EDT

Hello all,

I have been reworking some code to generate a "text" representation of
midi instructions. In doing this, I am using the 'printf' statement
provided by sfront.

I have run across one pesky 'instr' definition that seems to be causing
sfront to generate a "segmentation fault". I don't understand this, as
there are about 15 other similar 'instr' defintions that work fine.

I have attached a copy of the code (a shortened version that has only
the offending code) along with the score file. As this file is, it still
generates the "segmentation fault".



instr mxl_keypress(tr, ch, p, v) {
        printf("<keypressure time=%g track=%1.0f channel=%1.0f note=%1.0f pressure=%1.0f />\n", time, tr, ch, p, v);
instr midi_xml() {
        ksig kinit;
        if (!kinit) {
                kinit = 1;
                instr mxl_keypress(0, .001, 0, 0, 40, 20);

0 midi_xml 2
6 end

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