Re: Intro...

From: Bert Schiettecatte (
Date: Tue Oct 26 1999 - 03:51:55 EDT


> I'd suggest considering writing programs in SAOL, rather than
> writing SAOL encoders/decoder tools, as a project -- be it an instrument
> and effects library, or even better a generator system, that generated
> SAOL code from a higher-level language or a GUI (for example, a Web

I guess it'll have to be a GUI that generates SAOL code. But since SAOL is
such an open language in which you can program new instruments, how can a
GUI provide a very high-level way of specifying instruments?

> These sorts of projects (especially the generator-type projects)
> would result in a large base of SAOL code being built up quickly, which
> the people working on decoders can then use to test/optimize their decoders.
> In addition, it gives musicians instruments which they can use.

Indeed. I will probably develop the program in Java then, if I do it. In
that way, it can run on any platform and I don't have to worry about
portability of my GUI.

The other idea I had was making a real-time decoder, but make it a plugin
for FreeAmp ( I would use some of the SAOLC code for that
since I'm not a mathematician :).

Our assistants REQUIRE that we write in C++, Java or SmallTalk, and that
we have to 'design' at least a bit on our project. We need to use UML, use
cases, design patterns etc ...

But if I base my code on SAOLC and use the FreeAmp plugin architecture, do
I actually have any freedom to 'design' a new internal architecture for my

Thanks for any other suggestions,

Bert Schiettecatte
1e lic INF Vrije Universiteit Brussel

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