> Is there something that I need to do?
Yes, type this:
uname -n
What comes back? Also type this:
more /etc/hosts
What comes back? This should provides some clues for me to
work with ... what's happening here is that your machine has
a deep identity crisis -- it doesn't know its own IP number,
at least some parts of it doesn't. So when its sets itself
up using these two lines:
if (gethostname(nsys_clientname, NSYS_HOSTNAMESIZE) < 0)
NSYS_ERROR_RETURN("Machine domain name unknown.");
if ((myinfo = gethostbyname(nsys_clientname)) == NULL)
NSYS_ERROR_RETURN("Machine IP number unknown.");
The first line succeeds but the second line fails. Its
probably a good idea to send these files back to me
privately instead of to the list, since these postings
get archived on the web and there's a small chance that
some hacker gets helped by knowning your /etc/hosts file
More generally though, there may not really be a reason for
a gethostbyname() failure to be catastrophic -- I hadn't
thought about the problem until now, all of the machinery
that does NAT-detection on the server end also can let the
"show go on" even if your machine has an identity crises ...
Also, I'm really more familiar with enterprise-style networks
than configuring ISP-style networks -- if there's a standard
fix for handling the "cable-modem machine can't translate its
own name into an IP number", please post and educate us all!
John Lazzaro -- Research Specialist -- CS Division -- EECS -- UC Berkeley
lazzaro [at] cs [dot] berkeley [dot] edu www.cs.berkeley.edu/~lazzaro
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