Re: SAINT on the web

From: Dap (
Date: Wed Sep 22 1999 - 06:56:34 EDT

So if I understand correctly, the SAOL compiler will do all the compilation
and instruction scheduling stuff for the Trimedia!!!!?
I've heard Philips spend many man-year on the Trimedia compiler, because
instruction scheduling for a VLIW processor isn't easy. When do you plan to
finish your software?


-----Original Message-----
From: Giorgio Zoia <>
To: Dap <>; SAOL dev list <>
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: SAINT on the web

>At 10:11 AM 9/22/99 +0200, Dap wrote:
>>Wow, the Trimedia!
>>Does this mean you are also going to write the C++ compiler including
>>instruction schedular for the VLIW CPU? Or does the user need to buy
>>the Trimedia developper kit ($5000 I think)?
>The SAOL compiler will most probably stay in the PC. The scheduler and
>the execution will most probably stay in the TriMedia. No need for the TM
>SDE if you don't want to modify the tool/decoder, only in this case you
>a C/C++ compiler. Otherwise only the PCI card.
>ps: I guess $5000 if you also want CodeWarrior for TriMedia, otherwise much
>Giorgio ZOIA
>Integrated Systems Laboratory - DE/LSI - EPFL
>CH-1015 Lausanne - SWITZERLAND
>Phone: + 41 21 693 69 79 E-mail:
>Fax: +41 21 693 46 63

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