Dear Saolers,
you might be interested in taking a look at what some students of a
Compilers class have done under my supervision as projects about SAOL.
I have put a couple of these works on the web at
The first of them is an attempt at producing a semiautomatic (Java)
translator from csound to saol. The task is really hard, just as it is
hard to convert assembly into readable fortran code. A large amount of
manual work is expected to be spent for converting existing csound
orchestras into saol orchestras. However, the code is there for anyone
to use it. The only problem is that it has been commented and documented
in italian. If enough people will ask, I can come up with a translation
The second project is a tentative improvement into the error recovery
part of the saol parser (lex+yacc). Here we provide a kind of
translation into english of both the comments and the documentation.
I would like to do something more along these lines, but I don't have
time right now. However, I will be happy to receive any feedback.
-- +----------------------------------------------+ Davide Rocchesso Dipartimento Scientifico e Tecnologico Facolta' di Scienze - Universita' di Verona
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