Creative to open-source SB-Live drivers

From: Eric Scheirer (
Date: Sat Oct 30 1999 - 12:33:59 EDT

For those who haven't heard, Creative has decided to open-source
the Linux drivers for its SB-Live card. This is interesting news
for the SAOL developer, because the SB-Live has a programmable
DSP on it. I don't know the exact specs, but I do know that although
it's not completely general-purpose (it doesn't have branching
instructions, for example), the Emu 10K1 chip has a variety of
features that would be useful to accelerate SAOL implementations.

So two things:

  1. Can any of the Creative/Emu people lurking on this list tell
     us whether the 10K1 spec is likely to be included as part of
     the open-source package? Will there be enough information
     that the non-registered developer will be able to program the
     10K1 and send code to the chip?

  2. I'd like to see some discussion and comments from people who
     know more about DSP compilers about the prospects of making an
     SB-Live accelerated version of sfront and/or SAINT, when
     Giorgio releases it. How hard are the
     practical issues involved in making an implementation where
     part of the code runs on the host and part runs on the sound
     card? Are there good theoretical models for doing the
     compiler optimizations for programmable but not general-purpose

Best to all,

 -- Eric

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