> I'm Bert Schiettecatte, a Computer Science student at the Free University
> of Brussels, Belgium, intrested in audio processing. I'm looking for an
> intresting programming project, that's why I joined the list, and
> offcourse because i'm a music enthousiast.
Hi Bert,
I'd suggest considering writing programs in SAOL, rather than
writing SAOL encoders/decoder tools, as a project -- be it an instrument
and effects library, or even better a generator system, that generated
SAOL code from a higher-level language or a GUI (for example, a Web
application that let people specify aspects of a class of physical
models by setting parameters, and then generated a SAOL program that
was the instrument).
These sorts of projects (especially the generator-type projects)
would result in a large base of SAOL code being built up quickly, which
the people working on decoders can then use to test/optimize their decoders.
In addition, it gives musicians instruments which they can use.
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