At 12:56 PM 9/22/99 +0200, Dap wrote:
>So if I understand correctly, the SAOL compiler will do all the compilation
>and instruction scheduling stuff for the Trimedia!!!!?
Yes and no. I forgot an important word: "virtual" compiler. It will generate
virtual code that will be interpreted in the TriMedia, it will not generate
VLIW optimized code (but vectorial anyway). Sorry for this mistake.
>I've heard Philips spend many man-year on the Trimedia compiler, because
>instruction scheduling for a VLIW processor isn't easy.
And so we will try to exploit their work, not do it again :-))
>When do you plan to finish your software?
The part that will be shared is almost complete, it needs clean-up, test,
etc... The platform dependent (TM) stuff will be developed in the next year
as I said in the first e-mail with this subject, the source code will not be
Best regards,
Giorgio ZOIA
Integrated Systems Laboratory - DE/LSI - EPFL
CH-1015 Lausanne - SWITZERLAND
Phone: + 41 21 693 69 79 E-mail:
Fax: +41 21 693 46 63
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