This is just to say 'Hi!' to Ross; it's nice to see some new activity on
this list. In fact I am sorry that I have been silent with respect to
saol more or less since joining - just haveen't have much spare time to
do things with it yet. I got as far as compiling Sfront, but it wrote
some incorrect and uncompilable C code to the bottom of which I didn't
get (maybe there is a newer version?).
As a CDP developer, I like the fact that we can implement SAOL as part
of a commercial product, and that it is ~not~ defined by its code. I
have deliberatedly kept quiet about the Csound discussions as it has
already stirred up sometimes edgy debates about languages (which never
~ever~ get resolved!). Also, I find I don't have the taste for GUIs with
dangling patch cords <g>.
Does the new SAOL include support for WAVE files yet? If not, that is a
task I can do easily, including WAVE-EX with which I am getting
increasingly familiar.
I very much want to echo Eric's comments about encouraging ~all~
development of music/dsp languages. There are so many ways of doing
things (and so many gifted people doing them),and there is still so much
to develop.
Richard Dobson
Eric Scheirer wrote:
> To connect to the thread currently on the Csound list (Michael's "Proposal
> for a new version of Csound"), I'd encourage careful benefit analysis of
> the use of Csound in that context before undertaking a lot of development
> effort. If the goal is to benefit the existing Csound community, then
> obviously that's best done within the context of Csound. But if the goal
> is to make the world of software-synthesis better, then the disadvantage
> of SAOL's currently small user base should be weighed against the long-
> term advantages of having a single standard accepted both by the
> "academic" community and the multimedia industry.
> Just to make it explicit, I don't feel competitive about encouraging SAOL
> implementations at the cost of new work on Csound, SC, Quasimodo, and
> other such projects -- I think that any work in this arena is a good thing
> because all of the projects can feed off each other and help promote
> flexible software-synthesis as an alternative to the common practices
> in the PC industry today.
> Best,
> -- Eric
-- Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page! (LU: 19th May 1999) CDP: (LU: 14th June 1999)
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