In message <> Steve wrote:
>>(3) I've released a new version of the source that fixes a couple bugs
>>and adds bitstream processing (so you can package up the SAOL, SASL, and
>>samples your piece needs into one file and "view" it with Netscape,
>>for example), also on the Web page.
>Are makefiles included for MSVC? Is this the compiler you used for the
>WIN32 version?
No, and yes. All you need to do is dump all the .c files except
for midifile.c, lex.yy.c, saol_encoder.c, and saol_midi.c into a
project and everything should work.
I'd like to hear build reports for multiple platforms if anyone
has the time. All I have right here is an SGI for the time being;
the previous version built correctly on SGI, WinNT, and Alpha. I'd
like to have reports for Linux, Sun, HP/UX, and Macintosh if
anyone is so inclined.
I can't guarantee immediate bugfixes if those compiles don't go,
but I'd like to know about it.
-- Eric
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